Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1207: Be shocked

Donghai Hospital.

"Xin'er, you slowly stand up." Ghost looked at the balance bomb in front of him, and looked at the window next to it. The bomb was too complicated and the ghost could not be dismantled. Right now, the only way is to try to remove the bomb and The connection device between Gu Xin should not be difficult, but it is still a bit dangerous. There is a detonator on this connection device.

At the same time, the ghost is still comforting Gu Xin, letting her hands relax, to be honest, setting aside the bomb, I want to maintain the balance of these four steel **** at the same time, so that none of them touch the two In the end, this is already a bit difficult, not to mention, now Gu Xin is still under extreme tension.

The two walked to the window, and the ghost found a table and instructed Gu Xin to put the box on the table so that he did not have to worry about the balance. Then he checked the connection device on Gu Xin's body. Suddenly, the ghost suddenly found that this The connecting strap seems to be screwed on. If so, wouldn't it be possible to just remove the screw and remove it.

The ghost seemed to have found a new continent, and rushed to the desk. This ward is a high-level ward with a desk, a refrigerator, a TV or something. Fortunately, there is a tool box under the office bookcase. The ghost took out a screwdriver. , Rushed directly to the past, his eyes glanced at the electronic display screen, the time was passing "quickly", and it was less than a minute before the explosion ...

The ghost quickly turned the screws and removed them one by one.

"Ali, time ... is getting faster and faster." Gu Xin's voice trembled, and the countdown to life played like a heartbeat.

"Rest assured, I have time," said the ghost again and again, with another screw falling to the ground, now there are only three screws left.

One, two, three.

"Xiner, take it off quickly," the ghost yelled, hurriedly removing the bomb from Gu Xin, at the same time, the time on the electronic display reached the single digit.

The ghost picked up the bomb, walked quickly to the corridor outside the door, and threw it out the window. Below the 601 is a small artificial lake. If it explodes there, it should reduce a lot of losses.

After Xun threw the bomb, the ghost immediately grabbed Gu Xin. The two lay on the ground, and the ghost blocked his body against Gu Xin.


There was a loud noise outside, and the glass windows were shattered instantly, all falling on the ghost's body, and there were still water droplets in the air. This should be a splash from the outside.

"Xiner, are you okay." The ghost shook off the broken glass **** on his body, Gu Xin was protected by his body, shrunk into a ball, and hid underneath. It should be fine.

"I ... I'm fine."

"Hello, great." After listening, the ghost felt the power of his whole body disappeared and collapsed instantly. The whole person was lying on the ground, panting with a big mouth, and for the rest of his life after the disaster, it was really exciting to walk through the front of the gate.

"It's too dangerous," said the ghost incessantly.

Drops, drops, drops.

Suddenly, the ghost's gaze fell on the ceiling.

"Xin'er, have you heard any noise?" The ghost's heart lifted suddenly, and he stood up suddenly and said.

"I ... No, the explosion sound was too loud, and I now ... some tinnitus." Gu Xin unearthed her ears. She is an ordinary person. The shock wave of the explosion will cause her great harm. If it weren't for the ghost to protect himself, I'm afraid it would be more than just eardrum soreness.

"Wait a moment." The ghost stood up, stepped on the wall, easily climbed the ceiling, and put his ears slowly on it.

Drops, drops, drops.

The ghost's eyes slowly widened, like two big bells, and his expression was frozen on his face.

"Come on." The ghost jumped down suddenly, shouting loudly, holding Gu Xin up and running towards the end of the corridor.


When the ghost and Gu Xin turned to the entrance of the staircase, there was a loud noise behind them, and there was a faint burst of heat behind them. Turning their heads, the flames soared into the sky, like a fire dragon ...



Gu Xin coughed a few times, slowly opening her eyes, her eyes were gray, and her throat seemed to have a few mouthfuls of soot. When she looked around, she realized that she was buried in the rubble, all around was dust, and There are "broken walls".

Pulled out her cell phone, Gu Xin shone to the side with a flashlight. However, she suddenly frightened her.

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"Ali, are you okay." Next to Gu Xin, he was lying in a "gray boy", why is it called "gray boy", because the ghost is indeed gray all over, from head to tail, even every hair.

If it wasn't for the previous memories, Gu Xin could not help but feel the ghost's face. Gu Xin wiped the dust on his face with her hands. Suddenly, Gu Xin felt wet for a while, took a flashlight and took a look. She was so full of blood that she almost screamed, and then she saw that the ghost's back had all been burned by flames, and her clothes had been burned to ashes.

The high temperature of the flame was terrifying. Gu Xin suddenly remembered that after a bomb had been dismantled before, another bomb hidden on the ceiling exploded again ~ ~ If it was not the subtle observation of the ghost, they would surely die.


Finally, under Gu Xin's "first aid", the ghost coughed again and again, and finally woke up.

"Xin'er, you ... are you okay." Ghost opened his eyes. The first reaction was to observe Gu Xin's injury. Seeing that she was not injured, Ghost was relieved. Ghost just kept Gu Xin in good condition and spread all over. The blood-stained back is the best evidence.

"Relax, I'm fine."

"That's good, that's good." Ghost stood up, fortunately the practitioner, otherwise faced with such flames and shock waves, the internal organs were shattered enough, and the ghost was injured, but the most important thing was that the two seemed to Is trapped.

The bomb was so powerful that at least this floor could not be kept. The two ran away in a hurry, and after the explosion, the two were unconscious and did not know what was going on outside.

"Relax, there must be someone to help." Ghost said comfortably, stood up and looked at it, the board above seemed to be shaken, the ghost worked its internal force, pushed hard, and even pushed the ceiling above. opened.

Gu Xin also stood up from the ground. The two seemed to be on the "rooftop". However, they were surrounded by broken cement. Looking down, there were many rescue workers standing below. It seemed that the bomb was the hospital The "this piece" was all flat.

"Look, there are people above." At this time, the rescue personnel below also found the ghost and Gu Xin, and quickly got on the ladder fire truck, escorting them carefully.

"There are wounded people here, take care of the wound."

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