Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1240: Judge by appearance

"This ..." Everyone looked at each other. Obviously, they all doubted the "superior man" in front of them, a fortune-teller, a swindler in the rivers and lakes. Such a person would have no seriousness at all, and how capable they are.

"Lonely senior, long and long, long ago, I have heard of you." Although everyone in the Hades Palace didn't know this person, Ji Qian heard Ye Shikai's name "Dugu Tianke", a generation of theologians and gods, of course, I don't know His people naturally think of it as a fortune teller.

"Miss Ji deserves to be a boudoir. Everyone sees it today and it really deserves it." Du Gu Tian Keai joked. The phrase "deserved" is not so much affirmation of her temperament as praise of her beauty, although she is not listed. In "The Four Beautiful Women of Yanjing", but largely because of her long absence in Yanjing, otherwise ... There will not be so many family members coming to the door in the near future.

"I'll introduce it to you. This is a senior who is Dugu, a well-known **** doctor." Ji Qian turned and said to the others.

"Jiu Yang."

"Jiu Yang."

"Well, this expert, Miss Ji is still satisfied." Wuyan also entered the living room. Others did not know the skill of Dugu Tianke, but Ji Qian was clear. This is definitely an expert. Not to mention, even if you are lonely and arrogant and expensive, but you are also in charge of Xi Zong, you are respectful to Dugu Tian Ke.

"Of course I'm satisfied." Ji Qian was delighted, and with the help of Dugu Tianke, the success rate of restoring Dantian could be increased by at least 30%.

"Dugou seniors, is there any way for you to restore my boss's internal strength?" Soul killer is doubtful, but he still wants to test the strength of Duguda Ke.

"Eh, well, the specific situation, I still need to personally check the situation of the injured person in order to make a judgment." Dugu Tianke did not boast Haikou, but said a bit perfunctory, which made everyone more doubtful of his ability However, Ji Qian and Wuyan are here, even if they are dissatisfied, they will not speak up.

"That would be troublesome. Now he is not willing to come out, and we can't get in." Ji Qian was a little worried after listening. Ye Shikai's attitude was very negative. The Chen family's guards were so strict. Masters, Ji Qian transferred some elders from the family, but even if they were prepared, if Ye Shikai could not come out, it would not help. In addition, this plan still has risks, and it is a risk to life. To do so, you must also get Ye Shikai's consent.

"Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it for a few months, and the little friend has become so decadent." After learning about Ye Shikai, Du Gu Tian Ke was quite frustrated, sitting in a chair and sighing again and again.

"This is not all the responsibility of the boss. He is unwilling to come out, not only for Chen Yuxin."

"It's for that kid." Before Qianji finished speaking, Ji Qian said first.

This is the most critical place for marriage. Ye Shikai can't leave. If he leaves, he will really lose his reputation and become a contempt to abandon his wife.

Chen Yuxin repeatedly hurt Ye Shikai in the name of love, and even made him a waste. He naturally decadent his spirit, even resenting Chen Yuxin, and wanted to avenge her, but for the child, even the bitter fruit, he swallowed.

"Yougu senior, how much you can succeed." The main concern of Nightmare is whether the ancient methods can repair Dantian, and ... if it is unsuccessful, will Ye Shikai be in danger of life.

"Well, Ye Xiaoyou's bones are amazed, and the old man and I can just figure it out. Although Xiaoyou's situation is embarrassing, he will still get up in the future, so this time, it should be a fierce battle." Du Gutian Ke stunned his finger , Said to everyone.

Now, Nightmare is a little impatient. They have been in the West for a long time and do n’t know much about Gua Gua. In their eyes, Dugu Tianke is just a casual fortune teller. As a result, Nightmare did not answer after listening. , Just sitting on the side and drinking tea.

"Mute, you have other methods here, can you repair Dantian?" Ji Qian and Wu Yan walked out of the living room. Ji Qian always felt that this method was a bit dangerous, but Mu Zong was the head of the mute. Thousands and thousands of maggots, there should be maggots targeting Dantian.

"This ... I'm afraid it's really impossible." He shook his head silently. "The maggots cultivated by the Emperor Zong were used to save people, some were used to heal people, and some were used to kill people. However, I can only repair the maggots in Dantian. I have only seen them in ancient books. I do n’t have worms here either. "

"It's a pity. I worry that even if Ye Shikai is willing to take risks, Chen Yuxin is definitely not willing to do so."

"She must be reluctant." Before Ji Qian finished speaking, she interjected without any words. Chen Yuxin was under the risk of being turned into revenge by Ye Shikai ~ ~ How could her Dantian be abolished? Easily agreed to the people to repair it. Chen Yuxin did so out of selfishness. She wanted to master Ye Shikai's actions.


Chen family.


Ye Shikai suddenly awakened from his dream, his body was so cold that he couldn't stop shaking, and he hated it. It was a side effect of "dissipating".

"Xiao Kai, what's wrong with you." Chen Yuxin also awakened from her dream. When she saw Ye Shikai's appearance, she immediately reacted and took out a bottle of silver powder from the desk drawer. It was "dissipating".

"Come, lower case." Chen Yuxin put an internal force into his body, temporarily made him comfortable, reached out and laid him flat on the bed, and placed the bottle in front of his nose.


Ye Shikai took a gentle breath, and his body was relaxed all of a sudden. This "dissipation" is specifically for practitioners, not to mention he is already an ordinary person. Without "dissipation", it would be impossible for him to fall asleep tonight. .

"Xiao Kai, are you still uncomfortable." Chen Yuxin hugged his neck, and the two snuggled together. Chen Yuxin didn't seem to realize how much this "dissipation" had on Ye Shikai. At that time, she was only to better control Ye Shikai, so Only this method is used, but if it depends on "dissipation" for a long time, the physical function of the person will start to degenerate, and as the dependence increases, the impact on the body will be greater.

"It's okay." After Ye Shikai calmed down, he gradually realized that the "dissipation" hurt him and could not continue.

"Xiao Xin, is there any antidote to this dissipation?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Xiao Kai, I didn't think about it well at the time, you can rest assured, I've let people develop antidote, and the results will come after a while."

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