Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1095: Crashing truth

"Xiao Kai, what happened to you just now." In the lounge, Chen Yuxin took off her white veil, and her beautiful black hair drifted down. Ye Shikai could not help but grinned, and found something very philosophical. The wedding dress is actually the same as life. Although it looks beautiful and gorgeous, if you wear it all the time, it is like a burden, it will only make people more and more tired ...

"Oh, just now ... what just now."

"You ..." Chen Yuxin was a little angry, her face turned red. "It was just ... when you swore, why didn't you speak?"

"Just now, I seem to have lost my mind." Ye Shikai turned his head and said quietly, at that time, he was indeed lost, at least, he could not hear the emcee's voice.

"Is it God-going because of God-going?" Chen Yuxin was skeptical. She did not believe what Ye Shikai said. At that critical moment, how could he go God, and if it was nervous, Ye Shikai was not an ordinary person. He has experienced many winds and waves, and this moment will not make him nervous.

"Yeah, maybe it's not very good recently." Ye Shikai perfunctoryly.

"It doesn't matter, anyway ... the wedding is going very smoothly." Chen Yuxin originally wanted to continue to ask, but now that the wedding is over, she is now happy again, so she doesn't plan to continue this topic.

"Lower case, the guests are gone. Let's go home, too. I don't like it."

"Okay, let's go back."

"I have something. You wait here for a while." Chen Yuxin glanced at her phone and said with a smile to Ye Shikai.

"You go, I'll wait for you here," Ye Shikai said in a chair.

Jingle Bell.

At this time, Ye Shikai's mobile phone rang. This was a document sent by Wang Kai. There was nothing else. Ye Shikai opened the file, but was shocked by the contents. His hands were loose and the phone dropped to the ground.

ten minutes later.

"Xiao Kai, let's go home." Chen Yuxin hurriedly came over, holding his arm, but what she didn't expect was that in response to him, it was ruthless throwing hands and Ye Shikai's cold eyes.

"Xiao Kai, what's wrong with you." Chen Yuxin rubbed her wrist gently, her face panicked, wondering Ye Shikai's attitude change.

"What's wrong with me, listen to yourself, what is this?" Ye Shikai picked up the phone and patted it directly on the table. With a look of resentment, he took off his suit jacket and left it on the sofa.

The document was a voice, and Chen Yuxin opened her voice in a guilty conscience. After listening, her face was also shocked.

"My phone, you blocked it, you are still carrying me, kidnapping worms and purple aster." Ye Shikai roared loudly, to be honest, after he heard this voice, his brain seemed to have been bombarded, It was so blank that he didn't know what to think about next, but he was stuck in place, mentally weak and physically weak.

The content of the voice was recorded by Luo Shiqi. As for the reason why it can be sent to Wang Kai's mobile phone, it is Ji Qian's credit. In fact, it helped to forward it.

"Xiao Kai, listen to me and explain, it's not what you want." Chen Yuxin's tears came to an end all of a sudden, and she stepped forward and hugged Ye Shikai's waist tightly, and refused to let go.

Ye Shikai shoved Chen Yuxin aside, her makeup had been wiped by tears. In fact, at this moment, his heart was only disappointed. Even at the moment, he still had a hint of fantasy, hoping to hear Chen Yuxin's refutation, but now watching Now, she has acknowledged the fact.

"You also sent someone to assassinate them." Ye Shikai sat on the chair, pressing his temples with both hands, and his head was aching. He never expected that Chen Yuxin would do so many things behind her.

"Xiao Kai, these ... I can explain, I didn't mean to hurt them intentionally, I ... also helpless." Chen Yuxin quickly argued, trying to embrace Ye Shikai, as if she let go, Ye Shikai would leave.

"What on earth do you want to do?" Ye Shikai yelled suddenly, Chen Yuxin was stunned in the place by this roar, and Ye Shikai's tears slowly dropped.

"I didn't expect that the girl who once was like this." Ye Shikai desperate, turned and wanted to leave.

"Xiao Kai, you really misunderstood me. Let's go home first. After I get home, I will explain to you slowly." Chen Yuxin quickly took his hand, and she begged.

"Xiao Kai, I really don't want to lose you, and I can't lose you, I'm really afraid ..." Chen Yuxin buried in Ye Shikai's arms and wept for a while, and gradually, the cry became sobbing and sobbing, and Ye Shikai recovered his calmness.

"Xiao Kai, I have your child, you can't abandon me." Chen Yuxin murmured in his ears in a crying voice, Ye Shikai was originally soft-hearted ~ ~ Just now, he also rushed out The impulse, but now, it has become a boat. At the beginning, because of this child, Su Qingyu had to give up his marriage to complete Ye Shikai. Now if he left like this, wouldn't it be meaningless for him and Su Qingyu to divorce.

for the kids.

"You go home first, and I will come back later." In the end, Ye Shikai reluctantly left a sentence and sat back on the sofa again.

"No, let's go back together." Chen Yuxin said, shaking her head, her hands tightly holding Ye Shikai, unwilling to let go.

"You go back and wait for them to come in. I'm afraid of conflict." Ye Shikai said lightly, Chen Yuxin lost her confidence all of a sudden, yeah, in Zi Zi's character, if she came in and saw Chen Yuxin, I'd be afraid to "open tears". Yes, and now Ye Shikai is still angry, Chen Yuxin is going to stimulate him again.


The lounge door was violently opened, and Luo Shiqi rushed in with the people behind her, only to see Ye Shikai sitting on the sofa, looking disheartened.

"Brother, are you okay." Zi Yan stepped forward and saw this picture of Ye Shikai, without the joy of the groom's official, the room was empty, and there was a kind of "desolation" in the empty room.

"I'm fine." Ye Shikai waved his hand. Although he didn't drink, he looked like he was drunk.

"You have received the voice." Luo Shiqi looked at the situation in front of her and had guessed what happened. She knew how much the news would hurt Ye Shikai. Today is his wedding, but she did not want to retaliate on purpose. Chen Yuxin, but Luo Shiqi is very clear. If Chen Yuxin is allowed to do so, Ye Shikai will be hurt one day, and it will be a hundred times more serious than the current one. Long pain is worse than short pain, and when broken, it is broken.

(End of this chapter)

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