Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1297: Chen Yuxin came

Even without the internal force, Ye Shikai had a high prestige among the crowd. Hearing his throat, everyone was startled.

"This ... Boss, we are also for your sake." Vanish said softly.

"Okay, this is my idea, don't blame them." No one in the Hades Palace dared to answer. When Ji Qian saw this, she hurried forward and persuaded that this matter was not a word or two. of.

"What the **** is going on." Ye Shikai put up with anger and asked coldly.

"I can't explain it to you right now, but this time, you have to listen to me. I'll see Chen Yuxin, and you will stay inside." Ji Qian grabbed Ye Shikai's arm, and her eyes were full of anxiety.

"Well, I listen to you, but you must explain clearly afterwards." Ye Shikai finally compromised. He knew that Ji Qian's principle of doing things must have her own plans. Since Ye Shikai cannot be known now, the questioning also No meaning, Ye Shikai walked into the room, and frankly, he also guessed something, Chen Yuxin sent him to the Temple of the King of God, even Ye Shikai himself was difficult to accept and couldn't understand, let alone the people in the Hades, they It is estimated that Chen Yuxin had been on guard for a long time, but now it was so difficult to find Ye Shikai, how could she easily put it into her hands.

Dense room.

Soul killer described the whole thing again. Ye Shikai looked dignified. It turned out to be this way. No wonder Ji Qian didn't let him go out. He was worried that Chen Yuxin would strike him again.

"Boss, Chen Yuxin is so vicious, she even sent you to Zeus. Lord Luna is also for your sake, please don't be mad at her." Desperate that Ye Shikai would get angry and explain to him quickly.

"Well, I understand all your thoughts." In the end, Ye Shikai just sighed. Indeed, Ji Qian did nothing wrong, and even Ye Shikai should thank him, otherwise he should still be in the Temple of the King of God, so much has happened. In the end, it's all because of him.

"I'm not angry with her." Ye Shikai added that Ji Qian's feelings for him have always understood that he can be angry with anyone, except for two people, one is Su Qingyu and the other is Ji Qian.

"Boss, when we return to Europe, you can restore your internal strength, then Chen Yuxin will not be able to do anything to you."

"She won't do anything to me, just go out and leave me alone." Ye Shikai waved a hand, motioned to destroy the soul before leaving, Chen Yuxin came here, of course, it will not hurt Ye Shikai, but her The desire to control has caused Ye Shikai to be bruised all over the body, before, and now.


"Miss Chen, what are you doing here?" At the same time, outside the camp, Chen Yuxin, with members of the "Shadow" agency and the Chen family guards, had already surrounded the camp. Ji Qian did not expect that she had brought so Many people come over.

"Less nonsense, give me." Chen Yuxin's face was cold and her voice was even worse.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Qian replied calmly. Although she was still shocked, why Chen Yuxin already knew this, but when she walked out and saw so many people, she was mentally prepared, so Did not panic.

"Lying, you have already found him. According to the agreement, you have to give me someone." Chen Yuxin bluntly, it seems that she must have obtained the exact evidence, otherwise it is impossible to be so sure.

"I said, I didn't find him, you shouldn't make trouble here unreasonably." Ji Qian finished speaking, but she was stopped by Chen Yuxin.

"What do you want to do?" Ji Qianzhi asked.

"I've got the information, lower case is here for you, man." Chen Yuxin couldn't bear it anymore and shouted.

"Miss Chen, you are so funny. Since I said no, it is not, and I don't know where your intelligence comes from." Ji Qian shakes off Chen Yuxin's hand, the smell of gunpowder between the two women is getting stronger and stronger It seems that the operation is just an instant thing ...

"Well, you must want to take him away. I tell you, it's impossible. If you don't hand over people today, don't you want to leave anyway." Chen Yuxin said absolutely, it didn't look like a simple threat Everyone knows her personality, and she can say yes or no, and she can even send Ye Shikai to the Temple of God.

Ji Qian looked at people who could not see far away. There were even Xue Yan and Li Mei, and the woman in black that night, one of the four directors of the movie agency, the wind chime.

Ji Qian's face became more and more dignified. The woman named Feng Ling was not a soft persimmon. Ji Qian had fresh memories. That night, if it was not for Feng Ling, Ye Shikai would not have been arrested. In addition, there were so many The Chen family guards and elders, this is troublesome. Just a few hours ago, she managed to transfer Chen Ligong and a group of white mist army back to Yanjing, but in the instant they encountered trouble ...

"It depends on whether you have this ability." To the present, Ji Qian has no retreat. In short, she cannot surrender Ye Shikai. If she wants to fight, she is not afraid.


"Master Luna."

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and their hearts were also mentioned in their throats. The two girls Xue Xue and Feng Ling were standing next to Ji Qian. The sharp blade in her hand was against her delicate neck. As long as the sharp blade fell, Ji Qian would die Selina wanted to go to the rescue, but at this time Ji Qian had been held captive, she didn't dare to mess around.

"Give someone up, or you will die now." Chen Yuxin walked proudly to her and said in her ear.

"If I die, you will never see him ~ ~ Ji Qian is not afraid, Chen Yuxin is afraid to do so, even though she may be" crazy "at this time, she is still very clear, If she really started to Ji Qian, then Ye Shikai would definitely hate her.

"You threatened me." Chen Yuxin's gaze fixed, her murderousness revealed, and she suddenly turned her head and ordered, "Everyone, go in and find someone."

"I see who dare you."

The hands of the two sides were deadlocked at the door, and no one dared to start.

"Get out of here." At this time, a cry came from behind the crowd. Ye Shikai turned away from the crowd and came to the middle of the crowd, but was startled by the sight in front of him.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way." Ye Shikai went mad to Ji Qian's side, pushing Xue Yan and Feng Chi vigorously away.

"How about, are you okay." Ye Shikai was scared to death, and that sharp blade could almost hurt Ji Qian's neck.

"Xiao Kai, come here." When Chen Yuxin saw the person, her eyes were slightly red, and she wanted to pull Ye Shikai to her side.

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