Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1322: Down the mountain road

"That ... that's because it hasn't come out yet. I don't care. You almost killed me today. I can offer an unconditional condition. You must promise." Emily also quite "faced". Mouth is like the light is on. As soon as I can't say it, the passage is blown open ...

"In short, this matter is settled. Now I can't think of any requirements. I thought of it later and you can't refuse it."

In the end, under Emily's "dead fight", Ye Shikai could only promise, who made him talk at that time, but seriously, at that time he really thought that he would die, and he could never meet the situation. Raw.

It is expected that Emily will not make any excessive demands. Ye Shikai is not worried. The people escape from the dead and are still immersed in excitement. Those shadow people are no longer willing to work with the Three Temples. Aphrodite Already running away, they should be even more worried that members of the Three Temples will now "revenge" them.

So they followed behind the third temple and did not dare to approach them. Seeing that they did not take any action, the hanging heart finally fell.

"Master, what do these people do?" Nightmare pointed to the shadow people, with panic on their faces, and finally managed to escape from the dead. They knew how precious this was, but now, as long as Ye Shikai orders, They will die inside.

"If you are allegiance to me, you can get a way of life, otherwise, it is a way of death, you choose it yourself." Ye Shikai said coldly, the shadow people looked at each other, kneeling on one knee.

"We are willing to be loyal to Lord Pluto and go to the fire and do whatever we want."

"These people are just relying on you for the immediate benefit and cannot be easily believed." Ji Qian reminded.

"Of course, I naturally know this, but at least for now, they can still be used by me, don't they." Ye Shikai naturally understands the reason, at least, through this matter, the shadow people are probably not willing to rely on Ah Froudi is over, then they will definitely come to the third temple. Aphrodite may still have a second hand, with the help of shadow people, which should save a lot of trouble.

"This is not a place to stay, let's leave quickly." Ye Shikai ordered. Right now, the way down the mountain has been destroyed, they can only change their way to leave the holy mountain.

It's too dangerous here, but as long as you leave the holy mountain ruins, Aphrodite can't help them.

"Athena, where did you come from before?" Ye Shikai asked.

"I came from the west side road. There were no people there. After I was injured, I came down that road and didn't run into any other ambush." ​​Athena pointed to the side road, this is a mountain road, not so much It is a mountain road. It is better to say it is a less steep slope, but the width can only let two people side by side, and the surrounding area is lush. If one comes from this road, it is not easy to be found, but now Counting shadow people, there are sixty or seventy people, so many people walking together, it is difficult to not be found ...

"What's wrong?" Ji Qian asked back.

"This road is too narrow. If something happens, it will be bad." Once bitten by a snake, ten years afraid of well ropes, and from the perspective of terrain, it is a stupid decision to spread so much so long.

"But I switched to this path to avoid the ambush." ​​Athena asked in return.

"That's because you are the only one. Our goal is too big. We can't go this way." Ye Shikai glanced, his eyes fell on a piece of purple cloth on the ground.

"Is this yours?" Ye Shikai asked back.

"It's ... not mine." Athena looked carefully. Although her clothes were damaged, the purple cloth and her clothes were not a material at all.

"This is Aphrodite's." At this time, Ji Qian grabbed the fabric and said firmly.

"Are you so sure?" Ye Shikai asked curiously.

"Of course, you're not a woman, of course you don't know so much." Ji Qian gave a scornful look at a woman like Aphrodite. She has extremely strict material requirements. And it can't be obtained with money, so Ji Qian can determine that this is a piece of Aphrodite's clothes that should have been damaged during the battle just now.

"So, she and Volgan, Doris came down this road." Ye Shikai looked dignified. Now it seems that this road has already been exposed. If you really go down this road, It is highly likely that they will encounter an ambush again.

"Now it seems that we really need to change course." Athena proposed, and everyone agreed, but there is still a big problem. The ruins have only been open for a day or two, and now the sun is about to set. Now, if they go a different way, once they lose their way and miss the time for the ruins to close, they will be trapped here, and the ruins will take an average of more than ten days to open again. At that time, they may have starved to death. After all, on the sacred mountain, there are almost no creatures, they do not carry supplies at all, and there are still so many people ~ ~ Take a step back and say that even if the practitioner can survive ten days with internal strength, hungry Until the opening of the next ruins, but Ye Shikai, he must die.

This was a dilemma. Ye Shikai and Ji Qian looked at each other and soon realized.

"The people in the Three Temples, and I went down from here." Ji Qian said coldly.

"Wait, are you crazy? Aphrodite didn't go down this road, you dare to go down this road." Emily asked without understanding the situation.

"We must leave here before the ruins close." Ji Qian looked at the sky. If there were no obstacles, and she was traveling late at night, she should be able to leave tomorrow morning. If she had a night rest, the fastest could only be tomorrow afternoon. If you encounter an ambush, then ... the situation is bad.

"Luna makes sense." Athena agreed, and she probably couldn't swallow that breath, but she was more concerned about whether Ye Shikai could safely leave the holy mountain.

"Emily, if you do n’t want your promise fulfiller to go wrong, it ’s best to go with us. Of course, I ’m not reluctant, and those shadow people. Which way you choose is your decision. I do n’t Interference. "Ji Qian said so intentionally. The people in the Three Temples all went this way. Emily and the shadow people naturally wanted to" report for group heating ", so now, even if she asks the shadow people to change Road, they are also reluctant, only by following the Three Temples, it is possible to leave here.

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