Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1327: camouflage

"Nightmare, the magical spirit and the soul destroyer are very fast, plus a few dark guards, if not expected, they should be able to quickly pass this forest road, noon tomorrow, oh no, tomorrow morning can I left the ruins. "Ye Shikai analyzed, and everyone seemed to be shocked by his decision, especially Emily, her face flushed slightly, presumably because she had misunderstood what he meant just now and thought he was a man of disregard for justice.

The most important thing is that they are Ye Shikai's close friends. Let them **** Ji Qian so that Ye Shikai can rest assured.

"Qian, take a good night's sleep, and you will go out when you wake up." Ye Shikai leaned down and murmured softly in her ears. Although Ji Qian was now in a coma and could not hear him at all, Ye Shikai was still very serious The ground was spoken word by word.

"Nightmare, I will give you an address. After leaving the ruins, you will immediately take Ji Qian to find speechless, begging, and let her help. If we have no accidents here, we should leave the ruins tomorrow afternoon, I'll look for you then. "Ye Shikai took out a piece of paper from the bag, wrote a few words" brush brush ", and handed it to Nightmare.

"Okay, lord, please rest assured, I will send the Lord Luna out." Mengma remembered this address in his heart, and put the note in his pocket.

"Let's plan like this, do you have any other opinions?" After Ye Shikai finished speaking, everyone nodded in agreement. Ye Shikai himself chose to take the plain road and go to danger in person. What more could they say, let alone, it seems that there is no A better decision than this.

老 "Lao Ye, otherwise you would leave with Nightmare together. Since you also said that the plain would be more dangerous, if you go, wouldn't it be death?" Wang Kai advised.

"Hadis, or you should listen to Ares' advice. We are at a disadvantage now. If you really go, I worry that we can't guarantee your safety." Athena still cared about Ye Shikai in her heart, the former She, but she always dares to love and hate. When she hated Ye Shikai, she wanted to "unload eight pieces". When she loved Ye Shikai, she wished that the whole world knew that she now seems to hide her love gradually. Arise, in public, she would never talk about her relationship with Ye Shikai.

However, since the last time in the Temple of the King, Athena has helped Ye Shikai without regrets and saved him time and time again. This can be seen by everyone.

"No, I have to go there, otherwise nightmare would be very dangerous if Aphrodite was pierced." Ye Shikai shook her head. Emily's expression was very complicated. This time, she was not from the Three Temples. This time Together with Ye Shikai and others, it is also purely a common cause of interest, so she chose to listen to it "consciously". Of course, she was also very clear that what she said did not have any weight among the people, not even People will ignore her.

Aphrodite was so eager to kill everyone that Emily knew she couldn't afford it alone. The only way was to work with the Three Temples to deal with that "devil head".

"Nightmare, it is not too late, you immediately set off. If you encounter an ambush, do not fall in love, quickly get out, and leave as soon as possible." Before leaving, Ye Shikai still asked.

"Relax, sir, I understand." Nightmare carried Ji Qian on his back, and the three Hades will take the remaining dark guards towards the forest.

"It's time we set off. Even when it's dark, we can easily get away even if we encounter an ambush." ​​Ye Shikai turned to the crowd and said to everyone, the plain road is "one horse flat river". If you don't find a place in advance, you will pass by and will definitely Suffer a lot.


"Lao Ye, are you mistaken? It's calm here, there are no grasses around, it doesn't look like an ambush place." The crowd lay on the dirt **** not far away and looked at the plain carefully. The movement on the ground was quiet, and the evening breeze blew through, making it look desolate. New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https: /

"It is true that there are no bushes for a kilometer around the road, and it is not suitable for ambush here. If we pass here, even if Aphrodite is really ambush, this distance is too far, waiting for her to come over, We can't even see our back, Hadith, have you made a mistake? "Athena looked around carefully. There was only the sound of wind around her, and it really didn't look like someone.

"This is just a superficial phenomenon." Ye Shikai said coldly. When he was in Longya, the team members were masters of investigation, proficient in the functions of investigation and anti-reconnaissance. This degree of camouflage could not deceive Ye Shikai's eyes.

Ye Yekai took out a crossbow, which he brought from the killed crossbowman in the battle just now, and there were more than a dozen poisoned arrows.

With a good crossbow, Ye Shikai aimed at a small dirt **** not far away.


The crossbow fired and pierced into "Xiaotupo", but the next scene surprised everyone. The "Xiaotupo" suddenly stood up, but fell to the ground within a few seconds ~ ~ This is basically "tupo", but a man in a camouflage.

The poison poison arrow contains fierce toxins and will soon die after being shot. These people ... are under the hands of Aphrodite.

"There are really some people." Wang Kai said excitedly, almost cried out, unexpectedly, there are still people ambushing here, if it is true, then ... how many such "small earth slopes" are there on this road? ".

"Why is there no movement." Watching the man lay dead with poison, but there was no movement around him, like a body in the desert, no one cares.

"If they move, they will really be exposed, and they haven't found our position yet, and they will move blindly, they will only become a living target." Ye Shikai said coldly, and then put on a crossbow.

"Okay, I'll call each other today." Ye Shikai shot a crossbow at the roadside below, and every time he hit the target, everyone was stunned. Although not a professional pretender, Ah The camouflage of Froudi's men is already in full swing, but in front of Ye Shikai, they are like naked targets.

"All hands on."

Finally, some people couldn't help it, their camouflage was useless in front of Ye Shikai, and everyone stood up from the ground at the same time, throwing away the camouflage clothes.

"So many people." Wang Kai couldn't help but marvel when he saw the people below. There were seventy or eighty people. The night was dark and the eyes were mixed. Ye Shikai couldn't see who the leader was, but ... That's right, it should be Aphrodite himself. Starting


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