Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1141: Landslide

Chapter 1141 of the personal warrior's wife, the first volume of the mountain, the silver light hit the cliff at the top, the strong explosive force caused the cliff to loosen, and a violent explosion sounded on everyone's head.

Bang, boom.

The cliff was very steep, and was hit by Ji Qian's stars. The original load-bearing structure was destroyed. Several megaliths have been rolled down. Not only that, the snow above has also dropped. A small snow The ball can still get bigger and bigger, so under such a powerful bombardment, the snow fell directly and fell in front of Ji Qian and everyone.

Bang, bang, bang.

The bullet flew horizontally, Ji Qian hid behind the snowdrift, and immediately lost her trace. The magic girl immediately led away with the soul killer and slid away from behind, firing and covering, while the snow fell on the ground and hit the ground. Drifting white snow turned out to be a natural smoke bomb. Ji Qian took out her pistol, aimed at the shooter, and pulled the trigger again and again.

"Kill that woman." The woman in black shot at Ji Qian's position, shouting loudly, Bai Xue fluttered, leaving everyone out of sight. It was already nailed down, and as a result, they got lingering. With the order of the woman in black falling, dozens of people quickly besieged from both sides. Ji Qian looked dignified. Although she said that the other party could not find herself now, but here is the valley, there is no possibility of going out on both sides. You can only retreat backwards. Ji Qian raised her head and looked at the cliff. Before that, a star fell and the cliff has fallen a lot of rocks. If you hit it again, you might completely break the cliff. There are many boulder on it. Once It should be able to cut off the valley completely, and the thick snow stagnates the pursuit of the gunman.

"The moon god's trick-the stars fall." Ji Qian waved her staff, and once again issued the main **** skill, the silver light fell and hit the cliff.


With a loud noise, the cliff trembled slightly, and everyone raised their heads. A tens-meter-long stone slowly broke away from the wall. Everyone immediately reacted and turned in panic and ran back.

"Don't withdraw, rush me up and kill them." The woman in black saw this, yelled, and even shot a few gunmen with a pistol, but it didn't work at all, it was normal, a dozen meters long boulder It ’s bigger than a few big trucks. If you smash them down, they have to be a meat sauce. They are an employment organization. Although they need money, they have to spend their lives. At the moment of life and death, the fool will die. Qian and Selina hid near the stone, and the boulder smashed down to form a triangle space, and the two were safe and sound.

"Selina, let's get out of here while we're in trouble." Ji Qian coughed a few times, and the dust was scattered. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the two quickly crawled out of the stone pile and slipped out along the side.

Outside the valley.

After the crowd was "noisy" in the valley, the sky was already dark, Ji Qian and Serena lost contact with the crowd, and did not dare to stop. They ran for seven or eight kilometers, and determined that there was no pursuit behind them. Come down.

"Master Luna, what do we do now, we have lost contact, and now it is night, no one can be found at all." Selena gasped, taking advantage of this vacancy to restore her strength.

"Now, it is impossible for us to find them, and here is not far from the exit of Baishan, we leave at night." Ji Qian looked at his watch, it is eight o'clock in the evening, if it goes well, you can go out in the early morning.

"But what if they don't trust their lord and are looking for us?" Serena looked puzzled.

"Rest assured, they won't do this." Ji Qian shook her head. "Dead Soul is now poisonous in the body, and Mo Ji will definitely choose to take him out of Baishan first."

"That's the case, then let's go quickly." Serena nodded, Ji Qian sorted out her gear, loaded the bullet, hurriedly ate a compressed biscuit, drank some water, and the two stood up and left.


"Wait a minute, there is movement." Ji Qian suddenly held Selena, and quickly lay down, there was no wind here, how could the bushes move.

Taking out the thermal imaging night vision device, the two were surprised to find that there were actually five or six people in the bushes not far away.

"Master, what do you do?" Selina said softly, for fear of being heard, she didn't know the identity of the other person, and it would be bad in case of a shock.

"Relax, look at me." Ji Qian put her hands to her mouth.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo.

Ji Qian imitated the cuckoo's call, and had to say that the imitation was perfect and almost the same as the real bird call, but ... what was this to do.

Cuckoo, Cuckoo, Cuckoo.

A few seconds later, a few cuckoos rang from the other side, and Ji Qian's complexion instantly relaxed.

"Maggie, it's you." Ji Qian said softly, the voice was not loud enough to be heard by people five to six meters.

"Master Luna, you are." Sure enough, the voice of the magic girl came from the other side. Selena wanted to stop Ji Qian. When she heard the voice of the magic girl, she was relieved a lot. After running seven or eight kilometers, I just met them, which can only be said to be a favor from heaven.

"It's great, you're all right." Mo Ji and Ji Qian embraced each other, and a smile appeared on Devil's bleak face.

"Okay, I do n’t have time for it, let ’s change the road and leave the mountain." Ji Qian looked at her watch and left while it was night ~ ~ There should be no big problem, as long as ... you do n’t meet that black woman.

Ji Qian really couldn't figure out who was going to put him to death several times and Yan Jing had a lot of enemies, but this matter was obviously aimed at the Hades and the Moon Goddess, and a choice came out of her mind. , But ... she was not sure.

"I don't know, Zhang Lin and the alligator have gone out." Ji Qian muttered.

"Should not, otherwise the woman in black should have Baishan Snow Lotus on her hand." Serena comforted that Baishan Snow Lotus was the purpose of their trip, which is of great significance, but in their current condition, even though Snow Lotus was really destroyed Now, they must leave Baishan immediately. Besides, there were casualties along the way. Until now, counted Ji Qian, Serena, Soul Slayer, and Magic Girl, but only nine people, compared to the black woman. They are too few people.

"The alligator has a red strip on the road as a mark. We go back and look for it, and we will find the way out of the mountain." Serena said.

"No, wait a moment." Suddenly, Ji Qian stopped the crowd, her face was somber and dignified. "There are no creatures near Baishan. The red cloth strips are obviously artificial. If the attackers find these cloth strips, they will immediately understand that this is our stay Next, in this way, they can wait and see. "

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