Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1093: Humble love

"You are crazy, you have such an idea." Zhao Yanran yelled, she was very angry and helpless, Tang Yun thought so.

"Chen Yuxin has done so many bad things, Boss Xing and Sky Moth almost killed him, and the" Shadow "agency chased us all over the sky, you actually want to keep secret." Zhao Yanran shouted, she couldn't understand, indeed Tang Yun fell in love with Ye Shikai, so the two thought differently.

"Chen Yuxin has done more bad things. She is also Ye Shikai's wife. The child in her belly is also Ye Shikai's child, isn't she?" As soon as Tang Yun's words came out, Zhao Yanran was dumb, yes, she said All of them are facts. Su Qingyu didn't want to divorce at the beginning, but why he still parted with pain, not because of that child. In the final analysis, Su Qingyu still loves Ye Shikai deeply, in order to complete his "home of three", he sacrificed Your own marriage.

"I can't convince you, it's up to you." Zhao Yanran waved his sleeves and said coldly, yeah, after all, this is Tang Yun's secret. Do you want to tell Ye Shikai that it is her freedom, in fact, Zhao Yanran can understand Tang Yun's approach, but this "love" willing to sacrifice herself is really rare.

"I want you to keep this secret." Tang Yun said firmly, Zhao Yanran understood that she was determined. In the past, I always heard that Ye Shikai was huāhuāgōngzǐ, and she was fascinated by "beautiful women from all walks". It turned out to be true, but also a "tragic woman" obsessed with love.

"You ... OK, I promise you to keep the secret, so you are always satisfied." Zhao Yanran nodded, who let Chen Yuxin conceive his child, but Ye Shikai did not know how many people were behind him. Heartache.


Suddenly, a loud noise came from the front cover of the car, and the two women's minds also fell sharply. Before the two women could react, a spear pierced the front windshield and pierced directly. Tang Yun Unguarded, the spear penetrated her abdomen, and even the back seat pierced.

Zhao Yanran was stunned by the scene in front of her. Everything happened too suddenly. Out of the killer's instinct, she yanked out the pistol near the seat and shot at the figure on the front cover.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

The figure moved quickly, flashing bullets to the side, Zhao Yanran quickly drew out a dagger and cut off the spear. Blood poured out from Tang Yun's wound, and his face turned pale instantly, his body trembled, so The big penetrating injury is probably stomach bleeding. Zhao Yanran put a burst of internal force into her body to protect her heart and veins, but the blood was still flowing out, and she couldn't hold it for long.

"Hurry up ... get away." Tang Yun was pale and his voice was extremely weak. "Their ... they also have you."

"Nothing, I can take you away." Zhao Yanran shouted, the two girls have been together for so many days, they have already become friends with each other, these people do not need to know and know, it is the boss Xing or Chen Ruoya The killer, just unexpected, they came so soon.

"It's poisonous, it's a" shadow "agency. You ... hurry up, at least, somebody wants to keep the secret." Tang Yun said this sentence with utter disappointment, Zhao Yanran's body suddenly Hold on, the "Shadow" agency is killing people. The secrets of the two women are unknown to others. If Zhao Yanran is dead, then ...

"As long as I can love him silently, that's enough ..." Tang Yun murmured softly, turning her head to look out the window, and raised her last smile.

She is a small person. Perhaps in Ye Shikai ’s eyes, she is just a “familiar passerby”. However, she is still willing to die for Ye Shikai. Her love for Ye Shikai is like a thief carrying stolen goods and dare not expose herself In the sun.

The door was slammed open.

"Zhao Yanran, Tang Yun, follow me soon." I saw Luo Shiqi was followed by a number of suit bodyguards, and there were still sounds of gunfire all around, a mess.

"Tang Yun she ... has ..." Zhao Yanran breathed a long sigh of relief. Luo Shiqi looked at Tang Yun, who had lost her breath in front of her, and her heart trembled, and she soon recovered her calmness.

"If you have the ability, take her body with her." Luo Shiqi said coldly, hiding in a gas station with a few bodyguards and aster worms.

"Boss, these people are professional gunmen. They came for us." One of the bodyguards said loudly. Everyone entered the gas station convenience store to find a shelter. Here is the gas station. Once the explosion occurs, the consequences are serious. It's too dangerous outside.

"Don't worry, I'm so shocked that someone will come to the arena soon. We only need to support it for fifteen minutes." Luo Shiqi picked up a pistol and fired at the gunner outside, and immediately fell two or three people. .

"Everyone held their breath and pulled back." Zi Yan took out a grenade-like jar from his pocket ~ ~ and threw it towards the crowd outside.


A burst of white smoke spewed out of the jar. As soon as the gunners inhaled the white gas, they immediately collapsed to the ground, motionless, as if dead, taking advantage of this vacancy, the remaining people immediately retreated from the back.


Yanjing, hotel.

"Mr. Ye, congratulations."

"Miss Wang, I wouldn't expect you to come to my wedding." Ye Shikai felt bad when she met the people. Although Wang Qian was beautiful, she could not be overstated by her viper heart.

Jingle Bell.

"Oh, Miss Wang, your phone is ringing." Ye Shikai pointed to Wang Qian's pocket. Sure enough, although the ringtone on the phone was small, it was just enough for the two to hear.

"Out of touch." Wang Qian was a little displeased and nodded to leave.

"Jaton." Ye Shikai waved his hand, and Jayton stepped forward in two steps.

"Sir, what do you want?"

"Help me pay more attention to the group of the Wang family, especially this Wang Qian, she may have other actions."

"Yes, sir, I'll do it now." Jayton nodded, and followed the guests of the royal family with several guards.

"How is the plan going?" Wang Qian found a corner where no one was, connected the phone, his face was somber.

"Miss, the plan ... failed, let them run away, and folded more than a dozen men." There was a man's voice over the phone.

"Huh, waste, what the **** are you doing, so many people have let so few people run away."

"Miss please rest assured, I will send someone to chase immediately."

"No need, the movement is already too loud, withdraw all without leaving traces." The wife of the president of the personal soldier

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