Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1050: Learn the news

"Thank you very much." Ji Tao said faintly. During this operation, the Ji family lost little. They followed Ye Shikai and repeatedly escaped several crises. In addition to being just in, she was attacked by ghost soldiers and let Ji Qian leave the team. Fortunately, however, there is no danger.

The crowd left the ruins one after another. After coming out, it was already bright in the sky. They came to the station and looked at the time. At seven o'clock in the morning, the ruins were different from the outside time. Ye Shikai estimated that they had stayed inside. It's been a day or two, but it's only been an hour outside. When people outside wake up from their sleep, they won't know what happened in this deep mountain forest.

"Let's have a rest and get ready to go back." The dust settled, Ye Shikai suddenly felt that the burden on his body was unloaded, and he was relaxed, and the most important thing was that he was full.

"No words, thank you for coming." Ye Shikai found no words. She only took two disciples. Take a closer look. The bamboo basket behind the two disciples was filled with various herbs and elixir. Zong's style, this time she came, not for You Xijian, but for the precious herbs in the ruins.

"I came for them." He pointed to the herbs in the bamboo basket. "Some of these herbs are extinct. According to ancient books, I can bring them back to cultivate new herbs." Said, his eyes stared at Ye Shikai.

"Master, my brother and I retreated first." The two disciples seemed to understand something, and they retreated first and walked aside.

"Cough, speechless, I heard you helped Qian, thank you very much." Ye Shikai was awkward, and every time speechless appeared, it seemed that when he was in trouble, speechless was more like a "firefighter", So Ye Shikai owes her a favor every time.

"Don't get me wrong, she is also my friend, don't put gold on your face, really." Mu Yan behaved very coldly in front of him.

"Okay, okay, I have nothing to give you, when I owe you a favor."

"Cut, how much is your sentiment worth, count me for taking out the single love, and save you from the East, I do n’t know how much you owe me." Wu Yan said scornfully, then revealed "If you do n’t Thank you so much, I'll talk to you. "

Sure enough, she was still an eighteen-year-old girl.

"Well, I'll ask you to come to Yanjing the other day, how about it."

"Unhappy, but I want to run so far."

"Well then, we have a chance to see you again." Ye Shikai knew that Wuyan was playing a small temper, saying that she sometimes looked like a rebellious teenage girl.

"Wait, you dare to try." Sure enough, Ye Shikai was stopped by words just two steps later.

"Haha, okay, I will go to Daizong to find you when I have a chance." Ye Shikai smiled slightly. "Yes, I have a righteous girl, called Aster, like you. "Second Girl", let me know you someday. "Ye Shikai turned and immediately waved.

"Hey, stop me, who is the second girl." After hearing nothing, she was as frizzy as a kitten stepping on her tail, chasing Ye Shikai and running around ...

Ye Shikai turned on his cell phone, but what he didn't expect was that his cell phone was already full of text messages in just eight hours.

"Emergency call for help." Ye Shikai frowned when he saw the word. This is a special urgent call for help from the Hades, which was sent in the early hours of the morning. What happened everywhere.

"Hey, Ye Shikai." At this time, there was a sound behind him. Turning his head, it turned out to be Li Yueying.

"Miss Li, you didn't find the treasure in it, why did you come out?" Ye Shikai perfunctoryly said something in his mind, thinking about urgent help, without thinking about anything else.

"You have taken all this treasure. The rest is just some broken copper and iron. I didn't look down on Li Fu."

"Um, I'm in a hurry right now. I may not be able to talk to you. I'll have time to see you again." Ye Shikai hurriedly got into the car. "Ghost, something urgent, drive."

"Wait." Li Yueying suddenly held the door with his hands.

"Miss Li, what are you going to do?" Ye Shikai felt helpless, and he had to rush to the hotel immediately.

"What happened." At this time, Chen Yuxin also came over. As soon as she saw Li Yueying, her face was unhappy.

"Xiao Xin, there was an accident at the Hades Palace, and Soul Soul sent me an urgent plea for help." Ye Shikai ignored the fact that Li Yueying was present, and said the matter directly.

"How can this be." Chen Yuxin's eyes flashed a strange color, and she glanced to her side unconsciously.

"In short, let's go quickly." Ye Shikai said quickly.

"Miss Li, don't hide it. I'm really in a hurry right now. Something happened in Yanjing. I'll go first. See you later." Ye Shikai got on the car quickly. As soon as the ghost stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out, Leave Li Yueying in place.

"Dad ~ ~ I have some urgent matters and leave first." Ji Qian also said quickly, she also received the message from the Temple of the Moon, and in the early morning, the Hades was attacked.

"Okay, be careful, go early and return early." Ji Tao nodded and asked several members of the Baiwu Army to follow.

"You go back and tell the owner that I have something to fly to Yanjing." Li Yueying's face changed slightly, and he said to the guards on the side.

"Yes, miss."


Chang'an, hotel.

Ye Shikai almost ran back to the hotel. The service staff in the lobby thought that a lunatic had run in.

"Destroy the soul, what happened." Ye Shikai rushed directly into the room, but what he didn't expect was that Su Qingyu was also present, and Chen Yuxin followed, and when she saw her in the room, her face flashed. A faint glance turned away.

"Boss, you are finally back." Desperate Soul quickly said the matter again, when he said "base attack, Elena's life and death are unknown", Ye Shikai suddenly "panic", what is the matter? Now, why, the base will be attacked.

"Boss, there are too few people to stay in Yanjing. I'm worried about going wrong, so I'll come to you in Chang'an first." Destroying the soul was a little self-blame. Ye Shikai gave him the task of guarding the base, but he didn't complete it.

"You are not wrong, we can return to Yanjing." Ye Shikai said to the ghost nightmare behind him "on the most recent flight."

"Yes, boss, I'll arrange it."

"In addition, the Dark Guard was transferred from the European Hades base for emergency support."

"I've sent it," Mohun answered, "They will be in Yanjing tonight."

"Xiao Xin, go back to the Chen family first. This is a matter of the Hades. You should not be involved."

End of this chapter

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