Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1252: Crazy decision

"No problem, this is Miss Chen's personal matter about your marriage. Huaxia is reasonable. Since you are not willing to say it, I will certainly not pursue it, but when do you plan to implement our cooperation?" Zeus waved his hand, in fact He had already talked to Ye Shikai intentionally. He remembered that in the last time in South America, Tang Yun ’s identity of the “Shadow” agency was exposed. He fled to North America with Zhao Yanran and returned to Yanjing by way of the chase. It was Zeus who shot and rescued the two women, just to make them a "messenger".

Unfortunately, Tang Yun died in the hands of the mutant, and her secret love for Ye Shikai was only known to Zhao Yanran. When speaking, Zhao Yanran seemed to have evaporated, perhaps, it was Luo Shiqi who arranged for her A new identity prevents further searches by the "shadow" agency.

However, this time, Zeus got a chance. Chen Yuxin took the initiative to invite him to Yanjing for Ye Shikai's affairs. Zeus' ambition is not small. What he wants is to defeat the two enemies of the Hades and the Temple of the Moon and become the foreign underground world. Overlord, this will be the "first place".

Since there is only one goal, then Ye Shikai and Ji Qian's life and death don't matter to him at all. In other words, if he can defeat Hades and Moon Temple, even if Ye Shikai and Ji Qian are not dead, he doesn't care. "Crossing" Ye Shikai, defeating the Hades directly, this is a crazy dream. Ye Shikai will work hard for the Hades and all the brothers, but now, there is such an opportunity.

"Miss Chen, in my humble opinion, the former queen is too inferior, it is not as good as you, haha." Zeus took the file in his hand and stood up.

"She is naturally inferior to me, and will only drag lower case, making him almost killed." Chen Yuxin muttered to herself fiercely. The two people she hated most in Yanjing were Ji Qian and Su Qingyu. In her heart, the two women rushed in while she was not with Ye Shikai. However, this extreme thought was based on Chen Yuxin's desire for control and greed. At the time, she left without leaving and separated from Ye Shikai. As time goes by, the two will gradually forget each other, that is, Ye Shikai still cherishes Chen Yuxin's love, otherwise, if he is an ordinary man and encounters this kind of thing, the first reaction is "to be dumped by Chen Yuxin", It turned to resentment and anger. Without any explanation, all kinds of conjectures would come to mind. However, as time passed, the scars in my heart would gradually be healed, and then I met other women.

Ye Shikai was like this. After three years in Longya, he had no chance to meet other women, but not long after he arrived in Europe, he met Ji Qian, and the two of them fell in love vigorously.

However, in Chen Yuxin's conception, Ye Shikai has always been her boyfriend. This was the case eight years ago, and it is still the same after eight years. It has never changed, so when she met Ye Shikai who was "married" again in Yanjing, she knew With those extreme thoughts ...

"Okay, now that we're done, then ... wish us a happy cooperation."

Zeus took the documents and left the Chen Group. With the help of the Chen family, the National Security Bureau could not find his trace. If there were no accidents, he would board a special plane back to North America after half an hour.

"Homeowner, is it really okay to do this?" Chen Ruoya was quite worried. "This Zeus is the uncle's enemy, after all, just cooperate with him if he lets his uncle know ..."

"Today's conversation, no one else will know." Chen Yuxin said coldly, "He will not know in lower case, I will not say, Zeus is even more impossible to say."

"All right, my subordinates retired first."

"Don't worry, I also rarely come to the company to call a few executives. I want to have a meeting." Chen Yuxin waved his hand.

"Yes, the owner."


at dusk.

When Chen Yuxin's special car reached the gate of the mansion, a car suddenly emerged from one side, and Ji Qian pushed the door and walked out.

"Homeowner, let me deal with it." Chen Ruoya thought that someone wanted to assassinate Chen Yuxin, and when she took out her weapon, she met the person who came. Although Ji Qian didn't come to "hand", her appearance may be better than The killer is more tricky.

"No, I'm here in person." Chen Yuxin also pushed the car door and walked down. The two beautiful women walked together, but the atmosphere held their breath.

"Miss Ji, we've met again." Chen Yuxin didn't smile, and looked at Ji Qian's car. "Your car, is blocking the way."

"Chen Yuxin, you let me in." Ji Qian did not give her a good complexion. This was a question, a cold question.

"I'm sorry, this is a private house. It's illegal to break into it, and even if you make a hard break, you can't get in." What Chen Yuxin believes is the formation method outside the mansion. This formation method, even if it is Ye Shikai, It can't be broken. Unless an array master finds an array of eyes, it is difficult to break it by internal force alone.

"You've seen Zeus, right?"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Chen Yuxin turned and shook her head, apparently trying to fool Ji Qian.

"You bluntly, I have received the information long ago. This morning, Zeus sneaked into Yanjing, and the destination was the Chen Group. Your Miss Chen has always been living in absentia. This time, go out and talk with him." Ji Qian A lot of words were spoken in one breath. The information collected by Ji Yu coincided with Zeus' invasion of Yanjing. At present, Ji Qian has not been sure that Chen Yuxin is sending Ye Shikai to North America, but there must be a secret between her and Zeus. .

"Miss Ji ~ ~ What about Zeus coming to Yanjing, don't forget your identity, he is the main god, aren't you, hum, fifty steps and one hundred steps."

"I don't care if he comes or not, but if it is related to Ye Shikai, I will certainly manage it."

"Miss Ji, don't you think you have too much control." Chen Yuxin was also annoyed. "His husband, what arrangements are there for you?" After speaking, Chen Yuxin didn't want to say anything more, maybe it was Because of a guilty conscience, maybe ... it was she who didn't want to argue with Ji Qian.

"Don't go."

"Protect the owner." Chen Ruoya snapped, and several guards stood between Chen Yuxin and Ji Qian.

"Chen Yuxin, are you going to send him to North America?" Ji Qian suddenly yelled, Chen Yuxin's pace stopped suddenly, but after a few seconds, she continued to walk inside, Ji Qian could not break in She could only watch her enter, she couldn't tell Ye Shikai, and there was no response to his emergency phone.

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