Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1295: return

"You are a ghost, and you don't even have a sound to walk on." Ye Shikai seemed to be a little nervous, startled by Ai Weier, panting with breath.

"The action was perfect just now, thank you for your cooperation." Avril smiled slightly and said that at this juncture, Steven even dared to appear in a crowd of people like a bar. His death can not be completely blame Avril Attention, gave the two people this opportunity.

This operation was indeed smooth, but in the final analysis, Ye Shikai had the advantage of time and place, and not all bosses would stand on the dance floor as stupid as Steven waiting to be killed.

"Now that Steven is dead, you are satisfied, and go back to sleep." Ye Shikai waved Ai Weier's jade hand, and was quite impatient.

"Hey, wait a minute." Ai Weier stopped Ye Shikai suddenly, reached out and held his wrist to keep him from leaving.

"What else do you want?" Ye Shikai asked impatiently.

"A dozen more people."

"You're crazy." Ye Shikai couldn't help cursing. The girl was a little greedy. She really wanted to kill all the competitors and took 10,000 steps. It's already early in the morning. Let's sleep.

"Why, if you promise, don't you want to go against it."

"Even if you really want to do it, you can't be too hasty, and ... you should assassinate Steven this time, Martin should not know yet." Ye Shikai asked, indeed, secretly removing these competitors. This is Avril's plan. Martin and Without knowing it, let alone, he never thought of it. With the aid of Ai Weier and Ye Shikai, he dared to venture into Tiger Lake Dragon Lake.

"I want to surprise him."

"I'm afraid it would be a fright." Ye Shikai rolled his eyes and waved away from the alley, killing Steven. This area must be chaotic. At least, those of Steven should be nearby. Find them, so they have to leave quickly.

The killing of Steven is tantamount to igniting a war between competitors, or torn the skin. From then on, similar assassinations will definitely occur, and Ye Shikai should also consider his own safety. After all, he is now a celebrity beside Martin, and it is inevitable that he will be caught by others. It is also necessary to pay attention to safety.

This is Martin's apartment. Ye Shikai lives here. Of course, he doesn't like to follow his men, so he just lets them patrol outside.

Now that Ye Shikai has some power, he can naturally inform Ji Qian. He didn't hesitate to pick up the cell phone. Even if the Zeus people found him first, he is not fighting alone, and did not he say just now that Zeus died? Later, the forces under his control were torn apart and the land collapsed, so the Temple of God and King should have fallen into chaos.

Picking up the phone, Ye Shikai looked at the empty contact phone book, and suddenly he was confused. He didn't know who to call first.

He remembered the telephone numbers of everyone.

Ye Shikai pressed a few times on the screen, and a series of phone numbers were displayed on it. Hesitating for a few seconds, Ye Shikai suddenly deleted all the numbers and re-entered another number.

"Hey, which one."

"Qian, it's me."

"Are you okay, where are you now, I will pick you up right away." Of course Ji Qian could hear the other party's voice, exclaimed with excitement, and even some words were incoherent.

These days, Ji Qian has always been worried about Ye Shikai's safety, and she sent no one knowing how many people went outside to look for it, but there was no news. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Ye Shikai called first.

"Don't worry, I'm safe now."

"Have you ... escaped from the" Shadow "agency?" Ji Qian asked back, although Chen Yuxin said this, she still felt a little confused.

"Well, this thing is not clear in a sentence or two. When you arrive, I will tell you again." Ye Shikai nodded.

"All right, tell me the address, I'll go now." Ji Qian said excitedly, Ye Shikai reported the address of the coffee shop, and then hung up the phone.


Half an hour later, in a cafe, Ye Shikai was sitting alone inside, looking at the traffic outside the window.

"I'm really sorry to have kept you waiting so long." After a few minutes, Ji Qian rushed in, followed by the guard for several months.

"Qian, you are finally here." Ye Shikai said faintly. Seeing Ji Qian again, he didn't seem to be so excited.

"How are you?" Ji Qian stood up excitedly, walked to Ye Shikai, and touched his body with his hands.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm fine."

"Where the **** have you been these days, I'm worried about death." Until now, Ji Qian was still worried, Ye Shikai was penniless, had no internal strength, and remained in North America. If he was found by the enemy, he would die.

"After I slipped out that day, I accidentally met a local leader of the power. I stayed there while I was hiding, hiding my identity and avoiding being discovered. These days, after the situation stabilized, I gave You call. "Ye Shikai recounted things in detail, including Martin and Avril.

"It turned out to be this way." Ji Qian suddenly realized that.

"Fortunately, you first came to find me. If Aphrodite listens to my call, she is likely to take a step forward." Ye Shikai sighed. If so, he would be dead.

"Then let's go back quickly, it's too dangerous here."

after an hour.

"Boss, I know you'll be fine." In the camp of the Three Temples, everyone was looking forward to it. When Ye Shikai walked in, the soul rushed up and gave him a big hug. These days, they They are all busy.

"Sir ~ ~ Welcome back."

Everyone congratulated that Ye Shikai was able to return. Of course, it was a great good thing. The most important thing was that Ye Shikai was not found by the people of Zeus, and was not ... found by the "Shadow" agency.

Ji Qian's mind was up and down, she was sure that Chen Yuxin didn't know about it yet, otherwise, according to her personality, she must come here to ask someone for the first time. Go out.

"Boss, now that you're back, let's go back to Europe and stay in North America, sooner or later, it's not safe," Soul Kill suggested.

"Sir, extermination of souls is right, there is our place, and the overall situation there needs to be hosted by you." Nightmare echoed.

"Don't worry, I have some things to deal with here." Ye Shikai shook his head slightly.

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