Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1188: Jinpen Washing Hands

"I'm sorry for what you said to me." Ji Qian turned around and gave a cold snoring sound. The air around her suddenly seemed to be quiet, and she could only hear the heartbeat and breathing of the two.

Both were destined to escape the word "love".

Obviously it is a well-known thing, but no one is willing to speak first. After years of getting along, the two of them are like a blank piece of paper in front of each other. What is in their hearts is clear at a glance.

"Qian, when will you return to Yanjing." I don't know how long after that, Ye Shikai said, breaking the "cold" atmosphere.

"Why, you want to drive me away." Ji Qian turned slowly, said slyly.

"Of course not, this is the temporary residence of Zheng Gongzi for the Hades and the Temple of the Moon. You can stay as long as you want." Ye Shikai waved his hands. "In fact, it's my reason, I ... I'm going back to Yanjing soon. , So by the way. "

"Did you come to the East China Sea with Demon Slayer and so many dark guards, wasn't it just to give the ghost to the ghost, now that things are not done yet, you plan to leave." Ji Qian's tone became serious, after all, She had spent a lot of time trying to obtain Baishan Snow Lotus, but now Ye Shikai plans to quit halfway.

"You also saw that Ghost and Gu Xin are getting along so well now, and he doesn't want to come back at all." Ye Shikai's tone was sad, Hades lost such an excellent think tank, and his strength was bound to weaken, but out of personal affection Ye Shikai and Ghost are mortal brothers. Before the ghost had no amnesia, they were sympathetic to each other. The ghost was also loyal to Ye Shikai and personally involved in the size and size of the Hades. In addition to their own abilities, the status and power of Hades in Europe Not only that, when the ghost was in Europe, it also collected many other forces in the underground world, from which the outstanding ones were selected to become the heads of various regions and actively cultivate the external forces of the Hades.

Ye Shikai himself really hoped that the ghost stayed in the Hades, but because he was thinking about the ghost, he decided to let the ghost and Gu Xin stay in the East China Sea to continue his life. The reason is simple. If the ghost left the East China Sea with them, then It's tantamount to breaking up the two people alive, even if the ghost didn't say to break up, it's in real existence.

The most important point is that as long as the ghost has a little relationship with the Hades, then he and Gu Xin will never have a peaceful day in the East China Sea. People like Xiang Limei and Xue Yan will continue to flow. Maybe next time, they will be right. Gu Xin's dead hand ...

How could Ye Shikai ruin the happiness of ghost and Gu Xin by selfishness.

"No more, no more, this is the best ending for the ghost." Except for the bitterness in his heart, Ye Shikai's heart was still a bit "sweet". He was glad to be inspired by You and had such an ending.

Thinking of this, Ye Shikai's eyes also fell on the souls and magic girls not far away. They also lived like Ye Shikai, and they might "retreat to the mountains" one day, or "Hidden in the market", live a life of ordinary couples, away from these dangers.

These brothers and sisters gave his life to him, then he also wants to make a good future for everyone, at least ... let them live a safe life.

"Why, what are you thinking." Ji Qian murmured in his ears "seems to be very shy."

"It's nothing, but suddenly I want ... Jinpen washed his hands."

"What." Ji Qian cried suddenly, startled Ye Shikai.

"It's not a trivial matter. Do you think it's so easy to get off the throne of the Hades?" Ji Qian knew that Ye Shikai was not a nostalgic power, but the power of the main **** is complex, let alone Ye Shikai is the main **** who can compete with Zeus If the news is released, it will definitely cause uproar.

"Yeah, I can't get down." Ye Shikai murmured, he still has a lot of things to do. He hasn't completely destroyed the HST project. He hasn't investigated the cause of the failure of the Longya special team in the past ...

In retrospect, these years seem to be “successfully rising”, but they are still in place, not only that, but also causing more trouble.

"The difficulties in front of us will be resolved." Ji Qian stretched out her hands, placed them on Ye Shikai's shoulders, and stared at his eyes. At this time, she would also appease Ye Shikai's heart like now.

after an hour.

"What, boss, you don't plan to restore the ghost's memory." Soul exclaimed, and the people present were also talking. What Ye Shikai didn't know was that both Soul Exterminator and Magi had arranged the matter of the ghost's welcome party. Well, as a result, Ye Shikai has now announced that all leave the East China Sea.

"Yes, the ghost is with Gu Xin now. It is the best result. If we have to let him back, it will undoubtedly hurt the girl Gu Xin. We can't do it." Ye Shikai said rightly and resolutely.


"Sir, but if you don't have a Ghost Ghost ~ ~ the underworld can only be in charge of Jayton, I'm worried ..." At this time, a senior dark guard leader interjected.

"What are you worried about?" Ye Shikai interrupted him and snapped sharply. "Isn't Jayden a member of my Hades? In this case, let him manage it, do you have any opinions?"

"This ... there is no next." After listening to the leader of the dark guard, he also knew that Ye Shikai was angry, and naturally he did not dare to refute it, but the people present could not help but start to "talk", Ye Shikai also knew that Jayden was already Chen Yuxin's person, although he did not dare to disobey Ye Shikai, the Hades, but with the backing of "Houhou", he was also fearless.

"That being the case, things are settled this time. All the brethren who were killed this time have been buried in the local cemetery. They will go to worship tomorrow, and we will still have action in a few days." Ye Shikai waved his hands and signaled the meeting.

"If Jayton was to take power, wouldn't Hades be the last name Chen."

"Master Pluto is letting go like this, and sooner or later, power will be completely suspended."

"Yeah, we have to fight for adults."

Everyone was talking about it, and there were some "nasty" words. Ye Shikai went straight upstairs and didn't hear it, but Ji Qian, Soul Slayer and Mo Ji heard it completely, and his face was naturally gloomy and scary.

"Master Luna, it's not unreasonable for Dark Guard's argument. The boss won't listen to me in this matter, but I still want you to say it." Demon Soul walked to Ji Qian in a sincere tone, and seemed to be asking Ji Qian It is not only a matter of rules, it is a matter of "emotional" when it comes to the "aftermath".

"You go back first, to appease everyone, as for other matters, leave it to me to handle." Ji Qian said lightly.

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