Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1056: Fitting room

In the afternoon, when Ye Shikai and Chen Yuxin came to the bridal shop, they saw a dozen black cars gathered in the doorway, and uniform suit bodyguards bowed slowly to the two in the car. I did not expect that this time the Chen family was so Big action.

"What's going on." Ye Shikai secretly asked Chen Ruoya while getting out of the car.

"Aunt, this is the order of the owner. Today, this bridal shop has been contracted out. These bodyguards are just responsible for vigilance." Chen Ruoya explained faintly, Ye Shikai could not help but marvel at it, but to buy a wedding dress. Do you need such a big battle, passers-by also turned around and looked curiously here, I don't know what big people are inside.

Chen Yuxin glanced at Ye Shikai, noticed his expression, walked over and held his hand.

"Xiao Kai, it's early, let's hurry in." Chen Yuxin smiled slightly. "I don't want to be seen by passersby."

"Ahem, okay, then let's hurry in." Ye Shikai whispered two times. As the youngest owner of the four major families, the wedding specifications must be high. Maybe Ye Shikai is rare. After all, in daily life, In life, he is still very casual, and can use a bowl of instant noodles to pass dinner.

The attendant came forward and pushed open the heavy wooden door, and the decoration inside shocked Ye Shikai even more. The brilliance was also classic and elegant. The wedding dresses were displayed here as if fairies were standing there.

This is also one of the best wedding shops in Yanjing, but for the next day, it ’s just a piece of cake for Chen Yuxin. After all, it ’s a wedding, so it ’s natural to be grand.

"Mr. Ye, Ms. Chen, please drink tea." The clerk of the wedding shop respectfully brought hot tea. Ye Shikai thought that there was nothing artistic and beautiful, but looking at the design of these wedding dresses should also take a lot of effort. They are all boutiques. The owner of the bridal shop obviously knows how big the "title" of the guests today is, and directly brought Chen Yuxin to the boutique area. Any wedding dress here can be changed into a suite in this city.

"Xiao Kai, do you think this looks good?" Chen Yuxin picked up a wedding dress, and gestured in front of the mirror, with a smile on her face, it seemed that she was in a good mood now.

"Well, it's not bad." Ye Shikai nodded, anyway, good-looking people, everything looks good.

"Then I'll change it." Chen Yuxin walked to the dressing room aside, while Ye Shikai stood in place and looked out the window. There was a drizzle in the sky. Once winter passed, it was spring, but the temperature in Yanjing Still low.

Not long ago, he was also in this city and held a wedding with Su Qingyu, full of joy, thinking that a "lover" would eventually become a family member, and he could live a good life, but only in a few months, it became like this Speaking of which, this is all his own responsibility. If it was not his indecision in love, it would not hurt so many people, especially ... Su Qingyu.

Maybe she is feeling the change of marriage, maybe it is Chen Yuxin's feelings. Ye Shikai is not excited this time, and she can even say that ... it is very dull.

It's like aiming alone in the supermarket.

It seems that even the clerk at the side can see that every time a newcomer comes to the store to try on a wedding dress, the man always looks with anticipation, looking at the "mysterious fitting room", he must be thinking about what is coming out of it. "Fairy", on the contrary, Ye Shikai, looking out the window, did not seem to expect anything at all, and there was no excitement on his face from now on, as if the groom was not him.

"Sir, this is a bouquet. You can give it to the bride after a while." A clerk passed a beautiful bouquet, and Ye Shikai took a sip first, then instinctively took it.

"Thank you." Ye Shikai looked dull, and a few female shop assistants couldn't help laughing.

"Is it okay?" Ye Shikai looked at his watch. It's been more than thirty minutes and he doesn't wear makeup. It shouldn't take so long. Ye Shikai thought about it, but there are many small accessories on this wedding dress. A little bit up, as much as to depend on personal intentions, Ye Shikai tried to knock on the door of the fitting room.

Hey, hey, hey.

"Xiao Xin, how are you doing?" Ye Shikai asked curiously, seeing that there was no response inside, turning and trying to walk away.

Suddenly, the door of the fitting room was slowly opened. Chen Yuxin grabbed Ye Shikai's hand and dragged him in directly. Without any precaution, Ye Shikai was pulled in directly.

When Ye Shikai calmed down, she was so speechless that she was shocked by the "fairy" in front of her. She changed into a white wedding dress, a little less earthly tacky, a little more pure childishness, Ye Shikai's heart was agitated Jumping. In high school, he had countless fantasies about Chen Yuxin wearing a wedding dress ~ ~ But at that time, he was still very poor, far from his current achievements, and dared not think much.

Now the fairy was standing in front of her, and the two were crowded in this small fitting room. The distance between the two was only twenty centimeters.

"Xiao Xin, what are you going to do?" Ye Shikai acknowledged that he was moved. Since the two met eight years later, Chen Yuxin's body has lost the feeling it once had. Until now, this hormone has once again impacted his brain.

"Xiao Kai, do I look good." Chen Yuxin took a small step forward, and a burst of scent came, Ye Shikai instinctively took a step back, her back resting on the wall of the fitting room.

"Of course, especially ... changed this wedding dress." Ye Shikai nodded, it should be a very happy smile, but why he suddenly did not want to laugh for a moment, but wanted to leave.

"Xiao Kai, shall we never be apart in the future." Chen Yuxin took his hand, and the soft voice moved like a feather in his ear.

"Xiao Xin, wait for you to put on the veil, let's talk about it when you come out." Ye Shikai put his hand on the doorknob. Why, when Chen Yuxin approached, he felt a great sense of oppression, maybe he couldn't completely After accepting this marriage, he only divorced for a few weeks. In his mind, he still couldn't forget a minute and a second of his life with Su Qingyu. After all, he still couldn't forget Su Qingyu.

Chen Yuxin's eyes flashed a strange color, grasping Ye Shikai's hand on the doorknob, took a step forward, pressed directly on Ye Shikai's body, put him on the wall, stretched his head, and touched his lips. Kiss him.

"Xiao Xin, calm down." Ye Shikai tried to push her away, but was afraid of hurting her, and did not dare to force it. Chen Yuxin exerted her strength and pressed Ye Shikai against the wall, her hands unwilling to let go.

{End of Chapter}

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