Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1159: The matter

"What, why did she collide with Zheng Zheng? The two of them didn't even know each other." Ji Qian became more confused, Ji Yu's lively personality, although not a boudoir, but also a Xiaojiabiyu, at least not to be It's a stranger in front of an outsider, and Zheng Zheng is a modest gentleman, gentle and gentle, and has a good sense of manners, and it is even more impossible to proactively provoke Ji Yu, not to mention, this is still in Ji's house.

Ji Qian faintly felt something wrong, there must be other reasons behind this matter.

"This ..." Chen Ligong looked at Ji Tao with a guilty conscience, and seemed to be asking for his opinion to marry Ji Yu and Zheng Zheng. Although both parents agreed, in the final analysis, the two " "The parties" are all unknowing. If you are honest, Ji Qian's ice and snow are clever, and you will immediately understand that it must be Ji Tao who forced Ji Yu to marry Zheng Zheng. How could Ji Yu agree with his personality, It is even possible to fight against each other.

"What the **** is going on." Ji Qian's tone chilled by three points. Chen Ligong didn't dare to answer it without authorization. This relationship with his father and daughter only eased. He didn't want to be stiff again.

"You don't say yes, then I will ask myself." Ji Qian was about to leave, Ji Tao was helpless and quickly stopped her.

"Okay, Qianer, it's my idea." Ji Tao reluctantly said, telling the whole thing.

"What, you actually asked Xiao Yu to marry Zheng Zheng, no wonder." Ji Qian was shocked. In fact, Ji Tao was not worried that Ji Qian and Ji Yu would oppose marriage together, but that Ji Qian would think that he It is a profit-seeking, even at the expense of the marriage of the biological daughter.

Of course, Ji Tao has his own ideas. It is his responsibility as the head of the family to revitalize and develop the family, but taking a step back, Zheng Zheng belongs to the best of the entire family in Huaxia. He has a gentle personality, no bad habits, and knowledge. Profound and handsome, he looks handsome. Leaving aside from his "Master Zheng Family" status, he should be a common and handsome guy who is popular with young girls. He really couldn't think of any shortcomings. It would be so simply rejected by Ji Yu. Does she already have someone in her heart that is not possible? According to Maid Ji Yu, she did not fall in love in college.

"Gong Zheng is also a talented person. Have n’t you met him? I dare say that if Yuer does n’t want to marry him, and some families are willing to marry him, I also think about Yuer. She will marry sooner or later, like Zheng Gongzi ’s condition is also rare, and it was proposed by the Zheng family owner himself. I naturally have no reason to refuse. ”Ji Tao also went along with the situation and bitterly“ shaped ”a great father who broke the heart of his daughter ’s marriage. Image.

"But you can't force it, and how can Xiao Yu accept such things as arranged marriage." Ji Qian didn't become furious, but she felt ridiculous, and seemed to be shocked by the marriage.

"It does n’t matter if you disagree, but Yu'er should directly confront Zheng Gongzi regardless of the occasion. In this way, the Ji family will bear all the responsibilities, and the relationship with the Zheng family is as low as freezing point. If Zheng Gongzi remembers to hate In the future, he will come to power and take revenge on Ji's family, that will be bad. "

"Forget it, leave it to me, Mr. Zheng, I will apologize and explain, let me go and see Xiaoyu first." Ji Qian waved her hand, she knew the character of the sister, and this happened Such things, she must feel very wronged.

"Owner, there is someone outside who claims to be Ye Shikai and wants to see Miss." At this time, a guard hurriedly came to the hall to report to Ji Tao.

"Qian Er, come to you." Ji Tao said faintly, he knew Ye Shikai, who knew about the relationship between Ye Shikai and Ji Qian, and about him, even Ji Tao, who had always been well-thought-out, did not feel it. It ’s not only about her strength and power, but also the women around him. Why, like Su Qingyu, Luo Shiqi, Chen Yuxin, and even her daughter Ji Qian, all "shouldered", What ability does a man have in the end, and Ji Tao also wants to know whether this Ye Shikai is an enemy or a friend.

"Dad, I'll take a look first." Ji Qian stopped, hesitated, and turned to the door.

"It's really hard to get in your door." Ye Shikai stood at the door, smoking a cigarette when she was bored.

"Okay, you don't have to make fun of it, come in quickly." Ji Qian waved her hand, this is her own home after all, it is not convenient for her to have any intimate behavior with Ye Shikai.

Ji Qian took Ye Shikai to a small living room and instructed the waiters to bring tea. The house of Ji's house is very large and it is a traditional courtyard house, but it is much larger than the ordinary courtyard house.

"As soon as you came back, why did you come to me?" Ji Qian personally poured a cup of Longjing tea for Ye Shikai.

"I went to the base just now ~ ~ I didn't expect that so much happened during my time in Europe." Ye Shikai's tone sounded serious, not at all joking.

"By the way, thank you very much this time." Ye Shikai took out a gift box from her bag and pushed it to Ji Qian. "A small gift for you."

"If I want these things, say hello to the Temple of the Moon, these things can pull a truck." Ji Qian did not open the gift box, but pushed directly to the side, drinking tea lightly.

"What are you thanking me for?" Ji Qian asked.

"Of course it's Baishan Xuelian. Thank you for bringing Nightmare Demon Ji into Baishan." Ye Shikai was a bit ashamed. Ji Qian helped him so much. Ye Shikai really didn't know how to return.

"Okay, you should look for me more than thank me, just say something."

"I got some information from Destroyer. Do you know who was attacking you in Baishan?" Ye Shikai asked.

"I don't know. From the first day we entered Baishan, they followed us like flies." From Ji Qian's tone, it is not difficult to hear her disgust to those attackers, oh no, it should be said as hate, she The ten month guards under his hand also died in the hands of those people.

"Did you have anything to say to me?" Ji Qian saw Ye Shikai's weird expression, as if she was thinking about something. With years of understanding, she suddenly understood that Ye Shikai had something to hide from her.

"No, nothing, I just want someone to tell me just now."

"Okay, let's change the subject, how do you feel on vacation in Europe." Ji Qian saw this and did not continue to ask.

"It's pretty good," Ye Shikai murmured.

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