Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1231: Make a siege

The nightmare language is amazing, the Pluto order flashes light, and the entire Hades knows the importance of this token, which itself represents power. It can be said that if Pluto is not present, who owns the token, then who is "Pluto", because this token is extremely important, is generally controlled by Pluto himself and cannot flow into the hands of outsiders. Now, Pluto's order is in the hands of Nightmare, and it can be seen that Ye Shikai trusts him. This is indeed true. Beyond Chen Yuxin's expectations.

"Since the queen of the Ming dynasty and the lord of the Hades are one and the same heart, they should not knowingly violate the rules of the Hades." The nightmare was against the generals and made Chen Yuxin suddenly do not know what to say. As a self-identified person, in front of everyone, she must not take the lead to disobey, she cannot bring Ye Shikai out, but Pluto's order is in the hands of Nightmare, that is to say, all matters of Hades must obey Nightmare's orders , Of course, including major personnel transfers such as having Jayden as the "supervisor".

At this moment, Chen Yuxin can be regarded as lifting a stone to smash her own feet. If Ye Shikai is not allowed to come out, the Hades will be taken over by Nightmare, but if Ye Shikai comes out, then her conspiracy will not be broken.

"This is of course, but now that the ghost has left the Hades, it is necessary to choose another person in charge. Jayton is dedicated and responsible. I think there is no objection to his excellent candidate." Chen Yuxin countered.

"Thank you, Lord, for your praise."

"Jaton's ability is naturally excellent, but ... he is still inferior to Ghost," Nightmare said lightly.

"But the ghost is no longer in the Hades."

"Sorry, I'm late." At this time, a cry came suddenly from the outside, and everyone turned to look at the sound source. When they saw the person, Chen Yuxin's face suddenly slumped.

The visitor is the ghost.

"I'm late to deal with some things in the East China Sea," said the ghost again and again, and to be honest, his sudden appearance not only shocked Chen Yuxin and Jayton, but also shocked Soul Killer and the Magic Princess.

"The ghost has been carrying out investigations in the East China Sea. I encountered some minor troubles before, but it has now been resolved." The corner of Meng's mouth rose slightly. Of course, the appearance of the ghost was not a coincidence. This was planned by him and Ji Qian. Some are not appropriate, but they are in a hurry, and they can only temporarily wrong the ghost.

"My lord, the ghost, the ghost has never left the underworld, only to perform the task." Nightmare turned and said. [… # 爱 奇 电影 @ ~ Novels are better updated and faster]

"Well, since this is the case, then I have nothing to say." This is the end, and Chen Yuxin has nothing to say. The appearance of Pluto and the ghost are beyond her expectation. Since Nightmare dares to come, it must be done After being fully prepared, Chen Yuxin knew she was in a bad position and had to give up.

"Please wait a moment." As Chen Yuxin was about to leave, Nightmare stopped her again.

"Do you have anything else?" Chen Yuxin glanced coldly at the crowd. At this moment, there was a killing in her heart. She wanted to try to win the nightmare. In this way, there was no ghost and nightmare in the Hades. It was just a blow. I didn't expect that Nightmare could not let Chen Yuxin get off the stage.

"My lord queen of the underworld will allow us to meet the king of the underworld."

"You can't care about this matter." Naturally, Chen Yuxin did not want everyone to meet Ye Shikai, and she spoke directly and refused.

"Nightmare, this is a matter between Husband and Wife of Pluto, and you have no power to control it." Jayton also spoke out.

"If it is only the private affairs of the two adults, the subordinates will not care about it, but Lord Hades is about Hades, and I must meet." Nightmare's tone is also firm. "If the adults in Hades are well-deserved, why not?"

"Nightmare, you are wanton," Jayton retorted.

"This is the Chen's mansion, what do you want to do?" Chen Ruoya also stood up and motioned to the Chen's guards to be ready, and there was a faint rhythm of conflict erupting on both sides.

"Involving Lord Hades, that is the event of Hades. In this case, we must meet the adults." Nightmare waved his hand, and the dark guard behind him slowly leaned forward.

"Guards are ready." Chen Ruoya also stood in front. Dozens of guards formed a defensive formation. The two sides faced each other closely, and the smell of gunpowder was strong.

"Nightmare, are you trying to rebel?" Chen Yuxin asked in a cold voice.

"I want to rebel, I am afraid you are the Lord of the Hades." Even now, Nightmare is no longer hidden. As long as Hades is in hand, he does not need to worry about Chen Yuxin intervening in internal affairs. Will gather together, there are dozens of dark guards, if they fight together, even if they can not fight, they will not lose.

"Nightmare, you are slandering me." Chen Yuxin's eyes were cold and she took out the "Pure Jun Sword". This artifact, known as the "Honorless Sword", could exert great power in the hands of Chen Yuxin. She can feel the murderousness on her. Ye Shikai once said that an invisible formation was arranged outside the Chen's residence. Its power even made Ye Shikai feel tricky. It should be a combination of several Chen masters. The law is used to protect the security of the mansion, and there are several masters who worship the Chen family in the Chen family. They are all masters in the distraction period, even in the fit period. The age alone is enough to see that the Huaxia family, He is very good at concealing his own strength. On the contrary, the approximate strength of the Hades is already clearly understood by Chen Yuxin.

"If the queen of the Hades cherishes the love of husband and wife, you should respect the decision of the Hades, but you do the opposite. After the Hades returned from the East China Sea, you have never left the Chen family ~ ~ He didn't let us see each other, how he wanted to explain it. "Nightmare was not humble, but said it to Chen Yuxin, saying that in the hearts of every member of the Hades, everyone was not a fool and understood the meaning of Nightmare's words.

"I don't need you to take more care of my affairs. If you don't retreat, don't blame me." Chen Yuxin warned coldly.

"Stop it all."

Suddenly, a peal sounded, and everyone turned their heads and looked down the sound source. The person who came was a beautiful woman, and many people in white were behind him.

"Nightmare retreats." The woman walked through the crowd and came between the two parties.

"Master Luna, you are here."

Yes, the visitor is Ji Qian, standing beside Chen Ligong and Ji's elite, Bai Wujun.

"Miss Ji, I don't know what you are doing here." Chen Yuxi said angrily. She knew the relationship between Ji Qian and Ye Shikai, and what happened to them. Naturally, there was no good tone. If it was not for Ji's family, Chen Yuxin She had already started with her.

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