Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1186: Anti-surrounding

The ghost yanked Gu Xin and rushed out of the door, free, as if beckoning in front of them.

"I depend, there are so many people." The ghost stopped suddenly, his mood fell from the air to the bottom of the valley again.

If there are enough people in the house, then hundreds of guards armed with guns outside the villa can't be used to surround the villa. Moreover, at this time, the two of them have been targeted by the guards with a gun.

Where there are so many guards, it was clear that when they were here just now, there was a silence outside, and what about the one and two dark guards, why did they disappear.

There were countless extremely terrible thoughts in the ghost's brain. The only way to say it was that a large number of guards arranged by Li Mei surrounded the dark guard and killed them all.

This woman is really thoughtful and arranges things seamlessly, but how did she guess the arrival of everyone, did things get exposed in advance?

"Ali, what shall we do now?" Gu Xin hid behind the ghost, shaking with fear. Any ordinary person, aimed by hundreds of guns, would tremble all over.

"Relax, I'm here." The ghost also looked dignified. If he left forcibly, even if he could hide the bullet, what would Gu Xin do?

"Raise your hand to surrender, or we will shoot," a heavily armed guard called.

"OK, we surrender, you don't shoot." The ghost immediately raised his hands. There was no way. Gu Xin was beside him. He could only choose to surrender.

"Ghost, let's go quickly." At this time, the Demon Slayer also rushed out with the remaining Dark Guard.

"I depend."

Unsurprisingly, their response was the same.

The dark guard pulled out the pistol, and the two sides faced each other, but compared to the number of guards and the firepower, the dark guard's pistol seemed to be worthless.

"What's going on." Exorcist's complexion is extremely dignified. So many people are surrounded tightly. Although there are woods around, but the probability of wanting to make a frontal breakout is too low, and it is too risky. completely annihilated.

"How so many people." Mo Ji's mood also fell to the bottom of the valley, Dark Guard has been killed more than half, forcibly broke through, completely hitting with a stone.

"Well, everyone, my prepared feast is not bad." Li Mei slowly walked out of the villa, Xue Yan also revealed the proud look of the past, they have succeeded, and everyone in the Hades has nowhere to escape, except to surrender It is death battle, and surrender ... and the result of death battle is no different.

"I'm sorry, this time ... it's my fault." The ghost apologized to Soul Demon and Magic Lord again, and apologized for the surviving and killed Dark Guard, if it was not for him and Gu Xin, not tonight. So many people will die.

"Ghost, it's really rare to see you apologize to us. You know ... it's always you who ordered us." The soul-stealer seemed to be suddenly relieved, and suddenly laughed.

"We said we would live and die together." At this time, Soul-stealing turned his head suddenly, uttering a word, and yelled forcefully at Li Mei.

"That's really touching. In that case, let's die here tonight." Li Mei raised her right hand, and the guards were ready to shoot.

"We will die together."

"But not tonight."




"Master, we have been attacked." Several gunshots sounded suddenly, like a thunderbolt. The woods were surrounded by gunfire and fire, and the guard fell down.

"Kill them," Li Mei shouted.

"Running to the left." Soul exclaimed, and the hands that had been hidden behind him suddenly released, and two flashing shock bombs landed on the ground.


"Abominable, don't let them run away." Xue Yanqi was desperate and rushed directly, not only her, but even the well-thought-out Li Mei never imagined that Hades would still have a trick.

The mantis catches cicadas, and the carduelis is behind.

Although the number of guards was large, they were attacked by the dark guards who came from the reinforcements. The most important thing was that from the sound of guns, the dark guards' firepower seemed to be more fierce than the guards. Do they also have hundreds of people?

How is it possible that there is so many people in the East China Sea when the Weiwei base is in Yanjing.

Xue Yan immediately found the trace of Gu Xin and the ghost. Others can leave it alone, but as long as the two do not seize it, Hades will never abandon them.

"Your opponent is me." Suddenly, a figure was standing in front of Xueying. Before he could see clearly, Xueying was shocked by a powerful energy.

"It's you." Xue Yan stood up from the ground with a bit of awkwardness, and when she could see the person clearly, she had a shocked expression on her face. Exactly, what attracted her most attention was a sword.

You Xi.

"It's you again, isn't it bad enough to lose the last time?" Ye Shikai sneered, yes, it was him who was the reinforcement, not only that, Ji Qian also went with Yuewei, and this time, they also There is a big helper.

Zheng Ye.

Do n’t forget, this is in the East China Sea. It ’s the Zheng family ’s territory. No one in this land can be more powerful than Zheng Zheng. For example, a large part of the people who came to this reinforcement were his guards, and Only Zheng Zheng can transfer so many people.

Xue Yan looks dignified. She has a deep understanding of You Xijian's strength. Jianwei alone can't take it anymore ~ ​​ ~ If it's a head-on collision, it definitely belongs to death.

To this day, Li Mei and Xue Yan have only left their annoyance. Ye Shikai's reinforcements were not expected so quickly, and they even regret not having killed the soul killer just now.

Obviously, no one at the scene could withstand the full blow of You Xijian, and no one was Ye Shikai's opponent. In terms of numbers, the number of reinforcements far exceeded the guards, and Li Mei and Xue Yan's advantages had been completely lost.

"Come with me soon." In such a big scene, Ji Qian naturally also came. I didn't expect to participate in a "battle" as soon as I arrived in the East China Sea. The soul destroyer was almost everyone's lottery, and Yuewei immediately accepted them.

"Everyone, surround them, don't let one go."

"Abominable, Xueer, withdraw quickly." Li Mei took Xueya's arm and pulled her back.

"No, if you fail like this, how can you explain to the Lord?" Xue Yan was so proud and proud that he was not willing to leave like this, except that the guards had shown a slump, and they continued to fight, only to increase casualties.

"Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with it." In the end, Li Mei convinced her and the guards retreated toward the back mountain. This is the old forest in the deep mountains in the suburbs. No one will know about tonight.

"No need to chase." Ye Shikai signaled that everyone should cease fire. Houshan is a forest without humans. Once entering, there is no way to find traces. Moreover, Gu Xin was rescued and their goals have been reached.

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