Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1122: Self-blame

"Abominable." Soul-killer yelled and kicked off the snow on the ground. It was so rare and precious that Baishan Snow Lotus was so hard to find one that it was destroyed.

Ji Qian clutched Xuelian tightly, her face trembling slightly, her face full of regret and anger.

"What, Xuelian was destroyed." At this time, the magical girl also came over, and the blood was still flowing, but when she saw Xuelian was destroyed, she still trembled with a thump and fell to her knees alone.

"It's all my fault. If it weren't for my injury, I wouldn't delay saving Xuelian, and I'm willing to accept punishment." Magic Ji bowed her head, her tone very serious.

"My lord, it is my fault not to find the enemy in advance, and I am willing to accept punishment." Soul Slayer also fell to his knees and pleaded with Ji Qian. Although the relationship between the subordinates of the Hades and the Temple of the Moon was easy-going, it was also the case when acting There is a difference between the top and the bottom. People in the Hades will never shirk responsibility. The subordinates make mistakes and naturally accept the punishment of the superiors.

"Forget it, forget it, it's not your fault." It took a long time before Ji Qian stood up slowly from the ground. At the same time, Selena, the alligator, Zhang Lin, and others also took a dark look. Wei and Yuewei caught up.

"Sir, are you injured." Serena was eager to protect her body. There were several bodies on the ground, as well as a lot of crossbows. At a glance, you knew that a battle had occurred.

"My lord, what happened." Zhang Lin also quickly asked, seeing Ji Qian's face was "pale", her expression was dignified, and she was holding a scorched snow lotus in her hand. All of a sudden, she must be the attacker. In one step, Xuelian was destroyed.

"I blame me, but I didn't do my best." The magic girl suddenly burst into tears. It was hard to imagine that such a strong "female man" would even cry, even with alligators under the command of the Hades. , It is rarer than seeing a meteor shower.

"This is not your responsibility. You are injured now. Hurry up and heal yourself." Ji Qian sighed. It was a sigh. It was meaningless to investigate responsibility, not to mention, now it seems that the enemy they face is not only a mercenary regiment. There is also a killer organization. It seems that the ambassador behind the scenes is iron-hearted and does not want them to get snow lotus. If it is not unexpected, the people who come to stop them may be more than these two.

"It's just a pity that this snow lotus." Ji Qian is now more regrettable, after all, this snow lotus is hard to find.

"Adults don't have to worry. It's not just this snowdrop in the depths of Baishan, we can continue to look for it." Zhang Lin saw everyone in a sad atmosphere and was relieved.

"Well, Zhang Lin is right, let's continue to look for it." Ji Qian stood up. Although Xuelian was destroyed, she still kept it so that she could compare it next time.

After half an hour.

"What's wrong with your injury." Desoul picks up the bandages and wraps the wound around Moji.

"Fortunately, this arrow is not poisonous, otherwise it will be more troublesome." Desperate soul comforted softly, he knew that the magic girl was now blame, they just walked for half an hour, turned over two hills, and have not seen a white mountain so far. Xuelian, everyone looks depressed, but it is because of this that the magical girl will be more blame.

"Blame me, do you say I'm particularly stupid." Even in the words of the magical girl, Devil even couldn't help but laughed at "噗嗤", unexpectedly, from the outsider's point of view, the cold and cruel magical girl has always been , Even has such a cute side.

"Haha, what are you talking about, it's just a mistake, and you're also playing it, rest assured, the grown-up does not blame you." Soul-consolation comforted that he would not get angry in front of the magic girl, but in fact, everyone Everyone knows that the preciousness of Baishan Snow Lotus is destroyed this time, and it is possible that ... they came here for nothing.

"Are it still painful," asked Soul Killer.

"No pain." Mo Ji crawled up on the ground, muttering, "I have to kill those people."

"Haha, I'll stay with you." Soul Severer nodded and said.


"Let's get here tonight. Everyone will camp in place to rest, and the dark guard and the moon guard will take turns alerting." Ji Qian found a flat ground, checked the surrounding environment, and looked at his watch. It was already two o'clock in the morning. After that, everyone lived a full day and fought twice. They were exhausted.

"Sir, I will take a group of people out to continue to look for." Mo Ji offered to ask, Ji Qian glanced at her and said lightly, "Forget it, it's too late today, and the personnel are already tired, rest early and return tomorrow morning. Going. "

"Sir, I'm not tired now, and I can go by myself." Magic Ji retorted.

"Okay, you don't have to hesitate, it is not easy to find Xuelian, and we still have wounded people, and we need more rest. You go back. Today's things, you don't need to blame yourself." Ji Qian finally added In a word, the magical spirit of Mo Ji is very strong, and her most taboo is to drag down the team ~ ~ Well. This is the end of the story, and Magic Girl has nothing to say. If it is normal, in her personality, she will even obey Ji Qian's order and leave directly to find Xuelian, but at this time, she has to think more. She really went out alone, and there was an accident. It was meaningless except to increase the burden on the team, and there were so many enemies hiding in the dark. She is now injured again, and it is difficult to fight. There are odds.

Deep in Baishan, in a cave.

"Boss, according to your request, we have been following them all the time, without any slack, and also prevented them from getting snowdrops." There was a man and a woman conversation in the cave. From the tone, this woman seemed to be the one Man's superior.

"Very good. Once you find snow lotus, destroy it immediately and never leave it." The woman's voice was very low, the cave was dark, and they could not see the looks of the two.

"Of course, the growth environment of Xuelian is extremely harsh. A little destruction is enough to destroy the entire plant. I also sent my staff to look for it." The man responded again and again.

"One more point." The woman suddenly emphasized, "Your mission is not only to destroy Xuelian, but to ... kill them."

"This ... Boss, the moon **** is the twelve main gods, powerful, and there are soul destroyers, magic fighters, such as Hades, and dozens of dark guards. The strength can not be underestimated, I worry ... I am not under the control Their opponents. "The man said tremblingly, hesitantly, apparently fearing the strength of the Hades.

"Of course you can't do it alone, rest assured, the helper is already on the road, and there is another point, on the west side of Baishan, there is a cold lake. I want you to take someone and lead them there."

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