Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1103: Confidentiality

Speaking of which, there seems to be a special fate between the elven queen Mona and him. In modern society, no one would believe that there is an elven creature in the world, and Ye Shikai happened to meet him, although it has passed. Almost half a year, but he still remembers the experience of blurring the forest. Orcs and elves have refreshed his understanding of the world, especially the words that Mona used to say.

He had known him two thousand years ago.

Ye Shikai does n’t know what this means. The life of the elves is very long. Two thousand years is equivalent to the years of human beings. By contrast, human beings are like plankton and life is fleeting. As Mona said, Ye Shikai is pure Let's see it for a long time.

Looking at Chen Yuxin's eyes, Ye Shikai suddenly felt a little flustered. If he was talking about these things while he was talking in a dream, then the Mona thing ... If Chen Yuxin knew, she would have misunderstood.

"Xiao Kai, tell me about that experience, blur the forest, and the elves, is there really such a place?" Chen Yuxin murmured with her hands on her chin.

"It's very dangerous there. There are giant elephants, lions, and thousands of marching ants. When they meet, they either run away or die." Ye Shikai said all the dangers along the way. These creatures are external. For the person, it is a "death sickle", but it is a natural patron saint to the blurred forest. This is what nature should look like.

"Really, then you are not allowed to go next time." Chen Yuxin listened, her face grew heavier, especially when she heard that several dark guards had not had time to retreat, and were swallowed by marching ants alive, her body could not stop Live trembling.

"Of course, I do n’t want to go if it's not absolutely necessary, but now that I'm fine, I should ... never go to that place again." Ye Shikai suddenly ridiculed, "No matter how bad it is, we must at least guarantee those who eat people." There are no creatures, so I can go. "

"Even if there are no marching ants, you can't go." Chen Yuxin suddenly exclaimed excitedly. "These elves are not good, and you must be in danger there."

"Xiao Xin, why are you so excited." Ye Shikai was a little shocked, and Chen Yuxin's reaction seemed to be a little overdone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm worried you're in danger." Chen Yuxin realized her malaise, frowned her hair with her hands, and sat down again.

"Will I not be in danger, and Xiu Wei has successfully broken through." Ye Shikai nodded and said.

"Xinxin, I have promised them about the Elves, and I won't tell them, so ... you keep it secret, okay." Ye Shikai hesitated, his eyes flickered, and he said something lightly.

"Of course, this is your secret, and I naturally want to keep it secret for you." Chen Yuxin nodded.

"That's the best." Ye Shikai looked down at his watch. "Okay, you can rest here, I'll go to the hospital to find the ghost."

"Come on." Chen Yuxin helped him organize his collar, looking like a virtuous person.

"Ok, I'm leaving." After Ye Shikai left the room, Chen Yuxin's smile gradually disappeared, she sat down in front of the sofa, poured a glass of red wine, and took a sip from time to time.

Hey, hey, hey.

At this time, the door of the room suddenly rang.

"Come in." Chen Yuxin's eyes were cold, and she whispered softly, but her voice was not loud enough, but it could just be heard by people outside the door.

"Do you have any orders, homeowner?" The visitor was her confidant, Chen Ruoya.

"Did the operation fail again?" Chen Yuxin said lightly, looking coldly at the surrounding, Chen Ruoya's complexion changed, her body could not stop shaking.

"Homeowner, I made a mistake in choosing someone. This is Donghai. I ..."

"Okay, no need to explain." Chen Yuxin interrupted her. "This time is n’t all your responsibility. Donghai is not our place. Finding people here will indeed increase the risk."

"Homeowner, I will find someone responsible for the operation again immediately, and this time I will not fail." Chen Ruoya said firmly that she was indoctrinated with the loyalty of the Chen family since she was a child. In other words, she was brainwashed since she was a child. In every family, there is a "deceased confidant" like Chen Ruoya. Speaking of it, a life like Chen Ruoya can also be said to be a tragedy, because her fate has already been destined long ago.

As Chen Yuxin's confidant, Chen Ruoya watched her become the owner. One person got the word, the chicken and dog rose to the sky, Chen Yuxin became the dignified owner. Chen Ruoya, as the confidant, was also under the Chen family. Many people wanted to seduce Chen. At home, it is inevitable to give Chen Ruoya some benefits.

Having said that, Chen Ruoya's loyalty to Chen Yuxin is no less than that of the Hades, who will depend on Ye Shikai's life and death, so those benefits or anything have never been Chen Ruoya's attention. There is only one thing she wants to do ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ That is to complete the task arranged by Chen Yuxin.

"No need, this matter is not anxious to do." Chen Yuxin shook her head and took out a file from the drawer of the table.

"This matter is the most important thing, do it now, don't let me down again."

"Yes, the owner."


Tokai Airport.

"Master Luna, if we leave without saying goodbye, wouldn't it be nice." Magic Ji looked behind him a little hesitantly, except for Nightmare and a small team of dark guards who left East China Overseas, others received Ji Qian's notice early , Immediately arranged the equipment, flew to the northeast at noon, and even Ye Shikai did not know her arrangements.

"If you want the ghost to regain memory early, talk less and do more." Ji Qian said coldly, "Do you have everything?"

"I've brought all of them, all of them are mountaineering equipment, a full set, and some weapons, and they are all ready. We can get them when we reach the Northeast." Explains the soul, and handed a piece of paper to Ji Qian.

"This is the equipment list. Weapons are more difficult to get. I let the Dark Guards raise funds at the base in the Northeast."

"Very good." Ji Qian nodded and said, "Let's wait again, there is another important person who has not come."

"Who else hasn't come?" Mo Ji looked around and asked curiously.

"Sorry, everyone, I'm late." At this time, a beautiful woman ran from a distance, everyone turned her head, and the first thing that caught her eyes was a pair of long and white "legs".

"I wipe, who is this." Desperate soul raised his gaze, his eyes slowly moved from below to above, with white skin, deep eye sockets, high nose bridge, long brown hair, and a western beauty.

"This is who I am waiting for." Ji Qian turned her head and said to the crowd.

End of this chapter

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