Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1052: Place

In the final analysis, this boss Xing has already found the base of the Hades palace. Taking advantage of the empty attack, for the purpose, he may want to give the Hades a power, or, after clearing the base, bring more to the Hades. Difficult, after all, when the ghost chose the location of the base, it took a lot of consideration. It took a long time to pick the location, let alone put all these equipments in place. It takes at least two months to rebuild a base. time. ●

Ye Shikai has already discussed with Ji Qian. During the period of base reconstruction, Hades will stay in the base of Luna Temple until the base is rebuilt.

Luna Temple base.

"You should treat it well, and then return to the team after the injury." Ye Shikai carefully told the injured dark guard. Fortunately, Ji Qian has a lot of empty rooms in the base, which are basically used by resettlement personnel.

"Ghost, find someone to bury the dead brother and find a place with good feng shui." Ye Shikai sighed lightly.

"Boss, the bodies of those brothers ... haven't been found." The ghost was a little bit embarrassed. Boss Xing dealt with the corpses before leaving, which is really hateful, not even the dead.

"Then set up a clothes mound," Ye Shikai said for a moment, then said something lightly.

"Yes, I'll do it now." Ghost nodded, these brothers all gave their lives for the Hades, although they failed to die, at least ... dead look better.

"Also, find out where Elena is. It's best to find Boss Xing directly and use all hands to find it. I still don't believe Elena will die so easily." Ye Shikai felt a little uncomfortable, and Elena told him The friendship is deep, Ye Shikai has always kept her responsible for protecting Su Qingyu. To be honest, when he heard that the base was attacked, his first reaction was whether Elena was in trouble.

"Well, don't worry, I've already dispatched a manpower, but ... the incident happened suddenly, I'm afraid it's not so easy to find."

"It's not easy to transfer the worms to help, and the Sphingidae are out, and I don't believe that nothing will be revealed."


"Master Luna."

"Master Luna."

At this time, Yue Wei bowed towards the door, Ye Shikai turned his head, and it was Ji Qian who came.

"Thank you for this time." Ye Shikai smiled slightly, waved his hand, and signaled everyone to go out.

"You still tell me this." Ji Qian handed a glass of water to Ye Shikai. "This thing really happened suddenly. Yue Wei got the news and rushed to support, but she was still one step behind."

"Forget it, they have been planning for a long time. At least, Yuewei also saved the lives of my brothers. Otherwise, they would not be able to survive." Ye Shikai grabbed his head helplessly, and even Yanjing was not at peace.

"In short, pay more attention to it in the future. If you need help, just notify me directly." Ji Qian knows that Ye Shikai is not in a good mood now, and it is not good to bother him again, let him be alone.

Ye Shikai inspected the base of the Moon God's Temple. The gun was automatically fired. The base was full of surveillance three kilometers ago, and there were escape routes. Now there are so many people here. Even if Xing comes back, he must weigh it carefully.



Ye Shikai looked at the door in front of him, his mind was complicated, and finally he resolved to knock.

Almost immediately after the knock, the door was opened. Ye Shikai looked at the woman in front of him and forgot to say anything.

"Pour rain."

"Is there any news for Elena?" Su Qingyu asked directly.

"Not yet ..." Ye Shikai shook his head, his face looking a little lost.

"Blamed me." Suddenly, Su Qingyu burst into tears. "It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't found Soul Extermination." Su Qingyu kept blaming herself, crying like a teardrop, in In Ye Shikai's impression, she rarely cried so loudly, but this time is different. Elena is still alive and dead. Su Qingyu thinks she has to bear direct responsibility. If it wasn't for her to ask Soul Killer to take Changan together, why would the base be Emptiness, how could boss Xing succeed in sneak attack.

"Okay, okay, don't cry, it's not your fault." Ye Shikai held her in her arms and comforted softly.

"I will definitely save her."

"Qing Yu, take a good rest, usually ... pay attention to safety, I will send someone to protect you secretly." Ye Shikai was afraid that Boss Xing would start with Su Qingyu again, he is not easy to mess with, but Ye Shikai has many weaknesses, and these weaknesses, Its effect is no less than a fatal injury. The more handles it has, the more it is **** and difficult to cast. No wonder it is always said that the most ruthless emperor's family, especially those who achieve great things, are not restricted to small sections. It's just a "section."

Perhaps, in terms of Ye Shikai's character, he is destined to be a wizard, but in the end it is not a material to do big things.

"Ahem ~ ~ What are you doing." At this time, a cold voice sounded behind the two of them. Su Qingyu instinctively pushed away Ye Shikai and arranged his clothes. Ye Shikai was also startled , Turning around, it turned out that Luo Shiqi came.

To be honest, I have n’t seen her for a long time, but I have n’t seen her for a long time. She seems to have changed her hairstyle. The original straight hair became curly hair, and her hair color became dark blond. Sub-gentle.

"Shi Qi, why are you here?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Two things." Luo Shiqi smiled mysteriously. "Why not ask me to go in for a cup of tea."

"Come in quickly." Su Qingyu quickly wiped the tears and greeted Luo Shiqi.

"It's pretty much the same." Luo Shiqi was also polite, sitting directly on the sofa, placing two document bags on the table.

"This one is for you, this ... it's his." Luo Shiqi gave the two paper bags to Su Qingyu and Ye Shikai, respectively.

"What is this?" Ye Shikai curiously wanted to open the file bag, but was stopped by Luo Shiqi.

"Don't worry, wait until you go back."

"Okay." Ye Shikai was even more curious. Luo Shiqi can be said to be the most independent of the women he knows. He doesn't need to protect himself, and he doesn't often entangle Ye Shikai. When he is bored, he is invited to the dark Have a drink in the bar, talk about recent events, talk about troubles, confidant, probably said her, but because of this, if she comes to the door one day, there should be really important things to say.

"Shi Qi, where have you been recently? It seems like I haven't seen you for a long time." Ye Shikai was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say.

"You still say that I usually ignore me. Why, do you have to come to me to think of me?" Luo Shiqi was unhappy.

{End of Chapter} 5

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