Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1030: Strange Way

Ji Qian picked up a sharp blade from the ground, rushed forward, and swiped hard against the neck of a ghost soldier, with a helmet and head, beheading the ghost soldier directly, turning the blade, holding a sharp blade, Ji Qian Directly into the heart of the ghost soldier's body.


The ghost soldier fell to the ground, the body was motionless, and it seemed to be really "dead". So it seems that this ghost soldier has two lives. He must destroy both the brain and the heart at the same time to kill him. Of course, If you are sure, you can directly blow it into pieces and completely destroy the physical body. It is also a simple and rude way. However, this powerful attack also consumes internal power extremely, especially the ghost soldier's body is still dead, largely Restraint the power of internal force.

"The second son, Tang, must destroy their brain and heart before they can really be dead." Ji Qian shouted out loud, she didn't care if Tang Nie was in danger, but helping Tang Nie would mean helping him. For her part, Ji Qian will not understand.

"Thank you very much." Tang Nie suddenly gave a loud shout, stretched out a palm and patted a ghost soldier's heavenly cap, and hit another palm on his chest. The ghost soldier suddenly fell to the ground, motionless.

"Sure enough, everyone pays attention to hitting the ghost soldier's chest and brain." Tang Nie nodded. In fact, he was most pleased not to discover the weakness of the ghost soldier, but because Ji Qian notified him the first time, after all, he was a family Children, a group of women have always voluntarily "posted" their own Tang Nie instinctively that they want to win the heart of any woman but this is the case, but he really thinks more this time ...

Five minutes later, the bodies of fifty or sixty ghost soldiers appeared on the ground. After knowing the weaknesses, the ghost soldiers could no longer pose a threat and could only be hunted one after the other.

"Thanks to Miss Ji for reminding me, otherwise these ghost soldiers are really troublesome." Tang Nie Zuo Xie thanked.

"The second son Tang is very polite. Since we are now on a boat, we should naturally cooperate sincerely." Ji Qian said blankly and said lightly, if it was an ordinary woman, I'd be afraid to see Tang Nie, but Ji Qian is an arrogant woman. The most important thing is that her heart is not at all on Tang Nie.

"Miss Ji, I can meet you in the ruins, it's really my three lives of Tang Nie."

"I'm a bit tired. Tang Ergong can move forward first." Ji Qian seemed to be dissatisfied with Tang Nie's "earth flavor love words", it was really bright to give some sunshine, so I randomly found an excuse to want to take Tang Nie .

"Oh, crap, I'm a bit tired, so let's take a break." Tang Nie greeted his men and sat down. Ji Qian also gave Tang Nie's face. He didn't take anyone directly, and ordered Yue Wei to rest in place.

"Ms. Ji is as silk-hearted as she is, and she admires the weakness of the ghost soldiers in one fell swoop." At this time, Wang Qian, who had been watching beside him, said suddenly, Tang Nie was also very unhappy, and Wang Qian's approach was suspected of "behind the scenes". .

"Miss Wang, if you put a ghost soldier in a room with you, maybe you can also find it." Tang Nie said rudely. What he meant was that as long as the weakness of the ghost soldier has combat experience, it must be It can be observed, but Wang ’s family just “watched the crowd” just now, as if they were using the Tang family. It would be impossible for Tang Nie to help Wang Qian if he did not want to be in the limelight in front of Ji Qian.

"The second son of Tang Er is even more extraordinary. It is really pleasant to be with the two." Wang Qian was not furious. She had her own wishful thinking, and it was unknown to everyone.

Ruins somewhere.

Ye Shikai suddenly felt a little worried about Li Yueying. He didn't consider that much just now. If Tang Can asked why she had disappeared, which made Li Yueying answer, Ye Shikai shook her head and forgot, these are not the issues he should consider now. What's more, with Li Yueying's ingenuity, there is no reason to compile a reason.

Taking off the Pluto helmet, Ye Shikai walked back to the original road, but he soon discovered a very puzzling problem. This road ... It doesn't look like the original road at all, but a very strange road. Ye Shikai has a good memory and doesn't think it's a mistake.

"Soul Calibur, what's going on, why isn't the way right?" Ye Shikai stopped, and they rested a few times along the way. The guards also ate some compressed biscuits. There should be garbage left on the ground, but look all the way No one has come. This time Ziye Shikai is a little flustered. Is it that she has gone the wrong way?

"Crap, because you're not following the same path at all." Sword soul's voice was a bit scornful.

"What, it's impossible, I remember very well."

"From the direction, you remember correctly, this way has changed by itself." Soul Calibur spoke amazingly, can this way change by itself, it is simply strange.

"I found out that there are mysterious routes in the ruins. After you came to the canyon ~ ~ the route has changed completely, but you are in it and you don't notice it." Soul continued.

"What, that is to say, I can't go back if I go on."


"I rely on it." Ye Shikai sweared, so what's the point of leaving him alone, he couldn't find Chen Yuxin and Ji Qian, he might as well go with Li Yueying alone.

"You don't have to be so frustrated. Although you can't find Chen Yuxin, maybe Ji Qian is walking along the same path."

"Oh, you can really comfort people." If Sword Spirit can materialize in front of him, Ye Shikai will surely throw two white eyes. What is this? It is possible, and the possibility is very high.

Now that I have walked, it ’s better to go down one path. Ye Shikai is determined. Since all come, let ’s have a good time. Ye Shikai found an open place and took it directly from the storage ring. An off-road vehicle came out, but it was ordered according to the specifications of the foreign army off-road vehicle. The armor was hard and the cannon was on it.

"Haha, comfortable." Ye Shikai drove the off-road vehicle directly, and he could be "rammed" like this in the ruins. He was definitely the first person.

Driving a car is much more convenient than walking, and there is no harassment of ghost soldiers along the way.

Suddenly, several people rushed to the front of the car. Ye Shikai stepped on the brakes violently. Is there anything wrong with it? Some people stopped the car in the ruins.

"Who is the one above, come down to me." The leading human voice shouted, Ye Shikai got out of the car and looked at it. It turned out to be a few foreigners. Looking at the weapons and equipment, they should be the people in the foreign underground world. How could they run to Here.

"What kind of people are you?" Ye Shikai shouted loudly.

"Who is your kid?"

"I'm Hardis."

{End of Chapter} 8

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