Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1066: Renegade Moon Guard

"Relax." Jayton nodded, slowly exiting the back room, leaving Chen Yuxin alone.

"Xiao Kai, I am also for your good. One day, you will understand me, even if ... everyone ca n’t understand, I don't care." Chen Yuxin murmured in the air in front of her, a flash of light flashed on her face An unusual look, empty eyes, as if going into a demon.

Ye Shikai paced back and forth in the room a little uneasily. Did he really spend too many days as a "workaholic"?

Looking at the calendar on the table, the wedding day was approaching day by day. He was not so happy this time. He said that marriage was the grave of love. Chen Yuxin was pregnant. Ye Shikai was under pressure. The burden on his body was so heavy. How could he be happy.

"Xiao Kai, are you ill." Chen Yuxin changed into a tulle. Although it was quite cold outside, the room was not only cold, but rather hot.


"Then how do I think you look so uncomfortable, and your mood is very depressed." Chen Yuxin slowly leaned forward, still holding a glass of water in his hand.

"Drink some water, it will be more comfortable." Chen Yuxin passed the water cup thoughtfully, Ye Shikai did not refuse, took the water cup and drank it in one breath. Indeed, after drinking the water, he felt that his body seemed a lot relaxed, and his mood It seemed to be inexplicably smooth.

"Xiao Xin, what kind of water is this?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"This is sugar water, but this water is soaked with herbs and has a soothing effect." Chen Yuxin explained.

"That's it, that's it." Ye Shikai didn't think about it. Lying on the bed, Chen Yuxin was lying beside him.

"Xiao Kai, we are about to get married soon, shouldn't we ... see grandpa and grandpa?" Chen Yuxin whispered in Ye Shikai's ears, Ye Shikai nodded, after all, Chen Yaozu was a senior, and he loved Chen Yuxin. Living in the deep mountains of Jiangnan should be very lonely. If he can be invited to the wedding scene, it can be regarded as fulfilling the wishes of the elderly. However, if this "heavyweight" practitioner comes out of the mountain, I am afraid that the entire Yanjing practice community will "It's trembling." By then, this marriage would be known to everyone. Ye Shikai didn't want this in his heart. He just got married for a few months and then divorced, and got married again. What would others think of him? Be strong, but also face.

So this wedding, he hopes to be low-key, but think about it carefully, Chen Yaozu has not gone down the mountain for decades, and should not quit.

"Well, of course." Ye Shikai nodded.

"Then let's go tomorrow, anyway, we have plenty of time now." Chen Yuxin laughed.

"Is it so fast, a few days later, anyway, the wedding is still more than a week away." Ye Shikai did not expect it to be "tomorrow" and subconsciously wanted to refuse.

"Let's go early and return early, I have all the gifts ready," Chen Yuxin said directly.

"Then ... whatever." Ye Shikai sighed.


Donghai City.

This international metropolis standing on the shores of the East China Sea is the economic center of gravity of China. Of course, like Yanjing, the city is also full of hustle and bustle, especially at night, it is a city that never sleeps.

The spirit of the ghost is not very good. It seems that he doesn't sleep well and lacks rest. According to Ji Qian's plan, he first took more than 20 month guards to sneak into Donghai City with casual clothes and waited for the opportunity. The position of the research base of Xing Boss has been determined. However, the ghost is curious. How exactly did the information about which warehouse in the industrial zone was obtained? The National Security Bureau should not be able to do it, let alone, this time in Donghai City, this "mysterious "Informants" must be very knowledgeable, otherwise you may not be able to find it even if you travel all over China.

This is a cheap rental house in the East China Sea. In this city, there are many houses similar to this. Most of the tenants are people who come to work in the East China Sea. They do n’t have enough income and it is difficult to maintain the rent. So they had to Live in this cheap rental house.

"Is everyone here?" The ghost looked at the people in front of them, all wearing casual clothes, male and female. If mixed with the crowd, they would not cause doubts. For identification, everyone ’s right wrist was tied. Holding a red rope.

"Master Ghost, they are all here." A Yuewei stepped forward and said.

"Very well, you should know who I am. I won't introduce myself." The ghost said lightly. "This time, you must fully obey my instructions."

"Yes, Lord Ghost." Everyone said in unison.

"According to the order, we will next test the internal structure of the target site." Ghost said to everyone. "The target site has anti-infrared devices installed, and cannot use instruments and drones ~ ~ only rely on people."

"Master Ghost, please rest assured that we will be able to complete the task," said the Yuewei firmly.

"Okay, let's all fall away." The ghost nodded, and everyone bowed respectfully and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment." Suddenly, the ghost yelled, and everyone stunned in place. They hurried forward, and the ghost rushed to the side of a female moon guard, reached out and directly clasped her wrist, and lifted it hard. On the sleeves of that female moon guard was a soybean-sized thing.

"Break tīngqì." The ghost took off the **** tīngqì and crushed it directly. A flash of a strange color flashed in the female Yuewei's eyes, and the other hand waved violently. A dagger.

"Look for death." The ghost yelled, and a palm hit directly on the female moon guard's chest, the internal force shattered the heart, and whimpered.

"Everyone is careful, there is an undercover." The ghost's look changed, why did this happen, and the departure staff confirmed at Yanjing that these moon guards were all under Ji Qian's hands, and there should be no people mixed in. There are signs that this month guard is undercover.

The crowd suddenly became tense at the same time. At the same time, seven or eight months of the crowd suddenly took out a dagger and stabbed into the neck of his teammate.

"Come to me." The ghost yelled, and the two people must be separated, otherwise the undercover will be mixed with the team members and it will definitely cause serious casualties.

The ghost's eyes were quick, and he saw the opportunity. He punched out a moon guard with a dagger and flew out. The remaining moon guards also followed the ghost's back, almost instantaneously, and the two sides began to confront each other. Looking at the four or five bodies on the ground, the ghost still feels a pity. These people attacked too quickly. Yuewei would not defend his teammates. As a result, only four or five people died instantly.

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