Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1201: Killed in battle

"Master, let Elder Zhang handle it. It's too dangerous here." Mo Changfeng defended Zheng Zheng deadly. Although Zheng Zheng also practiced, he was not suitable for fighting, and his identity was special. Unexpectedly, at least, Mo Changfeng will never let Zheng Ye be injured under his eyelids. This is his responsibility as a "teacher" and "subordinate".

"Abominable, the number of opponents is too many." Although Zheng Zheng was excited, he still understood the current situation, the attackers continued, and it seemed to have surrounded the entire cemetery. There were thousands of people present, and he had fallen into chaos. In, the entrance and exit of the Taniguchi were so narrow, the commanding heights were occupied by the other side, and they rushed out blindly, and they will definitely become the living targets of the arrows.

On the valley, Elder Zhang took a crutch and waved it freely. This crutch is made of stainless steel and is extremely hard. Although Elder Zhang looks a little old-fashioned, in the Zheng family, he is also a famous "Sword is not old" and has extremely powerful A crutch hit the attacker's head, easily breaking the skull.

"Small things, come on." Elder Zhang sighed, the lone army went deep, and fought with the crowd, killing the sound, but because the guards did not keep up with him in time, Elder Zhang was unknowingly surrounded. Among the people.

"Put an arrow and shoot him," said an attacker, and dozens of people immediately put on crossbow bows and pulled the trigger.

Hey, hey, hey.

"Ah." Elder Zhang screamed in pain, and an arrow shot into his left arm.

"Asshole, give a bite."

Elder Zhang clenched his teeth and pulled my right hand in the second half of the arrow. I pulled it hard and pulled the arrow out, and blood ran down, staining his left hand with blood red.

"Little cubs, do not dare to confront the husband directly, and play these inferior methods." Elder Zhang cursed loudly. With his bold and hearty character, naturally he was most accustomed to those insidious methods, such as sneak attack Poisoning, dark arrows hurting people, etc., the battle should be upright and bright.

However, he ignored it. This is not a battlefield, but a real battle. The crossbow is modified and used to deal with the practitioners, and he is besieged by everyone, his fists are hard to fight with his four hands, and he is shot by arrows. The injury was inevitable.

Suddenly, a black shadow emerged from the crowd and rushed directly to Elder Zhang, a white light flashed, a white knife came in, and a red knife came out ...

The crowd didn't even see what happened, and by the time the reaction came, a whole arm had fallen to the ground.


Blood squirted, Elder Zhang screamed in pain, how could a man withstand the pain of a broken arm, his right arm and the crutch in his hand had been cut off, and now Elder Zhang was unarmed and even paled with pain. If I change for the average person, I'm afraid I'll be dizzy.

"What are you ..." Elder Zhang lifted his head in pain, trying to see who it was, but he could cut his arm with just one move.

Then, when he looked up, the long knife had pierced his chest.

This is a Tang knife. From the pattern on the knife, you can judge that it is a peerless artifact, but before Elder Zhang can see the other person's appearance, he is dead.

"Elder Zhang." When Zheng Ye saw this scene below, he couldn't hold his emotions anymore. Elder Zhang, the old man who "strikes Jiangshan" with Zheng Li, was also very prestigious in the family, and he was so dead. Now, how can Zheng Yong be able to tolerate it?

"Master, Elder Zhang has been sacrificed, but you ca n’t go wrong, the other party has a master, but we have a lot of people, and they ca n’t break our defense line, then we are safe here, and when all the guards come, we can take them Surrounded. "Mo Changfeng stopped Zheng Zheng, and the situation is now very clear. There are masters in the other party, and he launched a surprise attack, almost rushed into the cemetery, but stalemate with the guards, and When other people come over, they can be surrounded.

The original intention of the raid was to unexpectedly inflict fatal damage to the other party. Once the stalemate occurred, the meaning of the raid was lost, in other words, the raid operation failed.

"Bastard, who is that person?" Zheng Xie smashed his hands on the mound in anger. The opponent's figure was too fast. Zheng Xie did not see the figure clearly, but he felt that he was not a man, and his figure was weak. , And not tall, looks like ... more like a woman.

The death of Elder Zhang will definitely cause a sensation in the Zheng family. In terms of personal feelings, Elder Zhang is the elder of Zheng Ye. From the perspective of interests, Elder Zhang is the confidant of Zheng Li. He must also help Zheng Ye in the future. He In the family, virtue is high, and without the support of such an elder, Zheng Ye is missing a lot of help.

"Why haven't Mr. Ye and Miss Ji come yet?" Zheng Zheng looked at his watch. It was more than twenty minutes, but people were late, and even the guard did not return. There was a kind of bad in his heart. Hunch.


"Huh ~ ~ huh." Ye Shikai breathed heavily, and You Xijian should not use it for a long time. In addition, he used the shadow avatar before, and his internal force was very high. Although he used "Inner Nerve" to recover, but This kind of complete non-stop consumption, Dantian and meridian still can't bear it.

In particular, the opponent also has a master of practice such as Xue Yan, and his body speed is very fast. Even if You Xijian's sword is unstoppable, if he cannot hit Xue Yan, it is at best a shock.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties, and countless others were lying on the ground mourning.

"How are you?" At this time, Ji Qian also leaned over. Although she did not have a magic weapon in her hand, the gem staff was also a treasure of the Moon Temple, and its magic could play a great role in battle.

"Relax, she can't hurt me." Ye Shikai shook her head.

"I don't know what happened to him."

"Fight again, let's withdraw." Ye Shikai looked at the injured Dark Guard and Moon Guard on the ground, and couldn't help feeling distressed. It had already been done like this, even if the battle was ended, with the rest of Li Mei Manpower cannot pose a threat to the Zheng family.

"Well, okay." Ji Qian nodded.

"Master, it's not good, we are surrounded." At this time, I don't know which dark guard shouted. Ye Shikai looked around. Sure enough, there were many silhouettes in the woods, and surrounded them, and The most worrying thing is that these people are all in black and masked, and they dress exactly like the mutants before.

Is it ... there are mutants.

Ye Shikai's face also gradually became gloomy. Roughly estimated that there are more mutants this time, and they have already fought a battle. If they fight hard, I am afraid they will be wiped out.

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