Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1006: Tongmen

Su Qingyu suddenly mentioned in his heart that his gradually calm heart suddenly jumped up again, not in the service area, and with the signal coverage of Yanjing, unless it was hiding in the old forest in the mountains, this kind of thing should not happen what.

Switching to the ghost's call turned out to be out of the service area, and then dialed Ji Qian's phone. No accident, it turned out to be a result ...

After all, Su Qingyu and Ye Shikai have lived for a long time, knowing that the life of the cultivation world is beyond ordinary people's imagination. Maybe they are "exploring" somewhere in the world. Now these people can't make phone calls. They should come again. What ruins have gone.

However, why didn't he say it in advance, thinking of this, Su Qingyu suddenly fell down, his taste remained faintly on the pillow, his thoughts were sad and worrying, Su Qingyu dialed a phone number, this is Elena's phone call. At first, Ye Shikai arranged this white beauty to enter the company to protect the safety of Su Qingyu and An Lan. But what she may not know is that when she was abroad, Elena was crazy about pursuing Ye Shikai. , Of course ... the ghost will not say this with Su Qingyu.

Even though the two have divorced now, Elena still stays at the company, partly because Ye Shikai asked her to protect Su Qingyu, and partly because she volunteered to stay. Compared with life abroad, Elena is still more I like my current identity.

"Hey, president, is there anything wrong?" Although it was already one o'clock in the morning, Elena's words were not sleepy at all.

"Well ... do you know where he went?" Su Qingyu hesitated a moment, still asked.

"Sir ... he is doing something inconvenient now." Elena had a meal first, and she was indifferent. Actually, she didn't expect that Su Qingyu would call her. In theory, Su Qingyu was not at all. Maybe you know that Ye Shikai went to the ruins. Isn't the news leaking?

"Is he going to another dangerous place again?" Su Qingyu reacted at once. Did she not know Ye Shikai yet, even if she got married, she couldn't relax.

"President, these things ... you still don't care." Elena was also very hesitant to tell her the truth.

"Hurry up, otherwise I'll come to you." Su Qingyu restored the cold and Yan tone in his usual day, and then the words turned into a threat.

"Okay, but I'll say this slowly."

"It's okay, I'll go to you now." Su Qingyu got up and put on her clothes while talking. After a nightmare, she had no sleepiness, and ... quite a spirit.

Elena was innocent, she still wanted to come, never mind, telling the matter one by one, and the province compiled so many lies.


"Xiao Kai, I didn't expect that you really let Li Yueying eat it." Chen Yuxin pulled La Ye Shikai's clothes, with a look of pride. Although she is expensive as a homeowner, Hua Xia pays attention to peace and peace, plus Li Fu's The influence was huge, and Li Yueying was "used" in Chang'an. I did not expect to meet Ye Shikai and he was cleaned up three or two times.

"The current affairs expert is Junjie. Even those who are capable must make decisions based on the current situation. At present, Li Yueying is only taking part of Li's house, and his strength is not as good as us. In addition, I killed two people in Li's house. After her, in addition, let those who want to make my baby's idea not to act lightly, not only Li Fu, but also Ji's family. "Ye Shikai said softly," But if you really meet Li Fu's owner, it will be a bit difficult. However, right now, betting is the most correct decision. "Ye Shikai is still a bit lucky, after all, the ruins are very large, Li Fu must have attacked multiple ways, the probability of encountering is not high.

The people continued to move forward, and soon came to a copper facade. With Ye Shikai's knowledge, this should be the largest copper door he had seen with his own eyes, and there were also many large owls and patterns carved on it. Of course, Ye Shikai was watching I don't understand.

"Xiao Xin, you can't read these words." Ye Shikai asked.

"I don't understand, but my men know." Chen Yuxin waved his hand, and a man with glasses came out, looking more like a "traditional scholar" studying history.

"This bronze door is heavy, and people who are not destined must not open it." The man translated the words on one side, and everyone was shocked. To put it plainly, unless the right person was met, the copper door would not be open. Open, speaking, the ancients are really "superstitious", how can they know who is the so-called destiny.

"What does this mean," Ye Shikai murmured.

"Huh, it was so overbearing just now, and now I'm persuaded to open this door." Li Yueying hummed coldly.

"Shut up for me." Ye Shikai shouted loudly, "Otherwise, please Miss Li to go up and try ~ ~ Hey, such a heavy copper door, you grandfathers can't get in, let me go Is there anything wrong? "Li Yueying said, the appearance of a weak woman, in fact, based on her cultivation, even the fifty strong men did not reach her every move.

"Did you not see it? You can only meet if you meet the" Man of Destiny ", don't you go up and try." Ye Shikai laughed, Li Yueying waved his sleeves, stepped forward, and the guards around him quickly followed.

I didn't expect this young lady to care about face. If she can really open the bronze door, it would be a man of destiny, and it would be so prestigious in front of so many people, but ...

Li Yueying's internal force was running, and he stretched out his hand and placed it on the copper door. It felt quite like a "praying arm as a car". After all, compared with the size of a person, the door was too big.

Everyone's eyes stared at Li Yueying for a few minutes, and the copper door was not moving ...

It seems that she is not a destiny.

"Huh, what a stinky copper door." Li Yueying finally gave up, but she was still furious and slammed the copper door before leaving.

Hey, hey, hey.


Suddenly, several arrows shot from above. Several Li Fu guards were unprepared, and the arrows fell to the ground and died on the spot.

"Everyone be careful." Ye Shikai shouted, and everyone immediately took precautions. This arrow came too suddenly, and everyone didn't take precautions, and hurried back.

"Miss protection." Li Fu's guard quickly pulled Li Yueying down, and the arrow lasted for more than ten seconds, then stopped. Ye Shikai took a flashlight and shot the upper part of the arrow. Come here full of institutions, have to guard against it.

"Li Yueying, because of your waywardness, lost three lives." Ye Shikai looked at the corpse on the ground and couldn't help but sigh.

.. m.8

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