Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1108: Good girl

"Enough, have you made enough trouble?" Ye Shikai shoved Chen Yuxin away and shouted, "Why are you making such an unreasonable noise, what do you want to do?" After Ye Shikai finished, he turned into the room.


As soon as the wooden door was closed, it was opened by Chen Yuxin. Ye Shikai, who had just been lying in bed, had not responded yet, and Chen Yuxin's body was crushed.

"Xiao Xin, what are you going to do?" Ye Shikai turned his face to the side, he was really tired now, maybe because he drank, so his attitude was not good just now, but Chen Yuxin's unwillingness really made him very Worrying, and now it seems that Chen Yuxin really followed him today.

"Xiao Kai, we are obviously married, why do you treat me like this, don't you care about my feelings."


Ye Shikai felt his face wet with a "hot rain". Opening his eyes, Chen Yuxin's tears burst, and the tears fell on his face ...

"I know it's not good for me. I shouldn't treat you this way before, but now I really want to be with you." Chen Yuxin said in tears, her voice choked, she could see that she was sad, indeed, Ye Shikai's "Abusive love" is bound to hurt many people.

But Chen Yuxin did a lot of things, even some incredible, and she was terrified. For example, at the beginning, she wanted to get Ye Shikai's love and set up a single love affair privately. You know, this kind of wickedness is insidious. If not, both of them will be in danger. Furthermore, she forced Ye Shikai several times, and secretly sent someone to follow him for 24 hours, and even used the Tianya Group as an article to create an opportunity to get along with Ye Shikai.

"Well, don't cry." Ye Shikai was also touched. Chen Yuxin was crying with pear blossoms and rain. He couldn't help but be soft and things would become like this. He is also responsible. Today's things, he was impulsive, strong He kissed Su Qingyu, but maybe this is his voice. Ye Shikai is very confused now. He is not quite sure if he can get along with Chen Yuxin because of the child. He used to endure love, but when he saw the love again, But he couldn't tell what he was feeling. He was not a cold-blooded animal. He also had emotions. He didn't know how long such a marriage could last.


East China Sea.

Cultivators have never been a suitable group for love, but from a certain perspective, several leaders of the Hades have fallen into the "magic" of love at the same time, but everyone seems to have experienced the "catastrophe" of love. At the beginning, the same was true of Nightmare and Magic Fox. The two were in love and killed each other from the tomb spirit organization of Hong Kong City. Fortunately, they finally achieved a positive result. The only thing that was relatively peaceful was Soul Slayer and Magic Wife, both of whom were careless. Personality, although usually indiscriminate, but it doesn't matter.

Ji Qian and Arcing Nightmare and others did not go to the ghost again. They were also very clear that the ghost would not see them again unless he was allowed to recover his memory.

"Ali, where do we go to eat at noon." In Donghai Hospital, the ghost heroes' rescue of the beauty has spread inside, and the most amazing thing is that there are troublemakers from time to time in hospitals, but since ghosts became security guards, These people never appeared again. Even the dean knew about this matter. As a reward, the ghost ’s medical expenses have been reduced a lot. Everyone thinks that this is the result of the ghost ’s last show. Those gangsters seemed very cruel, but they were in fact debilitating and hard-hearted. Knowing that there was such a "Valkyrie" as a ghost, naturally they dared not come, even the colleagues of the security team were awed by him.

"Eat, go to the hospital cafeteria. The meals are pretty good and economical." Ghost took off the security clothes and said lightly, there is no way, his only income now is to earn that salary as a security guard, as well as rent and utilities. , Oil rice tea salt, although the money is enough to feed, but in terms of standard of living, it is really different. Sometimes, in order to save the next dinner, he will divide the Chinese food into two meals. The canteen of the hospital provides internal Employees will get free buns and rice, and he will also get more.

"Ah, I don't want to eat in the cafeteria. The food there is not good. Let's go out to eat." Gu Xin shook his head. The doctor's income is not low. Gu Xin's family is a middle class. In the city of Donghai, the middle class Class is almost the well-off class, so Gu Xin's standard of living is not low. From time to time, he goes out to the next pipe and goes shopping with his girlfriends.

"But ... my salary hasn't been paid, and ... the rent has to be paid ..." Ghost is a little bit embarrassed. For a man, saying poverty seems to hurt self-esteem, but the reality is so, the situation is compelling.

"It doesn't matter ~ ~ I invite you this meal." Gu Xin grinned.

"It's ... not good, how can there be girls for dinner." Ghost shook his head, at least it should be AA system.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be quite masculine." Gu Xin suddenly laughed. "We are couples. It doesn't really make any difference who invites guests, and my dad and I said that girls also need to be independent, so that boys can admire them, and , Unlike other girls, I only rely on my boyfriend and have no consideration for him. "

Gu Xin took out his wallet and shook it in front of the ghost. "I'm on my own now, how about it, great."

"This ... okay, I'll be lucky to have a meal today." Ghost teased, although there was still some mustard in his heart, but Gu Xin's words really warmed his heart, and the self-supporting girl It is indeed admirable.

"I know a new restaurant has been opened nearby. I have already made a reservation. Hurry up." Gu Xin took his hand in excitement, and the two ran out.

"Gu Xin, my friends came over last time ..."

"Stop." Before the ghost said it, Gu Xin suddenly stretched out his finger and placed it on his lips. He swallowed back when he just reached his mouth.

"Okay, don't forget, aren't we agreeing, don't talk about those things about you, we have to look forward to our life, don't we?" Gu Xin continued to say, "Well, let's hurry up Let's go. "

You inspiration inspired me to feel warmth in my heart. My previous experience was so gloomy, but Gu Xin didn't care about it. It is really a blessing to meet such a girl this year.

"Xin'er, be careful." Suddenly, Youshen was in a crisis, and her back suddenly became cold. A person suddenly sprang out from the side of the road and flew at Gu Xin beside him. Sting in the attacker's chest.

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