Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1173: Know well

"You want to help me again, aren't you?" Ye Shikai smiled bitterly. Indeed, although he is now Pluto, the husband of Chen Yuxin, and the "Horse Master" of the Chen Group, in the eyes of most people, the title of Pluto It's unheard of. As for the title of "Mr. Chen's Group Master Ma", it seems very bluffing. In fact, I am afraid that Ye Shikai is eating soft rice. What Zheng Zheng thinks, Ye Shikai does not know, but I am afraid it is also very large. Like most people, objectively speaking, if Luo Shiqi makes a request, Zheng Ye will work harder to help.

"It's a hand-raising job, and it's really not a big deal. Zheng Ye is very prestigious on the East China Sea. Although he is very young, he has a lot of power in his hands. Find two people and don't even need him to give it to him. Just fine. "

"Is Ye Shikai looking for the person who will be so easy to find." Ye Shikai smiled bitterly, Luo Shiqi still think of the problem simple, if it is really two ordinary people, he would have been found long ago Zheng Zheng can help find it, but he may not be 100% sure of it, but at best it just increases the probability of finding it.

"No matter what, I still hope to help you, and don't underestimate me. If I was retaliated so easily, then I would have died." Luo Shiqi snorted coldly, it seemed to Ye Shikai. Dissatisfied.

"In the past your enemies were nothing more than gunmen mercenaries, Shi Qi, but do you know how terrible my opponent is, they can't even explain it with science." Ye Shikai is still worried, imagine, if a group of cultivation killers go Assassination of Luo Shiqi, relying on the bodyguards around her, I am afraid it is not an opponent.

"Okay, don't make a fuss, don't you want to go to Zheng's house with me, you should wear this one." Luo Shiqi waved her hand and pointed at Ye Shikai's casual clothes.

"Do you think Zhengjia Mansion is a tourist attraction? Hurry up and change to a formal dress." Luo Shiqi snapped her fingers, and the driver in front of him understood it and started the car directly, not knowing where to drive.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Let me off."

"Of course I bought clothes. You shouldn't bring formal clothes when you come to Donghai this time." Luo Shiqi gave a scornful glance. Indeed, after Ye Shikai had intended to restore the memory of the ghost, she returned directly to Yanjing. No more than two days, even without changing clothes.

The car is parked in the commercial shopping area of ​​Donghai. As a big city in China, the shopping center here is almost hot all the year round. It can be seen from the so many people in the shopping center, but ... the people who have status, never All have "VIP channels".

For example, Luo Shiqi is treating this suit shop from Ye Shikai.

"Measure him." Luo Shiqi drank the fragrant tea aside, and watched the staff there measuring Ye Shikai's size.

"Shi Qi, there is no need for this. I went to find someone to help me. Wearing this body made it look like I was going to a dinner party." Ye Shikai felt a bit inappropriate, so there was no need to wear such a gorgeous, just for this body, at least Hundreds of thousands.

"If you don't pay attention to your appearance, how can Zheng Zheng value you? I bought it for you and you'll put it on."

"Okay, you have the final say."


Outside the Zheng Family House.

"Shi Qi, have you met Zheng Zheng before?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"I've seen it once in Yanjing's time, but that was just a familiar face. This time I came to talk about cooperation." Luo Shiqi's face was flushed, and she said narcissistically, "After all, The big beauties are unforgettable. "

"That was the case." Ye Shikai nodded, but Zheng Luo should not dare to neglect her as Luo Shiqi.

"Look, here comes the person who invited us." At this time, a few waiters came out of Zheng's house and came to the car.

"Then let's go, too." Ye Shikai opened the car door. At this time, I saw a man walking straight out of the door and greeted the car.

"Miss Luo is coming here, welcome and welcome, come, please come in." The man who greeted him was Zheng's eldest son, Zheng Zheng.

Luo Shiqi greeted him with a smile. The two first shook hands, and Ye Shikai was silent beside him. This time, he is not the protagonist, and naturally he cannot "take the lead".

"This ... is Mr. Ye, it's been a long time." What Ye Shikai and Luo Shiqi didn't expect is that Zheng Ye turned to Ye Shikai, stretched out his right hand, and showed no respect for his face, Ye Shikai I didn't even react for a while, and then I stretched out my hand and held it together.

"Mr. Zheng, it's rude to take the liberty to bother."

"Both of them are my guests. It's windy outside, so please come in." Zheng Zheng signaled a few waiters to introduce them into the house.

"Mr. Ye doesn't have to be surprised. I already knew you were coming. Actually, even if you don't come ~ ~ I intend to invite you here, your name has been admired for a long time. In a few words, Ye Shikai really wondered why Zheng Qiang gave him such a high evaluation. Could it be that Ji Qian told Zheng Zheng about her own affairs? Maybe not.

"Mr. Zheng is very polite." Ye Shikai couldn't stand Zheng Ye's compliment.

"It is Mr. Ye that you are humble. Dignity Pluto, with hundreds of billions of dollars in wealth, is a figure who covers the sky with one hand in Europe, and deserves the evaluation just now."

After Ye Shikai heard this, his entire face was startled. Zheng Ye knew this and knew the power of the main shrine. Perhaps, he knew the Hades too. It seemed that they had underestimated Zheng Ye.

"Others think Ye Shikai is a small white face eating soft rice. I think they have no eyes." Zheng Zheng said faintly.

"I didn't expect Zheng Zhengzi to know me so well."

"Okay, let's talk about business, Miss Luo, you've already seen that business report." Zheng Zheng asked Luo Shiqi instead.

"Of course, it's really great that Zheng Gongzi is willing to cooperate with me." Luo Shiqi nodded. "I totally agree with the content of the project."

"Actually, Miss Luo is here, but there are other things." Zheng Zheng turned his words, but his eyes fell on Ye Shikai.

"Since it's a cooperative matter, I shouldn't listen to it anymore. I'll go out first, and you talk." Ye Shikai understood Zheng Zheng's meaning, and he invited Luo Shiqi to come all the way, of course, there are serious things to talk about.

"Acheng, you must take Mr. Ye to walk around the mansion. Don't be indifferent." Zheng Zheng stood up and asked the waiter to come over and said apologetically to Ye Shikai. "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, wait for me to finish the project. And entertain Mr. in person. "

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