Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1150: Hades Power

"Here are two dark guards." Nightmare beckoned and begged them to lift the soul, and time was urgent. The crowd continued to move towards the exit of Baishan. Nightmare's previous move was to scare the woman in black. This is a Deterrence is also a final warning. If the nightmare's "ultimate ultimatum" is not forgotten by a woman in black, then he will be slain. In a place where Baishan is so large, there are few people and few corpses are here. People come to pack.

It seems that Ji Qian's repeated pursuits left a shadow in his heart. When the people retreated, they still looked backwards from time to time to prevent someone from sneaking in behind them.

"Master, rest assured, they won't chase after me," Nightmare explained. "I taught her."

"Well, that's good, this time, we lost a lot of people." Ji Qian sighed softly. When they came in, there were nearly forty people, but now only ten people, the other members are dead. It's in Baishan.

"It can be seen that they are trying to kill you." Nightmare said lightly.

"Fortunately, you arrived in time, otherwise we are really dangerous." Ji Qian pointed to the mercenaries behind him. "These are here to take refuge in us. When you leave the mountain, you will arrange them."

"Yes, Lord Luna."

"Yes, have you seen Zhang Lin and the alligator, they should go out first." Ji Qian seemed to suddenly think of something and asked loudly.

"Relax, sir, I have already received them, and I also sent them to the Northeast Sub-base, and when we go out, we can go back together." Nightmare quickly explained that the situation was urgent before and he was too late to say , But turned out to forget it.

"It's so good, Baishan Snow Lotus is finally protected." Ji Qian's heart was loose. It was so good. Finally, people and Snow Lotus kept it. Everyone came to the river and saw a lot of off-road vehicles. This should be a nightmare. The people who led them in were all rejoicing, and finally got rid of the fate of walking on the mountain with two legs.

"Master, who is that woman in black, and why has she always been against us." Nightmare was a little curious. After just fighting, he found that the cultivation of the woman in black was not low. If it had not been before the battle with Ji Qian The field is not so easy to be defeated by nightmare. This level of cultivation is not everyone can move the call.

"I don't know, but it is certain that there is someone behind her to instruct."

"So, there are still big people behind her." Nightmare nodded. Although she didn't know who the other party was, she could not be an ordinary figure if she had such a great posture.


"Anyway, I'm going to report it to the adults." Nightmare looked behind them, they drove, and the woman in black should not be able to catch up.

"Where's Jayton?" Ji Qian suddenly asked, after the ghost amnesia, Jayton has been managing the affairs of the Hades. They have been in Baishan for so long. It stands to reason that Jayton should have sent someone into the mountain.

"Master, Jayton is in the Yanjing base. If it were not for him, I would have been here three days ago." Mengma's face suddenly gloomed, and there was a smell of gunpowder in his tone.

"What do you mean?" Ji Qian immediately realized that something was wrong. Since Jayton started to manage the Hades, everything seems to have changed. Although the Hades is still operating and the power is expanding, it is not as it was before. Unity, the atmosphere in the base was cold.

"Four days ago, I originally wanted to bring someone over to meet you, but they were all rejected by Jayton, saying that there were other arrangements. As a result, I waited for a few days and didn't move. He didn't agree until yesterday. The two teams of dark guards let me come over to answer. "Nightmare was gritting his teeth, and there was no way. Without Jayton's permission, even the fourth warrior of the Hades would not be able to call the Dark Guards, and as the elite of the Hades, Only obey Pluto himself and Pluto order. The effect of this Pluto order is similar to that of ancient tiger runes, but the tiger rune is divided into two, and the two can be used in combination. However, there is only one Pluto order, which is usually carried by Pluto .

"This matter, I will tell him personally, after you return to the base, do not conflict with Jayton." Ji Qian's face was rosy, and the development of the matter seemed to have exceeded her imagination. She determined Ye Shikai It should be unknowing, otherwise how could it be indifferent, but in the same way, Ji Qian also maintained absolute calmness, and before the matter was clear, she could not argue, let alone do it. This is an internal behavior, and everything needs to be investigated.

But what made Ji Qian more relieved. With Baishan Snow Lotus, the ghost can restore memory, and by then, he can manage the Hades.

"Sir, we have left Baishan." At this time, a dark guard turned back and said to the two of them ~ ~ Ji Qian turned back, the snow around had disappeared, and a straight road ahead, after a lapse of time One week, they finally came out of it. I do n’t know why. Ji Qian was in a heavy mood. Maybe it was because so many people died. Those were her fighting partners. It was she who brought them here but did not bring them. Bring out ...



"Xiao Kai, come and take a look. I feel ... there is a fetal movement." Chen Yuxin was lying on the dress and looked very excited. She put her hands on her belly and carefully felt the change.

"No, is it possible to have fetal movements in just one or two months of pregnancy?" Ye Shikai doesn't know the knowledge of mothers and babies. Perhaps for most men, this is a "blind spot knowledge."

"Come and listen." Chen Yuxin was very excited. The so-called "one year pregnant silly three years", pregnant women, is not stupid, but the thinking has changed, not only that, Ye Shikai too, right away, he will Become a father.

"It should be ... just a normal stomach squirm." Ye Shikai touched her abdomen lightly, her eyes doubted, and sure enough, her abdomen was "calm" again.

"Really, it may be that I feel wrong." Chen Yuxin was lost all of a sudden. She wanted to have the child born as soon as possible. Although she had studied abroad for a long time before, she still had traditional Oriental thinking. A child is considered a complete family.

"Okay, don't worry, Xiaoxin, you can stay at home to raise your babies after a while, don't run around. I'm not assured that you are pregnant." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Well, I planned the same way. After a while, I let Ruoya take over the affairs of the group. After the child was born, I would take over the group."

(End of this chapter)

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