Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1134: Contain

"I remember when I entered Baishan, I ran into a river, which was not on the map. It was just that someone attacked us, so I ignored it." Soul killer seemed to remember something suddenly, and said.

"Yeah, I also remembered that at that time we were stopped by a river, but this river was not shown on the map." Ji Qian nodded again and again, Zhang Lin looked dignified and said with some guilty conscience, "Maybe Yes, I marked it wrong. "

"Zhang Lin, I have confidence in you. You know Baishan. Somehow there was a big river before now, and now there are so many strange roads. This should not be your memory." Ji Qian shook her hand, maybe once It was accidental, but twice, three times, it was strange.

"However, our current location is indeed here." Destroyer made a mark on the map, and the contour lines on the map were sparse, indicating that the terrain here should be relatively flat, but heavy rocks stacked near everyone, both sides It is a cliff, and there are many forks, completely different from the map.

"The compass also failed. It's daylight and you don't see the Big Dipper." Ji Qian was a little embarrassed, all the equipment failed, and most importantly, they got lost.

"We still have twenty-nine people, divided into four groups, and split their heads to find a way out. When they find out, they immediately send a flare." Ji Qian was helpless. They only had two days of rations, and there were no living things in Baishan. After that, their situation was bad. In this case, even if she knew that the group might be attacked, she couldn't care about it.

Ji Qian, Soul Slayer, Magic Girl, Serena, Alligator, Zhang Lin brought several dark guards and moon guards as a group, they are also the strongest group, and the insulation box that accommodates Baishan Snow Lotus is Zheng They carry it.

"Sir, please eat something." Selena handed a compressed biscuit to Ji Qian. The climate in Baishan was cold and the biscuit was very dry. They also needed to heat the water slightly before drinking.

"No, I'm not hungry." Ji Qian shook her head. The group walked for a long time, but they still had no clue. The front of them was blank and they could not see their heads.

"Adults don't have to worry. You see, the snow here has begun to melt. I think we are close to the border of Baishan." The magic girl pointed to the snow on the ground. Compared to the snow on the edge of the cold lake, it was really shallow here. a lot of.

"Can't care, the more likely this time is, the more likely a crisis will occur." Ji Qian looked at her watch, and now it was eleven o'clock in the evening, so she let a few months' guard send her whistle.


Suddenly, a crossbow shot straight, Ji Qian fell down, the crossbow shot into the tent on the side and shot the tarpaulin through.

"Be careful, someone is attacking." Ji Qianjiao snorted, and everyone responded, rushing over with a weapon in hand, and she was afraid of what came, just listening to a bang in the sky, looking up, it turned out to be a Flares, but Ji Qian recognized them at a glance. This was not the signal of the Hades and the Temple of the Moon, but ... the flare of the attackers.

Ji Qian's complexion suddenly dignified, the other party's purpose of sending a flare was only one, that is to gather other companions and surround them.

"Sir, are you okay." Serena rushed over to protect Ji Qian.

"I'm okay. I didn't expect them to come so fast." By the moonlight, everyone could see who was coming. Twenty or thirty men in black felt up from the side, blocking the way down the mountain, and now they His companions are coming here. If hesitated, everyone may be surrounded.

"Sir, you and Serena Zhang Lin led the moon guard, escorted Baishan Xuelian, and protruded from the east, we will help you to hold the enemy." Destroyer picked up the Changbai sword, the other side just surrounded the crowd, took the crossbow and aimed Everyone, they haven't started directly, but there are already enough people in the 20-30 group. They have just grouped and there are only a few people around.

"Sir, don't hesitate anymore, these people can't help us both, as long as you can leave, we can escape." Magic Ji said firmly, saying that he also took out a flare from his pocket and lit it into the air.

"Okay, be careful, Selina, Zhang Lin, follow me." Ji Qian knew that he couldn't hesitate any more, and at this time, she could only believe in the strength of Demon Ji and Soul Slayer.

"Maggie, I haven't thought you're not dead, you can come out of the cold lake, your life is really great." At this time, the leading man in black spoke, so that everyone did not expect that although the other party's voice changed, but It can still be judged that this is a woman's voice.

"I urge you to stop struggling. All of your puppets have been resolved by us, and no one will come to your aid. Here ... this is your death, but if you can surrender ~ ~ I can give you a way out of life. "The woman said coldly. After everyone heard it, they all had a tense heart. Is it possible that other dark guards and moon guards were killed? Although the number of each other is large, there are more than twenty people. , And it is fully armed, how could it be so easily destroyed, Ji Qian can only pray in her heart, this is the other party is scaring herself.

"Who the **** are you, and why do you shoot so often that we die?" Ji Qian stared at the woman in black with a serious look.

"You don't need to know. I'll give you another minute. If you don't surrender, you will all die here."

"Sir, you go away." Desperate souls had full strength, and when everyone didn't notice, they rushed out and stabbed at the woman in black with a sword.

"Give me it." The woman gave a loud sigh and pulled out a dagger from her waist. The tip of the knife was exactly on the tip of the Changbai sword, and a spark was instantly wiped.

Hey, hey, hey.

Dozens of arrows shot out. The magic sword waved the soft sword, and the crossbow was blocked by the sword body.

"The moon god's trick-the stars fall." Ji Qian waved her staff to run the main magic skill, Yinguang fell, and exploded in front of the enemy. With the strong cold power of the water element, Yinguang condensed into Dao Bingling. At the same time, Ji Qian took Serena and Zhang Lin, and led a few months of Wei to break out from the enemy.

"Stop them." The woman in black said loudly, just trying to intercept Ji Qian, but was blocked by the soul killer.

"Who are you, anyway?" Asked Soul Exterminator.

"Go to death." The woman in black waved the dagger and split it up directly. The soul destroyer crossed the Changbai sword to block the dagger. At this moment, the woman suddenly extended her other hand and held the dagger in the face of soul destroyer. Last stroke.

"I trust." Soul-killer yelled, and although he stepped back in time, his cheek was scratched with a wound.

(End of this chapter)

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