Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1009: Ghost General

"Huh, this is deadly." Couldn't Su Qingyu be in a hurry, every time Ye Shikai goes to the ruins, it is a life of nine deaths, he almost died in it several times, and now carrying her to the ruins again, thinking of this, Su Qingyu suddenly It feels a little ridiculous. The two of them are obviously divorced. Why is she still thinking about Ye Shikai? She can't cheat herself. The safety of Ye Shikai's life is what she cares about most now. She can't return to her home heartily and fall asleep ...

"Also, the ruins are in Chang'an. Even if you go there now, the president will be completely closed by that time." Elena continued.

"Yeah ... yeah, that's right, I'm going to Chang'an now, I want to watch him come out." Su Qingyu seems to be awake. It's normal to go to Chang'an now, and probably arrive in the morning, wait until the afternoon, it's almost the same It's time for the ruins to close. Su Qingyu was waiting outside for Ye Shikai to come out, and talking, she rushed out of the base and drove towards the airport.

"General ... President, oops, what did I say." Elena was a little annoyed, and she must have said too much, and now it is all right, a sentence really made Su Qingyu take heart to Chang'an.

"Forget it, you stay in the base, I will take some people to protect her, there are not many people in the base, you must guard." Soul destroyer took up the weapon and did not forget to tell, Ye Shikai mobilized almost all the dark Wei, leaving only a team of people to take care of the base, destroying the soul and taking away some more, there are only a dozen people left in the entire base.

"You can rest assured, give it to me here." Elena was a little helpless. Fortunately, in Yanjing and the people in the Temple of the Moon, if something goes wrong, she can ask for help.

"Leader Elin, there are only us left in the base ..." According to her orders, the remaining guards behind the guards have been assembled and counted carefully, together with Elena a total of thirteen people.

"Everyone is on guard, we are the only one left at the base and we can't go wrong."

"Yes, leader."

At this moment, outside the base of the Hades palace, there were a pair of eyes staring at the door. With the departure of Soul and Su Qingyu, the corner of the man's mouth also smiled, and he took out a mobile phone from his arms. , Dialed the phone.

"Report, Destroyer has taken the team out, and the base is now guarded of emptiness."

"Very good, gather the team, be careful not to fight grass and snakes."



Remains of Bai Qi.

Ye Shikai thought about the gold and silver in the storage ring. If he could go out like this, he would be making a lot of money.

Of course, there are people who are happy and sad on the way. From the moment he entered the ruins, Li Yueying seems to be particularly unprotected by God and has been eating Ye Shikai's anger.

"Li Yueying, don't say I won't help you. This storage ring was also a gift I received in a relic before. It is a gift from a superior." Ye Shikai said lightly. "Since you are walking with me, these treasures, wait for them to go out I will divide you in half after that. "

"Huh, who can see the garbage." After Li Yueying heard it, he snorted coldly, and it seemed that she was still angry.

"Really, then I would be disrespectful." Ye Shikai got a bargain. Actually, Li Yueying didn't want those spoils, but there were tons of gold and antique jade, but she just couldn't pull that face. Actually In the past, Ye Shikai had long guessed that Li Yueying would refuse, but he would still give this gold. Naturally, the atmosphere was not boring. Li Yueying received so much anger along the way. In case he went out, he initiated the young lady's temper. With Li ’s strength, I ’m afraid it ’s really a bit of a problem. Ye Shikai is now arrogant. It ’s just because Li Yueying has n’t talked to too many people. At that time, as long as Li Yueying took this half of the booty, he was short of staff. She was ashamed of revenge.

Hey, hey, hey.

"Stop, there are footsteps in front of you." Ye Shikai made a gesture, and everyone immediately became nervous.

"It's a ghost soldier, and everyone backs away." Ye Shikai's hearing was very good, and he immediately noticed that these people had neat steps and could hear the sound of armor crashing. This was undoubtedly a ghost soldier.

"Retreat." Ye Shikai hurriedly ran backwards. When everyone saw this, they hurried to follow him as if someone was really killing him behind.


The crowd returned near the Tongmen. Suddenly, there was a loud noise. The Tongmen closed suddenly. Chen Yuxin and Ye Shikai tried to open it, but to no avail, the copper door seemed to be locked. Is this to ...

"Damn, the door won't open." Everyone tried to push the door together, but the solidity of the copper door was beyond imagination. It seemed that this was going to be a fight.

The ghost soldiers slowly leaned up, or a neat square matrix, which completely broke the "hope" of the crowd. They all saw the power of the ghost soldiers, and their death was even more terrible.

When the two sides were 20 meters apart, the ghost formation suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at each other, but they did not dare to care. At the moment, they can only survive if they are all defeated ~ ~ Tongmenzhi So suddenly shut down, maybe I hope everyone can defeat these ghost soldiers.

"Xiaoxin, you are hiding behind me." Ye Shikai reached out to protect Chen Yuxin behind him and took out a metal sword.

"Soul Calibur, what to do next."

"Your Huaxia people don't have a sentence, the enemy can't move, can't I move? These ghost soldiers don't move, you don't move well first." Sword soul said lightly.

"Hey, this is too sloppy, what if they let go of their arrows after a while." Ye Shikai was helpless for a while, this sword soul is sometimes too unreliable, no, it is necessary to find another way.

"It's a big deal, use a dagger." Ye Shikai murmured, he has an ace, at least to ensure that everyone will kill.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, the time passed little by little, but the ghost soldiers in front of them were not moving at all, and even the sword was not pulled out. Is it ... the ghost soldiers are invisible.

"Xiao Kai, what's going on." Chen Yuxin asked curiously.

"I don't quite understand."


Suddenly, a general-like person came out of the army, and his head and armor were obviously different from the soldiers. It seemed that this was a ghost general.

The ghost will slowly pull out the long sword, throw the scabbard aside, and point the sword at the crowd.

"Soul Calibur, this is what to do."

"According to your Huaxia statement, before the war, the generals of the two sides should go to war first."

"Did this ghost be singled me out?" Ye Shikai said softly, and then looked at the soldiers. They didn't move and didn't mean to do anything. Maybe ... this ghost would really want to find someone to single out.

"Okay, I'll fight you." Ye Shikai took a step forward and motioned to others not to follow.

"Retreat, don't come up." Ye Shikai commanded, took out his sharp sword, and pointed at the general.

.. m.8

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