Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1026: Take the initiative

"Unexpectedly, there was a master beside Li Fu's girl. ★" Tang Can suddenly said coldly, and everyone set their sights on Li Yueying. Ye Shikai felt abnormal and immediately took two steps back, pretending to be Li Fu's guard walking.

Could it be possible, this middle-aged man named Tang Can found an abnormality, Ye Shikai was a little guilty. After all, as the head of the family, Tang Can must have an advantage, and Li Yueying also said that he was late in distraction, and Ye Shikai However, just after breaking through the distraction period, it is still a few realms short of calculation. It would not be strange if this guy could see it.

"Why, boy, don't you dare to stand up?" Tang Can stopped and said suddenly, staring at Ye Shikai with his eyes on.

Sure enough, he found it.

"Cough." Ye Shikai coughed twice and tidy up his clothes. Since he was called out, he had nothing to fear.

"Predecessor Tang, are you talking about me?" When Ye Shikai had a clever move, this Tang Chan must not know him. In that case, why should he tell the truth, just now Li Yueying gave Tang Can a hand, what happened to the owner of Li Fu? Maybe she didn't come in, she must have lied to Tang Can on purpose.

"Boy, you are young, and your strength is amazing." Tang Chan smiled lightly. The word "amazing" cannot be said casually, but he gave Ye Shikai such a high "evaluation" at a glance.

"Really, Senior Tang, I felt I was dumb, so when you said" Master "just now, he didn't respond." Ye Shikai subtly self-deprecatedly "reduces his status." Then, he looked for Tang Can who had just ignored him. This excuse, in the second place, will not be extremely displeasing to Tang Chan. To be honest, he has fought so many opponents and has never played against a late-distraction practitioner. Even Zeus, as far as internal strength is concerned, It's just the late stage of the hangover. He hasn't seen it for a long time. I'm afraid he has made a breakthrough, but it's not enough to see in front of Tang Can. Huaxia really is a place where tigers and tigers are in awe.

"Little friends don't have to be humble. If you don't mind, let's discuss how to do it." At this moment, even the title has changed. Ye Shikai felt that Tang Chan didn't mean to kill, so he didn't contradict it, but this discussion ... wouldn't be Any excuse to kill him.

"It's ... not so good." Ye Shikai humbly "stepped back" "You're a senior, and I'm afraid it's not good to consult with me."

"It's okay, we'll stop till the point is reached." Tang Can suddenly turned sharply. "Ready, I'm going to do it."

As soon as the words fell, Tang Can instantly disappeared in place, Ye Shikai just felt a flash in front of his eyes, and in a moment, people had reached him.

Before instinctively crossing his arms, Ye Shikai felt a strong impact. He suddenly “lifted” the whole person and turned it around. Ye Shikai made a hurry to land in the air. The inertia was large, even when he landed. After that, he still took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

Tang Can slowly withdrew his palm. With just one palm, Ye Shikai retreated seven or eight meters away. Still, in the case of his preparation, sure enough, there was a gap between the two realms, and the power gap was too wide.

"Predecessor Tang, thank you for your mercy." Ye Shikai endured the pain, worked slowly, and was not as good as others. It was meaningless to be stubborn, not to mention that although Tang Chan's palm was very powerful, he didn't kill his heart. This also shows that Tang Can doesn't want to move.

"Yes, it's terrible after all." Tang Can said faintly and turned to Li Yueying. "Li Fu, let's go on."

"Smelly boy, the palm of my hand was just 40% of the internal force. If I go all out, I can never fix it." Sword soul said suddenly.

"Nonsense, when I did n’t know, just with a slap in my hand, I was already" over the river "in my body. I didn't expect that the gap between me and him was so great." Ye Shikai was a little reluctant. Only with strength can he protect the people around him. After spending so long in Yanjing, he has never met any opponent. Now it seems that he is really a frog at the bottom of the well.

"You don't have to worry about it, you have been practicing the Xuandi Scripture recently."

"Of course, but I have been difficult to break through the sixth stage, maybe the method is wrong." Ye Shikai shook his head. He has now stayed in the fifth stage of the Xuan Emperor's Book for a long time, and then the sixth-order 桎梏 did not shake at all. Isn't the method wrong? Ye Shikai doesn't understand.

"If you can break through the seventh, wrong, or even break through the seventh, you only need the peak of the sixth, and your internal strength will be enough to fight with Tang Can." Soul soul said firmly, "Your time is still It's long, don't worry. "

"But now ... Tang Can only needs one hand, enough to kill me." Ye Shikai's face suddenly became cold and cold, if only he had been born twenty years earlier.

"Tang Can won't kill you, you already know it ~ ~ Why are you so tangled." Sword soul is a little puzzled, why Ye Shikai's mentality will change so much because it didn't find out, Tang Can The "kill" was revealed to Ye Shikai.

"Kill intention" is not written on the face, but inside.

Perhaps Tang Chan also discovered the horrible potential of Ye Shikai. He did not kill directly, but because of fear of Lee ’s strength. Tang Can did not know that Ye Shikai was Pluto. Seeing him beside Li Yueying, he subconsciously thought that he It is a cultivation genius specially cultivated by Li Fu.

"Well, let's eat it." Li Yueying seemed particularly happy and kept mocking Ye Shikai.

"Hehe, you can do it." Ye Shikai flung his eyes.

"I'm not that stupid. You are a person now. If you are a little careless, you will lose your life." Li Yueying seemed very proud. Ye Shikai is a tiger, but now he is being bullied by the dog.

"If I do my best, even if I can't win, I will have Tang Can's skin." Ye Shikai's throat was low. "Regular battle" He is definitely not Tang Can's opponent, but he has never been a normal person. Addiction, stabbing, and the four elements are all his hole cards. If he fights hard, he still has a way to seriously hurt Tang Can.

"The tone is not small." Li Yueying looked at the storage ring on Ye Shikai's finger.

"That thing should be the treasure you got in the ruins."

"Do you say storage ring? Indeed, it was obtained from a ... old senior." Ye Shikai remembered all his experiences in Xiang Ye's ruins. At that time, he was also a strong enemy on the holy mountain. Siege.

"Such a good baby, you have to keep it." Li Yueying was obviously a bit jealous of Ye Shikai's baby, although it was not helpful to the battle, but with the storage ring, it was equivalent to bringing a logistic warehouse .

{End of Chapter} 6

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