Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1262: Swagger

North America, airport.

"Kratos, do you think we will be too obvious." Outside the airport, a young man looked at dozens of people next to him, lined up in a row, neatly, really attracted the eyes of the people around him. coming.

"This is the site of Zeus. If we are so swaggering, will we not take him too seriously?"

"Master God of War is invincible. Even if you come to North America and come to the Temple of God, it is like walking a dog in the backyard of your house without hindrance." Kratos laughed proudly, and the members of the Temple of War are all character A hearty man, Wang Kai is even more fearless. After receiving the news from Ji Qian, he was too late to bring a "big army" and rushed over with his guard.

"Haha, you are right. Zeus is just a villain. If he has an advantage, he chooses to fight. If he is in a disadvantage, in order to survive, he can even give up his dignity. Although his martial arts is high, he is just a It's nothing but wall grass. "Wang Kai's evaluation of Zeus sounded harsh.

Indeed, Wang Kai's personality is said to be nice in nature, to love and hate, and to be uncomfortable is that he has no heart and no courage. Such a character is easy to be used. In addition, his character Very conceited, and sometimes unavoidably underestimate the enemy.

"Master God of War, Luna let us lurk first. We can choose a few luxury hotels in the city center. Even if we are aware of the whereabouts of Zeus, where there are many eyes and people, Zeus dare not easily operate, waiting for a few hours After that, Lord Luna will bring people to join us. ”Kratos reported to Wang Kai.

"Women's opinion, let me lurk, it is an insult to me." Wang Kai coldly said, "Even if I can't kill Zeus, with his strength, don't try to touch me with a sweat, I won't move him He was even more afraid to provoke me. I wanted to see what he could do with me. "

"Master God of War, I agree with all your views, except that Lord Luna's suggestion, let's take it a little bit, otherwise, it will not be easy to meet in the future." Kratos is still more sane, at least, the three temple Alliance is extremely important.

"What you said makes some sense." Wang Kai thought for a moment and nodded slightly. "Well, we don't have to go to Zeus first, but ... let him know that we are here."

"Go, go to the best and biggest bar here. I treat you and take my brothers to stroll."

After three hours.

Ji's special plane also landed at the airport in North America.

"This Wang Kai is so arrogant that he went to the bar here with a big swing. Was he worried that Zeus didn't know he was here?" Ji Qian complained quite a bit, just complaining all the way on the plane, Wang Kai was indeed love Zhang Yang, Ji Qian, and Ye Shikai have also known him for several years, and have a good understanding of his character. However, he did not expect that in the face of Zeus, he would still be "swaying" and "don't care".

"Haha, if he doesn't have this character, he is not a **** of war. Including his men, they are all a bunch of rough men, and they are savage." Desperate, laughing, with the support of Wang Kai ’s temple of war, their pressure can A lot easier.

"It's true, but there is a good side to this, which shows that the Lord of War has a lot of self-confidence." After a nightmare analysis, the dignified expression finally cleared, and the magic fox and alligator took the European Hades headquarters Most of the dark guards have also come to North America, and a lot of power is gathered here, and the scale of victory will gradually lean towards them.

"Since the last battle of the Holy Mountain, Vulcan, Poseidon, and Sun were beheaded by the boss, and Zeus was easily defeated by him. For a time, the entire underground world was almost the leader of the boss, and many members began to be proud and lazy. I Worry, Wang Kai is too undervalued. "Ji Qian was quite worried, Ye Shikai was away, and everyone could count on her. At least, as a commander, she couldn't love the enemy herself.

"Let's go meet first. Now that Zeus knows we're here, he should act soon." Maggie suggested.

"Okay, everyone, ready to go."


Temple of the King of Gods.

"Hadis, we meet again." Zeus went into the house where Ye Shikai was placed under house arrest. Although there was no internal force, Ye Shikai was not deaf. He did not have to refuse to meet the "old friend".

"Yes, I've met again." Ye Shikai sat in his chair, brewed a cup of hot tea, and handed it to Zeus. Although this was the site of the Temple of the King, it looked more like Ye Shikai's "home", he also can understand, Zeus will not hurt him, at least, the "secret agreement" reached between him and Chen Yuxin, to protect Ye Shikai's safety.

"Meeting in this way, neither you nor me, should have thought of it." Zeus took Ye Shikai's tea and drank it quite enjoyably.

"You're right. I didn't expect it. You will be sent to me by your wife."

"Frankly speaking, although you and I are opponents, in Huaxia, there is an idiom called" Xi Xiangxi ", right." Zeus stood up and extended his right hand to Ye Shikai. "Hadis, you and I join hands to divide How about the entire underground world. "

"Is it ~ ~ Zeus, I heard that you are a Huaxiatong, so you should know the allusion of" Chu-Han conflict ". Ye Shikai said coldly, both of them are" kings ", Zheng They can be "gods" and evils can be "magic". Regardless of righteousness and evil, their goals are the strongest. Have you heard that two "kings" can live in harmony, this is impossible.

Zeus retracted his hands rather awkwardly. The two chatted with each other without a word. Ye Shikai has lived in Yanjing for several months. He has already lost interest in "power" and "status". Now he can open his heart and Zeus. Gossiping.

"Rest assured, I have no intention of hurting you. I pay great attention to the spirit of contract, and if you have something wrong with me, Hades, Moon Temple, War Temple, and your newlywed wife, you should all "Kill" to the door of the palace of my **** king. "Zeus waved his hand and said.

"I don't have any internal force. You want to kill me, it's easy." Ye Shikai looked indifferent. After Chen Yuxin left, he didn't know what happened. The pressure in his heart seemed to be relieved suddenly. It didn't seem to be all bad. Zeus looked up and looked at Ye Shikai's face carefully, with a serious expression on his face.

"You are in Yanjing. There should be no enemies, but your face looks bad, even more ugly than going through a **** battle."

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