Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1324: Ji Qian poisoning

Ye Shikai's ears can hear the breaking wind of Jian Yu outside Baibu. Although there is no internal force, his hearing is still sensitive, like a vigilant cheetah, watching the surrounding movement at any time.

"No, there are others here." Ye Shikai was keenly aware of the anomaly. Since there are no "ordinary living creatures" such as rabbits, wild boars, and crows on the holy mountain, there should be no other movement in the woods, and Ye Shikai obviously feels Something was moving in the bushes.

"Be careful, there are people around us." Ye Shikai said coldly, eyes fixed on the front, Ji Qian subconsciously blocked in front of him, Ye Shikai had no internal strength, and was "a key target". Ji Qiansheng was afraid of any difference.

"It's true, Lao Ye, I can't feel anything." Wang Kai stooped down, not even daring to breathe. Ye Shikai would never make a joke when he was doing business. If he said there were people nearby, he must have them.

"Those people will hide the breath, it is really difficult to find." Ye Shikai glanced around, hiding the breath is not so simple, unless it is a special cultivation method, such as the shadow person, or an extremely advanced practitioner, Ye Shikai now There is no internal force, although it does not have such a keen sense, but it has a "danger imminent intuition", which is the sixth sense that can be cultivated after many lives and deaths.

"But it was still discovered by me." Ye Shikai turned to look at Soul Killer. "Do you still have a grenade."

"This ... the last one." Soul Slayer took a grenade out of his backpack, which was his "hole card."

"Look at me." Ye Shikai pulled out his insurance, rounded his arms, and threw it towards the big tree in front.


At the moment when the grenade exploded, three black shadows came out directly behind the tree ...


Ye Shikai yelled, and Emily responded very quickly. The three arrows had already struck the bowstrings, and the three arrows shot all at once. All three hit. The three figures were planted forward and fell into the bushes.

Hey, hey, hey.

Before everyone could react, countless arrows shot out from the bushes on both sides. The speed was very fast, and it was in the dark, it was difficult to dodge. They suddenly shot down a dozen shadow people, and everyone in the Hades hurried Leaning down, trying to avoid Liu Ya as much as possible, Ji Qian threw Ye Shikai down, launched the moonlight array, and enveloped the crowd.

"Everyone be careful, there are people ambushing all around, lying in the bushes." Ye Shikai said loudly. When he encountered an ambush, he must not panic, and he must find a shelter in the first place and wait for the opportunity to fight back. Of course, the forest is a place suitable for ambush, but Ye Shikai It is not unreasonable to let everyone stay in the bushes. The bushes are luxuriant, and the height is suitable. As long as people bend down, they will not rise and lose their goals, they are not living targets.

Watching the arrows across the head by twenty centimeters, this can be described as passing by with death. Ye Shikai picked up an arrow shot in the bushes and found that its arrow was black through the fire, which was poisonous. The passing arrows turned to look at the shadow people who had been shot by the arrows, and they had spit foam and died.

"It's very toxic." Ye Shikai lamented that he doesn't have any internal force now. If he hits the arrow, I am afraid he will die.

"Well, are you okay." Ji Qian came to his side and looked at him carefully to see if he was injured.

"Rest assured, with your formation, arrows won't hurt me. Fortunately, I'll take precautions in advance, otherwise it's really difficult to say ..." In fact, Ye Shikai also wore a high-quality soft armor to resist ordinary arrows. Ya, but just in case, the best solution is to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Everyone be careful, evacuate here quickly." Ye Shikai shouted, Dark Guard is experienced, and after many battles, Nightmare is more sophisticated this time. Even at the crisis, he is calm, but those shadow people are hard to say. The secret of the hidden exercises they practiced was calmness. However, after today's scuffle, they were suddenly attacked. They suddenly collapsed, stood up and ran backwards. As a result, all became living targets. He was shot down by the arrows.

"Abominable." Athena was so angry that she spotted one of them, suddenly jumped, her body emptied, and she slashed a sword at a man in black.

"Look for death." Athena waved the sword, and soon solved several of them. The sky was dark, which largely obstructed vision.

"Be careful." Ji Qian slammed to Ye Shikai's side, holding the flying arrows with her bare hands. If not, Ye Shikai would have hit the arrow long ago.

"Kill Hades, there are rewards." Suddenly, there was a female voice in the crowd. Ye Shikai was too familiar. This was Aphrodite. These were indeed the people she arranged, although I don't know how she would Bring so many crossbowmen, but this must have been premeditated.

A figure suddenly burst out from the crowd, rushing towards everyone ...


With just one move, Ji Qian's moonlight array was broken. This is not who Doris will be.


Ji Qian spit out a bite of blood, and Dantian seemed to set off a wave of pain.

"You're okay." Ye Shikai blocked Ji Qian behind her ~ ~ The face was full of anxiety, Doris was one of the few high-powered main gods, and very good at melee, Ji Qian was not her Opponent.

"The two adults go quickly." Nightmare immediately stepped up and blocked Doris's fatal blow. Even though Nightmare had high martial arts, her internal strength was not as good as Doris. Hand still suffers.

"Qian, are you okay." Ye Shikai looked down, but saw an arrow in Ji Qian's shoulder. Within a few seconds, she had begun to pull off her body. With a little fire, Ye Shikai could see that she had begun Darkened lips.

"You're hitting an arrow." Ye Shikai was panicked. The arrow was heavily poisoned. Ji Qian put up the pain and pulled out the arrow. Ye Shikai wanted to help her drive the drug, but she was powerless.

"I have Shennongdan, you should take it quickly." Ye Shikai quickly took out a Shennongdan from the inside pocket. This was just refined before the departure. Just in case, but the quantity is really Too few, even Ye Shikai has only one of them. In fact, he still has a few, but they are all in the storage ring, but now he has no internal force and can't be taken out.

Ji Qian swallowed the elixir and turned the internal force to detoxify, but her body was still weak. Aphrodite was poisoned by heart and heart. The poison on the arrow was not bad. Ye Shikai helped Ji Qian's body to withdraw. A dark guard guarded the two, blocking the arrows that flew in.

"Everyone, don't fight, come with me."

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