Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1229: Ghost

"This ... the safety of the boss is the root of the Hades. I naturally do not want to disobey orders, but the actions of the adults after the Hades are really puzzling. We just want to take a look at the boss. If everything is fine, there is no need to say anything after the Hades. , I destroy the soul willingly to accept all punishment. "Soul killer said humbly, with a firm tone, there seems to be no room for discussion.

"Destroy the soul, you dare to smash against the lord of the dead." At this time, a sound of scolding sounded from the side of the crowd, and Jayton came in with a sparrow knife.

"Eat something inside and out," the alligator muttered softly.

"Since the ghost has retired from the Hades, then I announce that all matters concerning the Hades are handled by Jayton." Chen Yuxin said in front of everyone. After the Hades did indeed have the power to appoint important positions in the Hades, but only if Ye Shikai Not here, but now, no one can see him at all.

"Destroy the soul, do you want to rebel." Chen Yuxin asked coldly.

"You ..." Destroyer was so angry that if Hades really let Jayden take over, it would be equivalent to falling into Chen Yuxin's pocket, but the most disturbing thing about Destroyer was Ye Shikai's status quo, although Chen Yuxin vowedly vowed Ye Shikai is in the mansion, but why he did n’t come out, and he did not dare to imagine the soul, but Ye Shikai is also the husband of Chen Yuxin. There should be no "safety of life". He can only comfort himself.

"Now, get away from me, this is an order." Chen Yuxin snorted coldly and turned to leave. Dozens of Chen's guards watched the crowd vigilantly, and their weapons were in their hands. Obviously, if the soul was destroyed at this time, When you start, the other party will rush forward. The Chen family is guarded so tightly that even Ye Shikai has suffered.

"Subordinates retired." After Soul Extinguisher said, he stepped onto the car in annoyance.

"Exterminate the soul, what are we going to do now, the boss must be in it, and something must have happened." The alligator also found the clue. Ye Shikai didn't come out, and the phone couldn't get through. The so-called explanation was to cover up. Chen Yuxin must be There are unspeakable secrets.

"Go back first and discuss it slowly." Soul-smother lit a cigarette and smoked, turning his head and instructing the dark guard on the back seat, "Be careful, be careful of the tail behind."

"Yes, sir."

Among the Hades bases.

"What, it will be like this." In front of Ji Qian and Mo Ji, Soul Killer recounted the original story of the matter, and both women were angry.

"Now the boss is in the Chen's mansion. We must rescue him." Soul extermination righteously shouted, but his eyes fell on Ji Qian. He and Mo Ji were both warriors, more brave, and less alert. In terms of tactics, the two of them would not be able to match Ji Qian. This time I asked Ji Qian to come over from home, and I hope she can come up with an idea.

"Master Luna, what should we do now."

"Let me think about it." Ji Qian was dignified, Chen Yuxin's identity was not ordinary. Although the dignified Chen family's homeowner, although young, the means were very high. In the upper society of Yanjing, almost everyone was more or less. Shao and the Chen family are all connected. The Chen family, like a big tree, will be rooted in the land of Yanjing. If it is so easy to deal with, the other three big families have long been It was shot, and Ye Shikai is now Chen Yuxin's husband. This matter is well known. In the final analysis, this is a private matter. If Ji Qian rashly shot, it will cause a sensation, and it will also be "unknown from the teacher."

"Now, we have only one way." Ji Qian stood up slowly, glancing at the crowd.

"Just get the ghost back."



Everyone bowed their heads in frustration. Ye Shikai just said that respect for the ghost's decision, and that's what everyone said. It's just two days now. Is it time to look for the ghost?

"Master Luna, wouldn't it be nice to find a ghost."

"The ghost has restored his memory, and told him the truth of the matter, I believe he can understand it." Ji Qian was also helpless. Chen Yuxin was able to let Jayden manage the Hades, largely because the ghost was not in Hades. If the ghost, the well-known "think tank", comes back, then, in contrast, if Chen Yuxin wants to "remove" the ghost, he must get Ye Shikai's personal order.

"That being the case, you can only try it first." Soul nodded.

"Besides that, I have one more thing to do."


Europe, Hades.

"See Lord Nightmare." In the palace of the Hades, a man strode in from the doorway and came to a young man in a white robe.

"Ghost, you're back." Nightmare was looking at a map, and when she saw the person, she felt a little relief at her tight face.

"What's the matter." Nightmare greeted the man to sit down and poured him a glass of water in person.

"The situation in Yanjing is more complicated. The management of the Chen family's" shadow "organization is also very tight. I have also collected information for a long time, and it has delayed some time." The man called "ghost shadow" took a document bag from his coat Take it out and give it to Nightmare.

"It doesn't matter, just come back."

"Yes, sir, why are you so anxious to get me back, this time I took a lot of risks."

"Actually, I don't want to let you come back at this juncture, but I just received a secret letter from Lord Luna. In a hurry, I need your information, and I will give you an order next."

"Despite the orders, the adults will die."

Ten minutes later ~ ~ what, it turns out to be this way. "Ghost Shadow was shocked after listening to Nightmare's words, but he calmed down quickly.

"Yes, but this is the message from Lord Luna, so I need to rush back to Yanjing as soon as possible." Nightmare nodded and patted the man's shoulder. "Ghost, you are the best lurking under my hand. Or, this time you stayed at the "Shadow" organization for four months. The mission was completed beautifully, but this time is different from the past. This mission is related to the entire Hades. "

"Master, please rest assured."

"Okay, you go back quickly, don't make people suspicious." Nightmare nodded.

"Yes, sir."

After the ghost had gone, Nightmare paced back and forth in the Hades, as if a little uneasy and frightened, and slowly took out a metal block from his pocket with a faint silver light. Outsiders did n’t know what it was, but the Hades One must be clear that this is the Pluto Order, and it is also the “retrust” that Ye Shikai gave to Nightmare. With this Pluto Order, it is equivalent to having the highest power of the Hades.

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