Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1208: Preemptive

"After all, they met us for the first time, and Mo Changfeng is not here. They don't have a leader, and of course they don't dare to make assertions, but ... as long as they understand, we have a common enemy." Ye Shikai He sighed, and to be honest, he wasn't sure if these guards would obey his orders, but anyway, they were all helpers. Ye Shikai chose a small soil **** to lie down. The vision here is better.

"Why haven't those people come yet." Ye Shikai waited for five minutes, but no one came late, and he couldn't help feeling a little worried. Maybe they had passed by, or the secret guard's information was wrong and he didn't judge them. route.

"Adult, the subordinates can see it with their own eyes. They dare not deceive. The forest is very large. Maybe they do not pass through here." The undercover officer responsible for the investigation explained, and Ye Shikai estimated roughly. After a while, it took them twenty minutes to run, including the time when the investigator came back to report and prepare to leave. These people have been in the woods for an hour. The forest is about ten kilometers in radius, if they walk normally It should be right before the forest, I'm afraid it is ...

"Did you see the leader?" Ye Shikai continued to ask.

"It seems ... I remember, they were all in black and masked, but the two women were the leaders."

"Two women, is it ..."

"Li Mei and Xue Yan." Suddenly, a faint voice sounded behind him, terrifying him.

"Why do you always appear behind me?" Ye Shikai complained.


"That's right, I think so too." The two women, eight achievements are Li Mei and Xue Yan. Since the incident of kidnapping Gu Xin, Li Mei has completely disappeared from the public, and even a lot of Fans think it was hidden by the company, but how can such a fiery combination be hidden? Although Li Mei looks beautiful, she is just like Rose. If she relaxes her vigilance, she will only be stabbed.

The viper woman is really terrible.

In addition, the two women are very strong, and there are a group of "Desperates" under their hands. Since this time they are making a comeback, they must be well prepared. Maybe they really told Zheng Zheng that the dark guards alone And Yuewei, at least not in number.

"It was a pity not to kill them last time." Ji Qian was a little annoyed, but thinking back to the last time, Ye Shikai couldn't help but sweat coldly, Li Mei had already expected that Soul Killer would take someone to save people, Almost "is captured by the enemy, and the whole army is annihilated." If Ye Shikai Ji Qian brought someone in time, everything would be difficult to say. Therefore, it was already the best result to successfully rescue Gu Xin at that time.

"Boss, someone's here." At this time, Soul-crying suddenly cried, Ye Shikai quickly picked up the telescope, but it didn't seem to be a scorching black one, arranged in a fan shape, about a hundred people.

"Everyone is quiet, keep it hidden." Ye Shikai made everyone lie down without revealing traces. This formation is a common formation when searching. Even if it is ambush, it is difficult to cause serious damage.

"Boss, what do we do now."

"No, just fight like this, we suffer." Ye Shikai looked at the brothers around him, and even if he won, he was a terrible victory, and if there were any lizards, scorpions, or the like around them, then they But it's too bad.

The ghost knew what would come out of the bush.

"Then what should we do."

"You're lying here, look at me." Ye Shikai Yang Gu whispered, suddenly stood up and rushed out.

"Hey, what are you doing ..." Ji Qian almost stopped, this time she didn't even know what Ye Shikai was going to do.

Ye Shikai stepped out of the grass, stood up, and walked in the direction of Xue Yan and Li Mei.

"Two people, I haven't seen you for a long time." Ye Shikai walked in front of them and shouted coldly, yes, just shouting, the kind of voice that I was afraid you wouldn't hear.

"Stop everyone." Li Mei made a gesture, motioned everyone to stop, Xue Yan's cold face, shocked expression, Ye Shikai came to the outer suburbs, they might have expected, but he suddenly appeared Here, the two girls are absolutely unexpected.

"How about, remember me." Ye Shikai was not panic-stricken, standing in front of the crowd with no fear, with no bravery in his face.

"Mr. Ye, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect you to come here." Li Mei is still well-thought-out. Even if things exceed her expectations, she will not completely mess her up. On the contrary, she is calmer than Ye Shikai imagined. too much.

"Oh, this outskirts mountain scenery is really good, I want to build a house here to support the elderly or something." Ye Shikai casually said haha ​​~ ~ The expression of the language is casual, however, the two women opposite can Far from so easy.

"Boss, what do you want to do?" The soul-slayer hiding in the dark was a little confused.

"I think he should put out a plan for the empty city." Ji Qian murmured.

"Empty ... empty city plan, what does this mean."

"Although we don't know how many people the other person brought, but also, Li Mei and Xue Yan also don't know our truth and reality. At this time, he rushed straight up and appeared in front of the two women. I did n’t dare to do it directly before I knew the situation. ”Ji Qian explained to the crowd.“ Not to mention, the last time they both suffered because of this, so this time, they must be careful. "

"It turned out that the boss was really smart, so just to bluff people, let them dare not move."

"Mr. Ye, this suburban mountain is where the Zheng family's cemetery is located. Do you know that?" As Ji Qian expected, Li Mei saw Ye Shikai, but she didn't really dare to take any action, and she looked around vigilantly. Seems to be looking for Ye Shikai's "ambush".

"Of course, but Zheng Gongzi and I are so familiar. We gather for tea or whatever." Ye Shikai and Li Mei chatted without saying a word, and ten minutes passed before they knew it.

"Why, what are you guys doing here?" Ye Shikai asked forcefully.

"We naturally have our business." Li Mei spoke sharply. "Mr. Ye, there was a lot of misunderstandings in the last time, but this time, Mr. Ye was asked not to step in. I will come to thank you in the future."

"Why do you really have action? If I didn't guess it, it's related to the sacrifice ceremony of the Zheng family." Ye Shikai sarcastically said that Li Mei's abduction of Gu Xin alone would not be shared. Moreover, Li Mei came to thank her for coming to the door.

. Wonderful book house

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