Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1032: Road without footprints

"Dare to move, Lord Pluto, you are going to die." Ye Shikai's newly collected people in the underground world rushed straight up with the gun. Coupled with the machine guns on the off-road vehicle, it was almost full of firepower. Brushing up, the two sides suddenly fell into a confrontation.

"Withdraw and fight with him, I don't need any help." Ye Shikai waved his hand to signal the crowd to retreat. Tang Nie was also proud and arrogant. He thought of himself as a strong man, and naturally he didn't want to bully more.

It seems that this is destined to be a duel between the two.

"I killed you today." Tang Nie took out a short knife. Ye Shikai didn't know the name of the knife, but it was so imposing that he had a murderous spirit without using internal force. It must also be a famous weapon. .

Tang Nie started, and rushed straight up with a short knife. Ye Shikai picked up his sword and greeted him. The sword was ruthless. The sparks were hot. The two sides were already surprised by the strength of the opponent after only three moves. The strength is also strong, but he has not yet broken the distraction. He is not Ye Shikai's opponent. For a long time, he has been said to be talented by others. Now he is defeated by a man of similar age, and his self-confidence is also frustrated.

"It is indeed Lord Pluto. After more than a dozen moves, the kid who doesn't know the heights and heights will prevail." People behind him saw Ye Shikai's sweetness and cheered for Ye Shikai.

Ye Shikai made a false move and tricked Tang Nie to wave his knife vigorously. Taking advantage of this vacancy, he slammed up and tangled Tang Nie directly for several meters.

"Boy, do you still want to do it?" Ye Shikai said coldly. The vacancy just now, with Ye Shikai's strength, was enough to punch his sword into his chest and end his life, but Ye Shikai did not do so. Not intending to kill the killer, the lesson is not revenge.

"Abominable, come again." Tang Nie sighed and rushed, splitting sharply, Ye Shikai holding a sword across the front, two weapons collided together, making a boom, Ye Shikai took a few steps to take off his strength, unexpected The boy's explosive power is so strong that the knife just now is fatal. It seems that Tang Nie did not take Ye Shikai's good intentions at all. Since this is the case, then accompany the uncle to have fun.

Ye Shikai took out the element of fire and spit out the hot flames from it. Tang Nie trembled and quickly avoided the flames, but ... his handsome hair was burnt a little.

"What a treasure is this," Tang Nie said loudly.

"The frog at the bottom of the well doesn't even know this." Ye Shikai snorted coldly, condensed the fireball in his hand, and slammed it out.

"Master No. 2 beware." Several guards rushed over to help Tang Nie block this move. Ye Shikai saw this and closed his hand. The arrival of the guard basically meant that Tang Nie conceded.

"Tang Nie, although you offended me today, after all, we have no grievances in the past, no revenge in the past, I will not kill you, I just met your father, and you can find them along this road." Ye Shikai Pointing at the road ahead.

"Why do I believe in you?" Tang Nie was a little unconvinced. He was unwilling to lose like this, but he also understood that even if he tried hard, he couldn't kill Ye Shikai.

"Your father just talked to me a moment ago. I still have traces of his internal forces on my body. Just now ... you should have found it." Ye Shikai said lightly, "believe it or not."

"Second Master, right now, it is most important to find the owner. The others can be discussed later. The gentleman revenge. It's not too late in ten years." A trusted guard whispered in Tang Nie's ear.

"Let's go." Tang Nie waited fiercely for Ye Shikai. In the end, he reluctantly let the guards take him away.

"Let's go." Wang Qian said faintly, taking the old Wang parents around Tang Nie and passing by with Ye Shikai, the two looked at each other "tacitly", Ye Shikai didn't want to be here Trouble with Wang Qian. Now, let's get started.

"It's finally getting rid of these annoying guys." Ye Shikai walked to Ji Qian and said lightly.

"No words, why are you here?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Why, you Pluto and one moon **** can come, why can't my head of Huaxia Emperor Zongzong be able to come." Wuyan is still the knife mouth as usual, but Ye Shikai knows that she has no malicious intentions.

"The speechlessness has helped me a lot. If it wasn't for the dead corpse she had absorbed, I would die a few men in vain." Ji Qian smiled slightly.

"Thank you." Ye Shikai nodded and said.

"By the way, I still want to ask you, where is Chen Yuxin, the ghost, and the dark guard, where are all of them?" Ji Qian looked at the people behind her, although she was loyal to Ye Shikai, but she also looked from the clothes. At first glance it wasn't the Dark Guard ~ ~ and the ghost and others were not there.

"It's hard to say a word, anyway, they and I have all separated." Ye Shikai sighed. "These are the people I met in the new collection. With them, I will not leave alone."

"Yes, my father ... is he okay?" Ji Qian said suddenly.

"Relax, senior Ji is not in danger." Ye Shikai nodded and said, after all, Ji Qian was still very concerned about Ji Tao. Now that he has found Ji Qian, he has encountered speechlessness, as long as he finds Chen Yuxin and others.


"Did everyone come over?" Chen Yuxin looked at the team behind, and looked at the road ahead. After crossing the canyon, she could find someone after finding someone.

"After the underworld, the dark guards have passed."

"Homeowner, we are here too." Chen Ruoya followed the guard elders and waited for everyone to pass through the canyon. No one was ambush. Chen Yuxin was relieved. At this time, Nightmare Phantom Fox also brought a few dark guards from Rock climbing down from above.

"Nightmare, how is the situation above?" Chen Yuxin asked.

"After the underworld, there are thousands of ghost soldiers above the canyon, fully armed, but ... there is no movement." Nightmare was a little puzzled, these ghost soldiers ... have been fixed.

"Never mind so much, we set off immediately to find someone." Chen Yuxin shook her head, and it was an hour or two before the attack on the canyon. She thought that Ye Shikai would wait in place, but it was empty here, even There are no footprints.

"Homeowner, there is a lot of dust here, but there are no traces. If my aunt and Li Fu's people pass by, they should leave footprints, will they be ... cleaned up intentionally." Chen Ruoya said.

.. m.

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