Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1023: Temporary cooperation

"Pluto King Secret—Shadow clone." Ye Shikai launched the main divine skill and instantly transformed into more than a dozen clones. Splitting is more common in the island nation's forbearance, but there is no similar trick in Huaxia's exercises, but there are many illusions Tricks, but most of the illusions are also to interfere with the field of vision and assist the battle. Like this, the avatars are directly put into battle, even the knowledgeable Li Fu has never seen it.

"Kill." Ye Shikai sighed and killed the crowd with his sword. Originally, Li Fu had bullied and scared the people, but now Ye Shikai uses his avatar to turn into a fight.

Elder Li Fu is not weak, although he is not Ye Shikai's opponent, but he is also very easy to face the avatar.

"Look for death." Li Yueying rushed in with a sword, and at first glance recognized Ye Shikai, the man full of murderous spirits, and stabbed towards his chest.


Ye Shikai held the bronze sword in his left hand and blocked it with a sharp sword in his right, but was blocked by two Li Fu guards.

Ye Shikai sneered, and his body slammed forward. The two guards did not expect Ye Shikai to make such a "barbaric" trick. The body was hit hard. At this moment, they blocked and slackened. Ye Shikai slammed his sword. A bloodstain appeared on his neck, and he fell to the ground in pain.

"Stop it all." Li Yueying suddenly shouted.

"What do you want to do," Ye Shikai said coldly.

"Mr. Ye, we are both hurting each other. It ’s not good for anyone. It ’s better to cooperate sincerely." Li Yueying put away his sword and told Ye Shikai that the elders of Li's house were a little displeased. Although Ye Shikai's fighting power was really bad, However, with the advantages in numbers, they still have the confidence to win. Why is it that Li Yueying first softened.

"The person you were about to hit just now is you, and the person you want to ask for forgiveness is also you now, Miss Li. You think so many people have played with you." Ye Shikai mocked mercilessly.

"It's not begging for mercy, but cooperation. Mr. Ye, I admit that it was my responsibility before, but now our battle is meaningless, it is better to cooperate together." Li Yueying's approach seems ridiculous, but in fact, cooperation has always been It is about the comparison of the strengths of the two sides. If the strengths of the two sides are disparate, the strong will disdain to cooperate with the weak. In other words, the closer the strength of the two sides is, the greater the possibility of cooperation is. The fisherman's profit happened.

Sometimes, after a life-threatening fight, the cooperation between the two parties can be more sincere. As long as there is a need, even a dead enemy can become an ally. Although Li Yueying is arrogant, he does not lose his mind. Leave the two sides to fight, and Ye Shikai will be killed by seven to eighty-eight. In the next encounter with the ghost soldiers, Li Yueying will die. It is better to step back. The two parties will cooperate for the time being, and the accounts will be calculated after the remains. It's not too late.

How could Ye Shikai not understand Li Yueying's ideas, use each other, and report to the group for heating? This lady Li Fu is not so stupid.

"Okay, then you have to show some sincerity." Ye Shikai snorted coldly and cooperated and cooperated, in case he made a "black eat black", that is to make a skin with a tiger, Ye Shikai is not so stupid, this Li Yueying is so confident It's deep.

"This is the secret elixir of my house, which can quickly restore the internal force of the whole body." Li Yueying took out an elixir from his pocket and passed it.

"Soul Calibur, check, this is true or false." Ye Shikai looked at the elixir in his hand. There were a lot of elixir on it, which should be a good elixir, but ... Ye Shikai was still uneasy.

"Yes, this is used to increase internal force." A few seconds later, Sword Spirit's voice sounded.

"Is there any poison in it?"

"Who knows who tries."


"Well, I believe your sincerity for the time being." Ye Shikai put away both swords and the elixir. Even if the elixir was not poisonous, he didn't dare to take it casually. Both sides were vigilant to move forward.

"Mr. Ye, I think your internal strength is so high, I don't know which expert to follow." Li Yueying said on the side.

"Don't you know my identity, I'm Pluto, and I don't have a master." Ye Shikai yelled directly.

"There is no master, so to speak, you are a masterless teacher." Li Yueying was a little surprised. Family members like them have accepted family-sponsored courses since childhood, including normal academic and practice content. Of course, regarding the practice, They are absolutely confidential, so most people don't even know the existence of a practitioner.

Family members like Li Yueying and Chen Yuxin have had family professional counseling and countless cultivation resources since they were young, and they have not taken many detours. This is the current achievement. However, Ye Shikai is so young that he has broken through the period of distraction. , Look at the baby, each one is a rare treasure.

"You can understand it this way ~ ~ Ye Shikai stopped suddenly." Why have you been exploring me? "

"Since we have cooperated now, know more about our allies, there is no harm in it." Li Yueying smiled slightly, looking confident.


Yanjing, Hades Palace.

Elena pulled out her insurance and threw her grenade slammed into the Skymoth.


After a loud noise, the desk was blasted into pieces, and the leader rushed out of the three Spurs, followed by dozens of people, both sides relying on bunkers to fight.

Although Elena has always protected Su Qingyu's safety, she is not completely ignorant of the investigation of the Hades. It is very likely that the Scorpion people were dispatched by the boss Xing. With the base empty, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

"Elena commanded, the mothman's shell was too strong, and the bullet could not be penetrated," said a dark guard.

"Throw a grenade and hit the people behind the Scorpion." Elena picked up the bù gun and shot a short shot through the holographic sight.

"Yes." Several dark guards fired wildly, and the bullet shells were piled on the ground. Elena kept pulling out the insurance and threw out the grenades. The bullet simply couldn't help it, it had to be forced back with a grenade.

"Everyone, retreat to the safe exit." Elena shouted, stood up, put in a box of armor-piercing shells, and hit the Mothman.

"Is c4 explosive ready?" Elena pulled open the door of the safe passage, this passage was more like a bunker, the passageway went down the ladder, and a multi-tonne alloy ground door was covered on it, enough to block it. Explosion of explosives,

"Come on." Elena stood at the door of the ground, letting the remaining Dark Guards go down first, and left to cover herself.

.. m.

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