Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1125: Cafe talk

"Moreover, I can do what she can't do." Chen Yuxin gently left a kiss on Ye Shikai's cheek, her mouth slightly raised, her face full of a confident smile.

"Okay, you are the best head office." Ye Shikai shook his head slightly, it seems that every woman he touches is a winner, which is no wonder, whether it is Su Qingyu, Ji Qian, or the one in front of him Chen Yuxin, they are all alone, with a soft appearance but a tenacity in the heart. Chen Yuxin is even more so. She used to be like this when she was at school. Although she was weak on the surface, she was at the top of every exam. With a little effort, that's fake.

"Hee hee, lower case, don't think about those things, you have to start tomorrow, and take a break early." Chen Yuxin turned and went to the office. After speaking, she also did not manage the Chen Group for a long time, this time back to Yanjing It is time for her to manage the major events of the group.

"Well, let's get things done. I have something to go out of." Ye Shikai picked up the car key from the coffee table and turned away from Chen's residence.

Ye Shikai slowly drove the car. When he was at home just now, he received a "familiar" text message. Although there was no note on his identity, Ye Shikai immediately remembered who sent it to him.

Yanjing University, Cafe.

"Say, what do you want me to do, Oriental ... teacher." Ye Shikai took a sip of coffee on the table, looked at the beautiful teacher in front of him, and said faintly, that many students around were "watching." It seems that Dongfang Lian's popularity at Yanjing University is not small.

"Ye Shikai, I heard that you recently got married again." Dongfang Lian drank his coffee, tilted his elegant Erlang legs, and his tone was cold. Of course, this kind-looking teacher was not so kind on the surface. The heart of this woman was poisonous. However, there are very few people who know this. Han Ruoya and Su Ziqing are silent.

Therefore, the more beautiful a woman is, the deeper her mind is, and it is unfathomable.

Dong Fang's father used to be in the underground world, so she said that as the daughter of the power leader in the underground world, she had "earned her eyes" since childhood, saying that she had a plan, and Ye Shikai had no doubt at all.

"Yeah, do you want to congratulate me if you call me out?"

"Huh, like a scumbag like you, there is more than death, and you want me to congratulate you, I am awkward." Dong Lian Leng hummed, Ye Shikai's complexion suddenly became gloomy. To an outsider, he was indeed an abandoned The scum of his wife, even if he has his own reasons, it is difficult to deny the result.

"Then I'm gone." Ye Shikai tried to leave, suddenly felt that someone was pressing his shoulder, and suddenly looked up. Dongfang Qing didn't know when he had momentarily moved behind him, and his hands were on his shoulders.

"Are you crazy? This is a public place. Do you want everyone to know that we are cultivators?" Ye Shikai could not help but yelled and looked around. The cultivator's affairs are confidential. If When people see it, they know it all.

"Well, I'm here to find you, of course, there is an important thing." Dongfang Lian's hands slowly moved up from Ye Shikai's shoulders, and gradually touched his neck, and then ... alas, popped from the sleeve of her right hand. A dagger.

"I depend, what are you doing?" Ye Shikai was startled, and the cold metal touched the skin on his neck. What did Dongfang Lian want to do? He turned around and looked around, but fortunately no one nearby saw it.

"Are you investigating the cause of my father's death," Dongfang asked mercilessly.

"Of course I have some people investigating, but now there is something urgent and I need to delay." Ye Shikai said quickly.

"Hum, busy with your honeymoon, right, someone like you, sooner or later, the congregation betrayed and left." Dong Dong Leng hummed.

"Of course it's not just this thing." Ye Shikai reached out and pushed away the dagger on his neck. "A major event happened in the Hades, a ghost was attacked, and amnesia was lost in the East China Sea. Now we are helping him restore memory." Ye Shikai explained.

"Excuse me, you guys like to make excuses." Dong Fang's hand was strong, and his dagger was pressed against his neck again. Ye Shikai was now a little worried. In case she was not light or heavy, it stabbed it so bad. But ... how did she sound so strange, as if Ye Shikai had broken her heart.

"Auntie, what do you want me to do, don't care about everything, just busy with your business, let's say, how long has it been ..."

"Shut up, please say one more thing, I cut your tongue off." Dong Lian Leng threatened coldly. As soon as the voice fell, Ye Shikai took the opportunity, suddenly got up, pushed away his dagger, and sat in Dong Fang's position instantly. The speed was so fast that even the people nearby didn't notice it.

"I have a good temper too, Xiaoye ~ ~ Ye Shikai is calm and calm. After coming out of Bai Qi's relics, he has broken through the sixth stage of the" Xuan Emperor's Sutra ". Is no longer his opponent.

"Okay, I understand everything about you, please rest assured, since I promised you, I will honor my promise, at least ... I will give you an account."

"Wait a minute, I haven't let you go yet." Dongfang Lian stopped Ye Shikai suddenly.

"Is there anything else?"

"Sit down, let's talk about some other topics." Dongfang Lian took up his dagger, sat in Ye Shikai's position, and raised his coffee cup to drink it.

"Hey, that's my coffee ..."

"What's wrong?" Dongfang Li looked up, asking in confusion.

"Um, forget it, it's nothing."

"I have something else to say." Dongfang Lian continued, "In fact, I know all about you. These days, I also send my men to Donghai City to monitor your every move." Dong Liandan said lightly, Seems to be talking about something common.

"I depend, you monitor me." Ye Shikai slaps the table in shock.

"so what."

"You are also a college teacher to some extent, don't you know that tracking and surveillance is illegal?" Ye Shikai asked, what did Dongfang Pity think about it, and why doing something that harmed one's selfishness was justified.

"Do you need to be rational about you?"

Well, Ye Shikai understands that Dongfang Qing is not for everyone, but for him ...

"Okay, I can see it, you're here against me, I'm gone."

"Wait a minute, let's talk about business." Dongfang Lian hurriedly said, "After your honeymoon from Europe, do you have any plans?"

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