Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1242: Believe in spirit

Silently did not discourage Ji Qian. The two have different identities and naturally have different positions. Ji Tao intends to train Ji Qian to become the next owner. Therefore, in addition to the affairs of the Moon Temple, Ji Qian also deals with family matters, not to mention even if she is here. Wait, the tapeworm will not grow faster.

"It's getting late today. I asked my disciple to clean up the room. After Miss Ji rests, she can leave tomorrow morning." The words of the disciples nodded slightly, and the disciples around him took Ji Qian to a wooden house villa, although there were no resorts The villa here is so luxurious, but the interior decoration is readily available. There are also a lot of flowers in it, and the fragrance of the house makes Ji Qian's body and mind relaxed.

"Several of your companions, the head also asked me to entertain you, please rest assured, if there is a need, please inform me at any time." Said leading disciple Zhuozuo said, then turned and left.

Ji Qian walked into the room. These days things made her very tired, but Ji Qian who was lying in bed was a bit hard to sleep. In her heart, she always thought about Ye Shikai. Last time in the Crown Hotel, she had torn with Chen Yuxin. She's broken, she can understand. If Ye Shikai lives with Chen Yuxin, she will be tortured, yes, indeed, as Chen Yuxin said, no matter when Ye Shikai is married to Su Qingyu, or she is married to Chen Yuxin, she never Never forget Ye Shikai, her heart has been concerned.

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Ji Qian has made up her mind and will not allow Chen Yuxin to hurt him any more. However, her mind is understandable by everyone, but Ye Shikai cannot accept it because Chen Yuxin is pregnant. Even if Ye Shikai cannot accept it, she cannot say Divorce is divorced.

This is like a couple who already has a child, even if they have a different dream, but when it comes to divorce, it is also cautious. As long as they have a conscience and love the child in their hearts, they will not divorce.

Ji Qian thought about this, she was about to collapse, and she was anxious ... In the past, Chen Yuxin was aborted. Of course, this is just irritation. Ji Qian is also a woman. Of course, she also has a natural love for children, not to mention, but Ye Shikai's child.

Thinking about it, Ji Qian had no drowsiness. She got up from the bed, put on a long veil, and sat alone in the living room. Speaking of it, she should also thank the speechlessly. Last time, because of misunderstanding her, she was still peaceful. Yan "fighted" outside of Zong Zong. This time, when she heard Ye Shikai's accident, the first reaction was to help, and she was reckless. Of course, Ji Qian didn't know that Wu Yan had "requested" Ye Shikai and her. Marriage, of course, these words come from the mouth of an eighteen-year-old girl, more like an unreasonable request made by a clumsy child.

But Chen Yuxin is different. She is Ye Shikai's childhood sweetheart. The two have emotional foundations. However, after eight years, the two have been inseparable and farther and farther away.

After arriving at Zongzong, Ji Qian planned to go out and take a look. Before that, she saw that Zongzong had a lot of flowers and plants planted on the back mountain. Also, Zongzong is located in the deep mountains, the air is very good, and the night is here. This is invisible in the city.

怎么 "Why, Miss Ji, are you looking at the stars by yourself?" At this time, a strong and powerful voice suddenly came from behind. Turning around, it turned out to be Duke Tianke.

"Duogu senior." Ji Qian bowed deeply and expressed his respect for his first work.

"What's wrong, it looks like a person is very lost. It's already late at night, don't you go back to sleep?" Dugu Tianke asked curiously.

"Where is the old man?"

"Haha, old man, I'm older, I sleep less, and it doesn't matter if I go to bed later." Du Gutian Keliang smiled.

"Senior, can I help you count for me?" Ji Qian suddenly stood up and asked.

"It's ... let alone the old man count it for you once." Dugu Tianke nodded, and the two came to a pavilion, and Dugu took out his "fortune teller".

"Old man, I will ask a question at random, whether Miss Ji really believes in such things as fortune-telling." Du Gu Tian Ke Leng said repeatedly.

"Actually ... I'm an atheist." Ji Qian said a little embarrassingly. Although this would make Tokgo a little embarrassed, she didn't want to lie to anyone. That's right, Ji Qian didn't believe in those superstitious things. But ... this time it was special.

"Haha, in fact, you are right. Fortune telling, it is the spirit that believes, and the spirit that does not believe. The world is the same for everyone, but because everyone thinks differently, the world is different. "Dokutian Tian Ke heartily laughed." In other words, fortune telling is a kind of psychological comfort. If you can really predict your destiny, then you have to work hard. "

"Thank you for your guidance."

Tian Dugu Tian Ke carefully looked at Ji Qian's slim hand, thoughtfully ...

"Last time I told Ye Xiaoyou that he was destined to have a peach blossom, now it seems that it was my crow's mouth." Dudu looked at Ji Qian's palm, and murmured in his mouth.

"Yes, my predecessors are accurate. ~ In fact, even if there are people who predict fate in this world, they may not be able to change their fate." Dugu Tianke suddenly said, "Fate is something like this, and he wants to avoid it. I ca n’t hide from it. I do n’t want to encounter it, I will encounter it. ”

Because those who can predict fate are also part of fate.

For example, even if Dugu Tianke already reminded Ye Shikai that there are still peach blossoms, it is difficult for anyone to understand what a peach blossoms is because everyone's situation is different. Perhaps for an ordinary person, betrayed by a lover is "peach blossoms" "But for Ye Shikai ... it's hard to say.

"Miss Ji's fate ... There are many unsuccessful before 30 years old, it can be said that there are many fate, experienced too many things, there are love, affection, betrayal, and life and death, but fortunately, every time you can save yourself from danger . "

"Is these ... karma?" Ji Qian asked.

"You can say so, there are things that can't be avoided, but since it can be a danger, it is a sign of good luck." Dugu Tianke continued, suddenly, his complexion changed sharply, his eyebrows tightened, staring at Ji Qian's palm.

"Senior, do you have anything to say?" Ji Qian saw that his face was abnormal, which could make such a calm old man show such expression, I am afraid it is not so simple.

"Nothing, but well, in the second half of Miss Ji's life, I can't say yet for the old man, the secret should not be leaked."

"Since this is the case, it is not difficult for seniors." Ji Qian did not follow up. As stated just now, if fate cannot be avoided, why should you know it so early.

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