Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1238: Helpless

The ghost's body trembled, and unexpectedly a person suddenly came in. Turning his head, it should be one of the waiters. The Chen's mansion is very large, and there are also many people, including core personnel, elders, etc., so There are naturally many waiters, and naturally there are many "little foremen".

"Who are you and why haven't you met?" Ghost Shadow inevitably felt guilty, but remained calm, but the foreman couldn't help but doubt that the man in front of him was not wearing a waiter suit.

"I was ordered by my supervisor to come here for inspection." Ghost Shadow returned to God. He is now a member of the "Shadow" agency. If he is more afraid, he becomes more suspicious. If the foreman stays at Chen's house for a longer time, or More or less should have heard of information about the "shadow" organization. In this case, maybe ghosts can frighten the foreman.

"Really, but why didn't I know before."

"When it ’s your turn to ask more about your superiors." Ghost Ying said rudely, his tone was quite horizontal, and the foreman in front didn't dare to ask more. Anyway, he could enter the Chen family this way. It should not be a bad person, and the foreman does not dare to take charge of it. It is enough to do his own thing well.

"These are ..." The foreman looked at the dining car next to the ghost image. At Chen's house, it was impossible for ordinary servants to use the dining car to load dishes.

"Oh, my aunt doesn't like today's dishes, so I stepped back and warned you to do things in the future and take care not to keep your position."

"Yes, thank you for reminding me." The foreman nodded again and again, Ye Shikai's identity, but she understood it. Perhaps from the servant's point of view, Ye Shikai was just a soft rice eater, but that was also Chen Yuxin's husband. Minutes can dismiss unpleasant servants, but they dare not neglect at all.

Chen family.

Ye Shikai stroked the abdominal wound. Although these days, Chen Yuxin has always apologized to him and explained to him, even when he slept halfway to bed, he would be awakened by Chen Yuxin's cry, and then saw her crying and telling The appearance of pear blossoms with rain made Ye Shikai unable to vent even if he still had resentment in his heart.

I tried to run the internal force, but Dan Tian did not respond at all. If the practitioner is compared to a machine, then Dan Tian is the battery, the battery is damaged, and the internal force is naturally useless. Ye Shikai wants to run the "Inner Nerve" and "Xuan Di Jing", but the result is a sudden pain in Dan Tian, ​​in addition to no other role.

Ye Shikai racked his brains and tried all the methods available, but it didn't work. After two hours of tossing, he finally gave up, lying weakly on his bed, exhausted, and exhausted. It is his decadence. If there is no internal force, how will he protect the people around him, and even he needs others to protect him.

Thinking about it, Ye Shikai also fell asleep. Sometimes, there are many things in my heart, and when I can't clear my mind, it is better to sleep.

At the same time, the door of the room was slowly pushed open, and Chen Yuxin walked in slowly. Her steps were very light. She seemed to be worried that she would wake him up. However, Ye Shikai slept heavily until Chen Yuxin was lying beside him. He didn't respond at all. Actually, these pictures of his decadence these days, Chen Yuxin was looking in his eyes, hurting in his heart, gently extending his hand, and stroking his cheek.

"Xiao Kai, this time ... is it really me wrong?" Chen Yuxin thought about a lot of things, slowly sat up, kneeled beside Ye Shikai, his eyes were staring at him, tears ticking He landed on his cheek. She really didn't want to do this. She also regrets these days, but there is no regret medicine in the world, things have been done, only to continue ...


Yuncheng, Daizong.

"Excuse me, are you here to buy medicinal materials or to seek medical treatment?" A disciple of Xun Zong stepped out of the door and looked at the people in front of him. It seemed familiar. . "

"Indeed, we've been here." Ji Qian turned her head and looked at the people behind her, including Nightmare, Soul-elimination, and Magic Ji, among others.

"Please invite your head out, and I have something to discuss with her." Ji Qian nodded and said, she didn't really want to come here. One, Ji Qian first appeared at the gate of Xi Zong, and almost Silent fight, for Ye Shikai, both, Ji Qian still hopes to use his ability to help him, but to repair a destroyed Dantian, she can not do it, and Ji Jiaxia, I am afraid to do No, but among the people whom Ji Qian knows, there is only Wu Zong's speechlessness, maybe there is a way.

"The head is in charge, and I would like to ask everyone to report their identities."

"In the next Yanjing Ji family, Ji family, please report as soon as possible." Ji Qian Zuozhu said.

"OK, just a second."

"Master Luna, do you think there is no way to restore the internal power of Lord Hades." Nightmare was a little worried. After getting the exact information of the ghost image, he tried to find a way to rebuild Dantian in the underground world, but he I dare not have much movement. If the enemy detectives in the Hades Palace hears Ye Shikai's loss of internal strength, then ... they will flock up. Without Ye Shikai, they will have no worries. Even if they die, they will rush. Come up to divide the forces of the Hades.

"It's hard to say that Zongzong has a lot of mysteries that have been lost, but I don't know if Dantian has been rebuilt. I'm not sure."

ten minutes later.


Everyone's eyes fell on the door. A woman in a white veil quickly walked out. After a long absence, her speechlessness seemed more "beautiful". She is almost completely isolated from the outside world. Therefore, she has no makeup and her dress is very traditional. However, this just sets off her temperament.

"Miss Ji, I can't think of you coming." Wordless and clear, the so-called all-embracing Sanbaodian, if there is no urgent matter, Ji Qian will not run away from Yanjing to this "ditch", and she There will be only one reason, Ye Shikai.

"Yes, I'm in a hurry this time, so take the liberty to bother."

"Come in, come and make tea."

In the house.

"What, Dan Tian was destroyed." After listening to Ji Qian's remarks, her expression changed drastically. She thought Ye Shikai was superb and she was at best intoxicated. It was unexpected that the situation was so serious this time. It turned out that Dan Tian was destroyed.

"Yes, I'm in a hurry, and I'll open my door."

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