Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1304: God **** convention

The King of the Personal Warrior's Wife, Volume I Chapter 1302 Master God Conference "I said, you go first, I don't want to meet with you now." Ye Shikai looked up, her expression was a little dignified, Chen Yuxin's behavior this time was too much Otherwise, Ye Shikai will not cause such a fire.

"But don't worry, I will return to Yanjing."

"Xiao Kai, I'm leaving ... OK, but can you guarantee that I won't regenerate my anger?" Chen Yuxin asked tremblingly, she would not dare to force Ye Shikai any more, and in case he would make him angry again, then she couldn't She predicts that she does not want Ye Shikai to live here with Ji Qian alone, but his attitude is firm and Chen Yuxin can only choose to compromise.

Seeing Ye Shikai nodded slightly, Chen Yuxin stood up and slowly walked out of the room. When she reached the door, she still turned around and urged Ye Shikai to come back as soon as possible.

"I'll let Nightmare take you to the airport." Ye Shikai also stood up, Chen Yuxin walked out of the room with a loss of face. Although he couldn't bear it, now ... this is the best arrangement.

"No, there are a few wind chimes beside me, you don't need to worry." Chen Yuxin seemed to lose her soul, and her voice was very light. Ye Shikai even worried that if there were no wind chimes to help her, would she wrestle ...

"What's the matter, you're distressed." After Chen Yuxin left, Ji Qian was finally not worried about the embarrassment, and walked out of the conference room, seeing Ye Shikai's face frowning, his brows froze, he guessed his mind .

"After all, he is my wife. It is her fault that she hurt me, but he will not retaliate against her. I don't want to see her like this."

"Now she's gone, do you have any ideas?" Ji Qian continued to ask.

"Nothing, I just want to take a good rest. This operation in North America, the loss of the Three Temples was very heavy. Pharaoh has taken people back to the Temple of War to rest, will you not return to the Temple of Moon?"

"With Serena, I'm not worried. It's you. The ghost is no longer in the Hades. Although the nightmare is also powerful, the command organization is not as good as the ghost. I think you need a think tank to help you now." It is also the biggest problem of Hades. Without Ji Qian's help, Nightmare would not be able to command so many people. Even though Ye Shikai had delivered Hades to him, the commanding force was not solely based on the three-inch metal brand.

"The absence of the ghost in the Hades is a loss, but I do not regret it. Everyone has the right to pursue happiness, not to mention that he is not only the Hades of the Hades, but also my brother. He wants to leave. I do n’t Will stay. ”Ye Shikai said very firmly. When he was a Pluto for a few years, Ye Shikai was very clear about the truth. When a person was determined to leave, any form of forced stay was no longer useful, so he encountered this situation. Ye Shikai has never been tougher, not to mention that he himself feels the same. He understands how difficult it is for a practitioner in the underground world to return to the life of an ordinary person ...

"You really see it." Ji Qian teased.

"Human heart, it has always been a wonderful thing. Often, the tighter you grasp, the stronger it breaks out. On the other hand, when you don't want a human heart, it tends to gather around you. So, this kind of thing, Leadership is best not to be too strict. "Ye Shikai thinks that he is not a" thick black learner "character, to get along with people, but to keep the bottom line of" honesty, "in this underground world, countless The practitioners are like duckweed, without help. They are "wandering" here, maybe Ye Shikai gave them a feeling of "home", so they attracted many masters to follow him desperately.

"Speaking of it, do you really plan to wash your hands in Jinpen." Ji Qian turned around and asked a topic Ye Shikai wanted to say but was afraid to say.

"What about you, Miss Ji's, aren't you in Yanjing as your boudoir, do you still want to stay outside?" Ye Shikai asked in return.

"At least ... you have to wait for these things to be dealt with. If the Moon Goddess was just handed over to Serena, I'm really worried she couldn't handle it." Ji Qian smiled, rubbed her head, and Ji Tao knew the Moon Goddess. It was Ji Qian who worked hard, so he never said anything, but Chen Ligong "knocked side by side" several times, signalling Ji Qian to gradually let go of the lunar temple.

"Then I'm the same as you, okay."

"Haha, you can't handle the matter in the Hades, just right ... I brought you something." Ji Qian turned around and took out a folder from her bag.

"I'm going, but don't worry about it." Ye Shikai whispered in silence.

"Don't pray, it's an annoying thing, face it." Ji Qian teased and handed the folder to Ye Shikai.

"Hey, you're too impersonal." Ye Shikai sighed, and just looking at the folder, the photos fell out of it.

"Who is this? It's pretty." Ye Shikai looked at the woman in the photo. She had long blue hair and a good-looking face. Although it was a half-length photo, Ye Shikai could guess her figure by looking at the woman's neck. It must be tall, at least ... it must be higher than one meter seven five, wearing high heels should be higher than many men.


"Uh, sorry, the focus is off." Ye Shikai has already read countless women, and has "immunity" against beautiful women, but this woman gave him a bright feeling.

According to his experience, if such a woman is an opponent, it must be tricky.

"Who is this ~ ~ Come back to life, since Ji Qian is talking about exactly, then this beauty is by no means just for Ye Shikai's eye addiction.

"Doris, the new Poseidon."

"It's just one main god." Ye Shikai's indifferent tone, including the former Pluto, has killed four or five main gods, and can be regarded as the record holder of the "God of God" list.

"Don't underestimate her, there are my statistics in the folder, please take a look." Ji Qian flicked Ye Shikai's head with her fingers, making him quite puzzled. He has been killed by the "warlike" main deity, and the "quality" of the new main deity is good or bad, but if this Doris is really god, then Ye Shikai should have heard it.

"Yes, but since you said it, it wouldn't be a bad stubble." Although Ye Shikai doesn't know Doris, a female streamer who can occupy a high position must have an extraordinary ability, which is beyond doubt. , Not to mention, the females of the Lord God, Ji Qian, Aphrodite, each of them is confusing.

"After another month, it will be the main **** meeting, what are you going to do?" Ji Qian said, Ye Shikai's hand froze instantly.

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