Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1143: Get angry

The King of the Personal Warrior's Wife, Volume 1, Chapter 1143, was angry. "At the banquet, I will let the girl personally apologize to Zheng Gongzi." Ji Tao went on to say that the marriage between the two seemed to be in vain, but there was still an alliance. It is necessary that these days, the power of the Wang family is also expanding, and the long-distance and close-off attack has always been the strategy of the Ji family. He will never allow any factors that undermine the two alliances.

"This ... well, thank you for the good intentions of Senior Ji." Zheng Zongzuo said, sulking was also born, although he was angry, but at least he also exchanged for the alliance of the two, but it is embarrassing that in the future I am afraid It was inevitable to meet Ji Yu and meet each other coldly. Both of them are extremely distinguished. It is impossible for them to take the initiative to show goodwill to each other.

"Master, what are we going to do next?" Zheng Zheng left the parlor and the guard commander greeted him and asked.

"Ji Tao wants to host a banquet in the evening, and when the banquet is over, we will go to the airport." Zheng Zheng just took two steps and stopped suddenly.

"Master, is there anything else?" The guard leader is also an elder of the Zheng family. Like Mo Changfeng, it is all Zheng Min's confidant. In the East China Sea, Zheng Min needs Mo Changfeng to sit in the family, so there is no Bring him together.

"I have one thing, you should arrange it as soon as possible." Zheng Xuan asked the guard to turn his ears over his ear, and whispered in his ear.

Ji's house, study.

"Dad, why did you help an outsider murder me." Ji Yu looked at Ji Tao with a "poor" look, but this time, her wishful thinking was wrong. If it is normal, if Ji Yu is in trouble, If Ji Tao can solve it, she will definitely settle it for her, but this time, when discussing with Zheng Zheng, it is about family interests, and Ji Tao can come by her temper.


What Ji Yu never expected, she was greeted by a loud slap.

In the next second, a red palm print appeared on Ji Yu's face. Ji Yu fell to the ground with pain, and she was shocked. She never imagined that her father, who loved her, would hit so hard.

"Well, I usually doddle you, but I don't even think of being a bit of a person. I don't even know the most basic courtesy. Do you know that if you annoy Zheng Gongzi and delay the major events in the alliance, how much will it bring to the family? Loss. "Ji Tao snorted coldly. In front of Zheng Zheng, he couldn't teach Ji Yu, but now they are only in the study.

"Dad, you actually beat me." Ji Yu, suffering from pain, stood up from the ground, his body trembling.

"It's time for you to learn credits. I usually spoil you, which does not mean that you can do whatever you want at any time." Ji Tao shouted loudly, which was very different from the usual kindness. Indeed, this time, Ji Yu really let Ji Tao Too angry, it can be said that he was too disappointed.

"If you, like your sister, are sensible and knowledgeable, why bother with that."

"If it weren't for you, my sister wouldn't have left." Ji Yu was uncharacteristically cold, and even with anger, she waited for Ji Tao, waiting for a word, firmly speaking.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Tao cursed loudly after hearing it, stepped forward in two steps, and slapped his fan on Ji Yu's pretty face. Even so, the anger on Ji Tao's face did not disappear.

"Old Chen." Ji Tao shouted with his back on his back.

"Homeowner, what's the matter." The door of the study was pushed open, Chen Ligong hurried in and saw the scene in front of him. He was really frightened. Ji Yu had no internal strength. If Ji Tao exerted his strength slightly, She can be seriously injured, but it seems that Ji Tao did not use internal force. I saw Ji Yu staring at Ji Tao fiercely. The palm print on her face was very red. It can be seen that Ji Tao had hit a heavy hand. .

"Bring her back to the room and think behind closed doors. Without my order, she was not allowed to step out of the door."

"Homeowner, this ..."

"Perform the order." Ji Tao said firmly, Chen Ligong had no choice but to help Ji Yu first and help her to bring her back to the room to heal her.


In the evening, the house of Ji Family, the banquet hall.

"Grandson Zheng, I respect you for a drink." Ji Tao was wearing a traditional long white coat, very Chinese style, holding a glass of white wine, Zheng Zheng quickly picked up the glass, and they both drank a glass.

"Thanks to Ji Ji for the hospitality." Zheng Zheng said with a smile. There were also many Ji members who came to toast during the dinner. Because Zheng Zheng came to Ji's house in secret, several other families did not know his arrival, although Zheng Zheng I believe that after the banquet, the Wang family, the Chen family, and the Murong family should know that he came to Yanjing, but it is too late. As soon as the banquet ends, he will leave.

"Why don't you see Miss Ji." Zheng Zheng looked around, and even some of Ji's family members appeared at the banquet, which shows that Ji Tao values ​​his attention, but ... why Ji Yu didn't come and didn't want to Come on.

"It's really a shame. The old lady has no way to teach her. I'm punishing her behind closed doors and I'm asking Zheng Gongzi to forgive me."

"Actually, it's not all Miss Ji's fault. Please ask senior Ji not to blame her too much." Zheng Zheng heard this, and she was still faintly worried about Ji Yu. Although this girl did have a bad temper, she had a straightforward personality, It was a "clear stream" Zheng Zheng saw. At least, she didn't have bad eyes, and she dared to love and hate. It was a true disposition. In addition, if you step back, if there is no love, there is only one form of marriage, a girl. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the master of your marriage.

"Zheng Gongzi is kind and respectful, the old man admires me, please transfer this to Ling Zun." Ji Tao asked the waiter to take a letter. It seemed that it was Ji Tao's secret letter to Zheng Li.

"No problem." Zheng Zheng nodded ~ ~ Wait a while, I will let Lao Chen personally **** you to the airport. "

"No need, Senior Ji." Zheng Zheng shook his head, seeing that no one around him noticed, slowly put his head to Ji Tao's ears, and said softly, "How can I attract those people if I don't loosen the guards."

"Haha, it is indeed Zheng Li's son, and he did not lose the city house." Ji Tao nodded comfortably and asked the waiter to call over Chen Ligong.

"Master, what do you want me to ask?" Chen Ligong asked, he was Ji Tao's most trusted confidant, and the leader of Ji's "White Mist Army", under the jurisdiction of Ji Tao alone.

"Gong Zheng is here. Tonight, you obey his orders." Ji Tao said lightly, and turned to Zheng Zheng.

"Grandson Zheng, what arrangements do you have? Just tell Lao Chen directly. My Ji family must help."

"Thank you Senior Ji." Zheng Xie said thankfully, found a quiet place with Chen Ligong, and whispered in his ear.

.. Wonderful book house.

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