Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1205: Posing guard

"Our eyeliner has the news. When I saw Zheng Su heading to the woods alone, it seemed that he was seeing someone." Mo Changfeng said the news in front of everyone, Zheng Zheng frowned, this sacrifice has not yet started After encountering so many things, there must be some ghosts behind the scenes. In this case, it is most likely that Zheng Sudong's hands and feet.

"Who is this Zheng Su?" Ye Shikai blurted out curiously, but was caught by everyone's eyes, especially Mo Changfeng. He felt that since he was the helper invited by his younger master, at least he should know who Zheng Zheng's competitors were. Right ...

"She is Zheng Gongzi's cousin, but she is also a competitor." Ji Qian is the eldest daughter of the Ji family. She knows a lot about the affairs of the Huaxia family, and is even said to be a large family like the Zheng family. I've seen Zheng Su himself, and I know a little about him.

"That was the case." Ye Shikai nodded, and for a long time, Zheng Zheng is not without competitors, and it seems that this Zheng has a plan, a city, ambition, and the qualifications of heirs, no wonder Zheng Zhenghui So vigilant.

"You guys, please follow me behind me, please don't say anything." Mo Changfeng said a series of arrangements. Although the magic and the soul destroyer were impatient, after "make-up", no one should really be able to Recognize them.

"Qian, our outfit should not be recognized by anyone." Ye Shikai wore a hood and Zheng's combat suit, which looked no different from the guards. In order to distinguish the dark guards from the moon guards and the Zheng guards. There is a string of small red ropes on the wrists of all dark guards, and a string of small blue ropes on the wrists of the moon guards. If you don't look closely, you won't notice.

"It shouldn't be, but if we wear clothes, we must leave immediately." Ji Qian also changed into a combat uniform, which is a set of women's models, worn on Ji Qian's body, looks like a heroic female general.

"The encounter with the mutants this time was really beyond expectations. I didn't expect Boss Xing to get involved in this matter." Ye Shikai murmured, "No, we must investigate clearly."

"However, we did not see Boss Xing." Ji Qian asked back.

"According to Ade, the second generation of the HST project already has thinking. Unlike ordinary crickets, they have their own thinking, so even if Boss Xing is not there, they can still complete the task."

"We must investigate clearly. Xing Boss will not deal with Zheng Zheng alone, or he is a helper." Ye Shikai scratched his head. "I think that Xing Boss and Mutant are inseparable from Zheng Su. "

Maybe, the two are planning to collude internally and externally and use each other. This is the idea in Ye Shikai's mind, but he did not confirm it. After all, this is just speculation.

However, Mo Changfeng said just now that Zheng Su's weird and strange behavior may well be that she is engaging in ghosts.

"A few of you, ready to go." At this time, a person ran over from a distance and shouted at several people. Ye Shikai was a dad first, and realized that they are now Zheng Wei's guards, but now they look Come ... it's true no one recognizes them.

"Okay, come right away." Ye Shikai winked at Ji Qian, and the two walked towards the assembly.


"Are so many people dead?" At this point, at a commanding height in the outer suburbs, Boss Xing looked dignified and full of scenery and had no intention to appreciate it.

"Yes, but we didn't find the body." Du Ji reported on the knees on the ground. "At the last place where the team lost contact, we could not find any traces, as if they were intentionally smoothed."


"Well, just because those beasts are really unreliable, we still need to take a shot." At this time, a frosty sound sounded behind him, and he turned around to see that it was Xueyu and Limei.

"Master Xue, Master Hua, there is a long-distance welcome." Boss Xing is not angry, he has felt Xue Xue's temper, this proud woman has always been nobody, and sooner or later, she will pay for conceit, Xing The boss is a man of forbearance, and he has a complete understanding of the situation. In this case, of course, he does not need to argue with Xue Yan for the sake of speaking. Instead, he will drop a "crime" against his superior.

"Boss Xing, it seems your mission has failed." Li Mei said lightly.

"This time it was just a small test, but it was a test of the strength of a batch of lizardmen. They died when they died. As long as there is a potion, a hundred people, a thousand people, there is no problem." The boss of the line did not seem distressed at all. Sixty or seventy mutants died, as if sixty or seventy ants had died.

But there is one thing that Boss Xing said a lot. Now that the HST project can be mass-produced, then only someone is enough. And this is only the second generation. There will be a third generation in the future. The fourth generation will sooner or later surpass the power of mutation. Cultivators ~ ~ From the perspective of time, to become a master of cultivation, it takes more than ten years for the average person to be qualified, even if the talent is extremely high, it will take several years. As long as the HST project makes progress, Allows a group of ordinary people to have the ability to cultivate masters instantly.

"Let's do it, hum." Xue Yan snorted coldly and walked straight over.

"Master Limei." At this time, Xing Boss suddenly said.

"Do you have anything?" Li Mei asked with an eyebrow raised.

"I heard that there is an expert in this outskirts mountain. Friendship reminds you to pay attention to safety."

"Thanks for reminding me, I will pay attention."

Zheng family.

"Sure enough, many people." Ye Shikai hid in the crowd and observed everywhere. Although Zheng Jiayi was a thin person, the other side was "overcrowded."

Even if they are walking, those sister-in-laws will enjoy life extremely much. The servants around them handed over the ice soda. They only need to open their mouths to drink. The weather is a little hot, and the servants are holding fans to blow. It wasn't Zheng Li's request, I'm afraid they were going to be carried away with a sedan chair.

"Speak less and hurry up." The guards on the side scolded. Although Ye Shikai was dissatisfied, he closed his mouth obediently. Now he is a guard and must not be recognized.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The crowd walked for more than an hour, and finally came to the place of worship.

"Good guy." Ye Shikai looked at the building in front of him, and couldn't help but marvel, it was just the ancient tombs of princes. A large cemetery was built here. Looking at the decoration, it should cost a lot of money. There is such a large-scale cemetery in a barren mountain and lonely mountain, and this is still the private cemetery of the Zheng family.

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