Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1087: Clique

Chapter 1087 of the Personal Wife's President's Wife Vol. 1087 "The Gangsters" "Originally, you are members of the gangs here." The ghost said faintly, no wonder they can be mixed in, and there are gangs everywhere. The underground world of the East China Sea is generally controlled by the Zheng family. These people should also be under the control of the Zheng family.

"Sorry, I have a job now and can't mingle with you, but ... conflicting and reconciling is also a good thing." Ghost shook his head and refused. "As long as you don't make trouble later, I won't hold you accountable."

"No, no, brother, you might as well think about it, our black sand gang is a big gang in this area, you can go and inquire, using your skills, be a security guard too. Before, it was a brother and mine, not here. ... We have repaid you, "said the leading brave man Zuozuo, and the little brothers around him also started to apologize.

"Everyone has his own will. I will not interfere with your choices, so I also hope that you will not interfere with me. If you have the opportunity, I still advise you to find an occupation in Ansheng."

"Brother, you don't have to think about it anymore. I have reported to my elder brother. He values ​​you very much." The strong man still did not give up, and wanted to invite the ghost to join.

"Forget it." The ghost shook his head, took Gu Xin's hand, separated the crowd and wore it over. "Let's go to the movies."

"Wait a minute." The strong man stopped in front of the two, took out a business card from his pocket, and handed it to the ghost.

"This is my contact information. If you change your mind or encounter any trouble, just call me."

"This ... well, I accept it." The ghosts were thin-faced and saw their attitude was very sincere, so they were embarrassed to shirk, took the business card in their pockets, and the two of them were watching. Left.

"What do those people mean?"

"I don't learn anything all day, and I want to draw you into a gang."

Along the way, Gu Xin kept counting, her mouth was raised high, her face reluctant, and yes, she was a good student since she was a child, and instinctively disliked these dark sides of society. It's a little foolishness.

"Okay, look at you." Ghost grinned at Gu Xin angrily and couldn't help laughing.

"You are still laughing. You should have called the police on the spot and arrested those people." Gu Xin said indignantly, turned and went directly to the counter to buy popcorn.

"Hey, you're really angry." The ghost saw this, and some were crying and laughing. These days, his relationship with Gu Xin has developed rapidly. The hospital has spread it. They are male and female friends. In fact, the two are No one confessed to anyone, the relationship is good, and naturally they are together. This is the first time since the association, Gu Xin is angry.

"Okay, I lost this business card, and you're satisfied." Ghost took out the business card and threw it in the trash can. Gu Xin's expression looked better.

"I warn you, these people are not good people. You are not allowed to intersect with them, even if ... you can't talk." Gu Xin stared at the ghost viciously and turned to the cinema.

"Hey, you didn't buy my drinks and popcorn."

"Hum, you buy it yourself."



The worm woke up from the coma, but his eyes were dark. He quickly reacted, his eyes were blindfolded, he wanted to speak, but he couldn't move, and the towel covered his mouth.


"What do you want to do?" Suddenly, the towel on the worm's mouth was yanked, and the conscious worm shouted.

"Where is Ziyu, where are Ziyu?" The worm wanted to move, but was **** and couldn't move at all. Remember that before the coma, Chen Ruoya brought someone to knock them out. But Ziyu, where is she? No one responded to him, was Ziyan in another room, or ... she hadn't woken up yet.

"Take me quiet." There was a deep woman's voice in the air, Ye Shikai guessed that this was Chen Ruoya. The worm was following the voice, little by little, "wriggle", but there was a bitter smile in my heart, now He really became a "worm".

"Chen Ruoya, what exactly do you want to do, do you know who I am, you dare to shut me." Worm cursed.

"Hum, if you blame you, you blame you for too many things, and care about things you shouldn't." Chen Ruoya said coldly.

"You ... what's wrong with your boss?" There was a bad hunch in the worm's heart. What happened to Chen Yuxin about Ye Shikai? Why didn't they let him watch the monitor and blocked Ye Shikai's phone.

"You do n’t need to worry about that, Grandpa, he's fine now, he doesn't need you to worry about it at all."

"Then ... what do you do to block the boss's cell phone, and why are you strapping me, and Aster? Does she have anything to do?" Worm asked anxiously.

"It's too much of a problem for you, if it's not your identity, now you and that stinky girl are dead."

"You ..." The worm is a little bit angry ~ ~ But now I am artificially stabbing me as a fish. If Chen Ruoya gets angry, he and Ziyu will be in danger. People are under the roof and have to bow their heads.

"That ... Sister Chen, this rope is too uncomfortable. I'm numb all over. If I go on like this, the blood won't flow and my hands and feet will be wasted. Otherwise ... You can do it, help me loose the rope." The worm signaled to be soft, he had no internal force and no fighting power, and the dead duck had a hard mouth. In this case, the stalemate did not make any sense.

"Hum, bear it." Chen Ruoya threw a cold voice and turned to leave.

"Wait, Sister Chen, Ms. Chen, I beg you, I have no internal force and can't go out, you can tie me loose, I promise to be honest." The worm pretended to be "weak" "I rely on my fingers to eat. Now my hands are particularly numb, you can give it loose."

"If you dare to play with your mind, I will not relent."

"Of course, of course, I must be honest, help me loosen the rope, it's almost uncomfortable." Finally, under the worm's begging, Chen Ruoya helped him untie the rope and put on a pair of handcuffs.

"That, Sister Chen, please help me to take down the blindfold too, otherwise I can't see anything, I'm a bit scared."

"You ..." Chen Ruoya was a little displeased, but she picked it up easily, took off the worm's eye mask, and a strong light shot into the eye. The worm could hardly adapt to the strong light, and looked at the ground sideways.

"You're here to stay." Chen Ruoya snorted coldly and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute, what happened to Ziyu, where is she?" The worm shouted, but it was the sound of the iron door closing in response to him. Want to talk with more like-minded people "Wife of the President of the Soldier King", WeChat pay attention to "climbing the book network or" to chat with more book friends

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