Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1196: Dragon teeth shot

"Hey, who." This time Ye Shikai didn't seem to show the electric display, he was already extremely upset and anxious, and even interrupted his dialing, Ye Shikai almost shouted out to the other end of the phone.

"It's me, lower case."

"Xiao Xin, how could it be you." Ye Shikai's mouth widened in surprise, and for a while she forgot how to answer. Why did Chen Yuxin call him at this time, and the tone was not right, as if there was a cry .

"Xiao Kai, are you in Tianya Group now?"

When she opened the door, Chen Yuxin must have known that she was in danger now, but how could she know.

"Ahem, I'll be right back." Ye Shikai used a tone of calmness as much as possible. He also had hope. Perhaps Chen Yuxin didn't know her current situation.

"Lower case, you leave the bomb, it's too dangerous."

She still knew.

"I know, I'll go immediately, don't worry too much." Ye Shikai perfunctory, now he is impossible to leave, once he leaves, the whole building will have at least dozens of casualties, even if demolished The bomb wasn't his obligation, but he was also the instructor of Dragonfang, and he had no reason to leave.

"No, you come out quickly." Chen Yuxin continued to yell, she seemed to expect Ye Shikai not to come out, constantly urging, and even video calls.

"OK, I'll hang up first." Ye Shikai had no choice but to hang up the phone first, he had to remove the bomb first.

Time passed by every minute and second. Ye Shikai could feel that outsiders were moving fast. The whole building seemed to be shaking. Ye Shikai could not tell the explosives inside. If it was just ordinary explosives, it should not blow up the whole building. In fact, the explosive material inside is special and powerful enough to raz the entire building to the ground, and even the nearby buildings will suffer, but ... these are the last words.

Hey, hey, hey.

"Captain, are you okay?" Suddenly, a burst of light came in from the side, the elevator door on one side was pried open, and Ouyang Feng "jumped" directly.

"Relax, it's just a bomb."

"Boss, let's retreat first. Iron head also came with me. He is a bomb disposal expert." The "iron head" in Ouyang Feng's mouth is a bomb disposal expert in the team and also an old member of Longya. Professional skills well.

"Great, but be careful. This bomb is complicated. It's all gray lines. I've identified a few points."

"Relax, instructor, leave everything to me." At this time, Iron Head also climbed in with a tool. This is Iron Head's expertise. Ye Shikai does not need to be stubborn. Staying here will affect him. Ye Shikai walks out of the elevator. Well, although there is no need to dismantle the bomb, he still has to help evacuate the crowd.

"Pour rain." Among the crowd, Ye Shikai faintly saw Su Qingyu's figure, not because of anything else, but because ... her beauty was placed in the crowd like a pearl.

Ye Shikai turned away from the crowd with her hand and walked to Su Qingyu a few steps. At this time, she was quite flustered. Perhaps she heard that the company had been installed by a bomb. At this time, Ye Shikai would definitely protect her. At this moment She was like a wounded little white rabbit, unprotected and pitiful.

"It's you." Su Qingyu saw the person as if he was a stunner, and turned to show a surprised smile, rushed to Ye Shikai and embraced him.

"Okay, let's leave here." Ye Shikai picked her up with one arm and moved the internal force, and came to the crowd in a few moments. Until she was escorted to the company door, Ye Shikai was relieved and looked at his watch. , But could not help but get nervous, counting, the bomb will soon explode, depending on whether the iron head can handle it.

"Pour rain, are you okay." Ye Shikai asked.

"I'm fine, right, Lan Lan and Xiao Yin." Su Qingyu shook his head.

"We are here." As soon as the words fell, two women squeezed out of the crowd, namely An Lan and Yu Yin.

"It's great, you're fine." An Lan was relieved when she saw Ye Shikai and Su Qingyu both intact.

"Will the bomb inside explode." Yu Yin was very worried, and the "spirit" just now had disappeared.

"Inside are my teammates. They are very powerful. You can rest assured." Ye Shikai looked at the building nervously, and looked at his watch from time to time, very nervous.

Three, two, one. Without the imaginary explosion, Ye Shikai didn't dare to relax. He waited for several minutes before he felt relieved. It seems that the iron head should have removed the bomb.

I saw a few Longya teammates received any instructions and rushed in with an explosion-proof box. After another three minutes, they rushed in nervously, put the explosion-proof box in the car, and drove away from the crowd.

"The alarm is lifted." Immediately afterwards, Ouyang Feng and Iron Head also came out.

"It is indeed the first bomber of Longya. UU reading book" Ye Shikai patted his shoulders. Every member of Longya has a high sense of mission. Even if he knew that the bomb might not be removed too late, It will stick to the last second. Today's situation has only two endings. Either the bombs are dismantled and everyone is happy, or the iron head is dead and the building collapses.

"Instructor, I haven't seen you for a long time. It turned out that I was with so many sisters-in-law." Iron head was also very joking. At this time, Ye Shikai discovered that the people around him seemed to want to avoid him intentionally. An Lan and Yu Yin stood beside him, looking very conspicuous.

"Ahem, you misunderstood." Ye Shikai waved his hand, trying to clarify.

"Excuse me, can we go back to work." Su Qingyu blushed and asked Ouyang Feng, but also changed the topic.

"Our people are still investigating inside to see if there are bombs left undiscovered, it may take half a day, but ... just in case, someone could install the bomb here, it is really bold." Ouyang Feng Angrily said, Ye Shikai turned his head to look at Su Qingyu. Such a powerful bomb was installed in the elevator shaft of the company, which was obviously aimed at the group, and ... Spearheaded at Su Qingyu. If someone wanted to Su Qingyu before, The disadvantage is because of their own reasons, but now that they have divorced, why are there still people who have treated this evil hand against Tianya.

"That being the case, it is hard for you, Lan Lan, let everyone go home and rest today, and come back to work tomorrow." Su Qingyu nodded.

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

"Qinyu, I have something to tell you, and I'll have a meal together later." Ye Shikai said lightly.

"Well, you set the location."

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