Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1331: Mad counterattack

Emily has already seen Volgan during the day, which is almost a mystery, so it is not shocking. Every inch of skin has become fiery, and she is still immortal. However, during the day, members of the Three Temples had a real headache, but Compared to Ye Shikai's state at the moment, Alimi felt that Volgan was not so scary.

Emily is very young. Although she has good strength, she still lacks combat experience, especially in the battle of life and death. Before that, she was puzzled. Why do powerful masters die in the hands of Ye Shikai in the end? Is he really Is it doomed to defeat? Now Alimi finally understands that it is not that he is too powerful, but that there are too many secrets hidden in him.

Addiction is one of them, but will Ye Shikai have other hole cards ...

Volgan's body was on fire, swooping towards Ye Shikai, and the momentum was very fierce. After all, the high temperature of this flame was avoided by everyone.

Ye Shikai's eyes were red, and the meridians in his whole body were slightly bulging, which looked very scary. Emily wondered whether he would rush over directly in the next second and bit Volgan's neck ...

When Volgan rushed to the front three steps away, Ye Shikai slammed a punch into the chest, hit him directly with a punch.

Ye Shikai lowered his head, and there were already signs of being burned by flames on the palms. Under high temperature, most people were afraid to approach, let alone directly contact the flames. However, the burning traces on Ye Shikai's palms were so fast as to the naked eye. , Fades little by little, and finally disappears completely.

Ye Shikai watched the burn marks disappear and showed a sloppy smile. It seemed that he did not expect that the body controlled by ecstasy had such a powerful ability to heal itself.

"Come again." Ye Shikai didn't give Volgan a chance to breathe, and rushed to the front in the blink of an eye. He punched Volgan directly to the ground with a punch in his face. Ye Shikai didn't seem to be afraid of the "fire" in front of him. People ", punched after punch.

Volgan's body is not fast. Under the current circumstances, he has no chance to escape at all. If it was Ye Shikai before, I am afraid that he would evade because of the flames of this body. However, after the onset of addiction, Ye Shikai has lost With all his consciousness, he completely became a "combat machine". This time, Volgan was probably killed here ...

"Abominable." Volgan climbed up from the ground, Ye Shikai, whose combat power "exploded", was extremely fierce, but his secret technique did not make him feel pain, otherwise he should really not be able to stand now.

At this point, Volgan didn't dare to take any notice, and his hands were folded together. Gradually, a huge fireball slowly gathered in the air, then fell sharply and smashed into Ye Shikai.


Ye Shikai roared, forming a protective cover around him, blocking the flames.

"Burch me." Volgan also seemed to be in a madness, increasing the output of internal forces, and the flames were getting stronger and stronger, and even the body burst into flames, as if ... the body was turned into a part of the flame, The fire got bigger and wrapped Ye Shikai in it.

Seeing this, Emily did not feel that Ye Shikai was sweating, and the night was illuminated by the fire, just like daylight. Although Ye Shikai's psychicism was powerful enough, she faced this degree of flames Burning, I am afraid that even Zeus or Athena can hardly keep it.

"Is it just that kind of patience, then you are destined to be lost here." There was a hoarse low roar from the flames.

"What." Emily shouted, really shocked by the scene in front of her. The flame that "wrapped" Ye Shikai gradually turned into two halves, and he was intact, and the powerful energy emitted was like one. Block invisible walls when flames block out.

"Let you also taste the flame." Ye Shikai opened his palms, and the flames turned back to Volgan in an instant.

"Don't." Volgan was repelled several steps by his own fire. Ordinary practitioners can use energy to manipulate objects within three steps. However, Ye Shikai at this moment can use the barrier formed by energy to defeat Vol. The fire of Ergan was "enveloped", which was enough to chill any practitioner.

Before Volgan can react again, the fire has shrouded it. The energy of ecstasy can be described as "domineering". Water and fire are invisible. However, this energy squeezes the flame to a level of less than ten square meters. In space, in the flames, it was clear that Volgan's cry of pain could be heard.

Devoured by one's own fire, this is to set fire to it ...


The shout was getting quieter, and after about three minutes, there was no more sound.

Volgan was killed by his own tricks ...

Ye Shikai regained energy, and the flames also lost their restraint. They flew straight into the sky like fireworks, and were extremely dazzling. When the fireworks dispersed, a corpse remained.

"Hades, what kind of person is it?" Emily was not surprised. She had lost her mind. In just ten minutes, she seemed to have a new understanding of Ye Shikai.

"You, die." Ye Shikai slowly turned his head, stared at Emily, completely lost consciousness, he now has only one thought in his mind, which is fighting.

"Hadis, you're crazy." Alimi yelled and watched Ye Shikai step by step. She had already seen Ye Shikai's ability just now. Even if she had two legs, it would not be under his hands. slip.

"you die."

Ye Shikai's mouth kept repeating this sentence ~ ~ The sound was hoarse, more like the howling of a wild animal.

Emily took out her arrow, Zhang Gong took the arrow, but Ye Shikai was knocked to the ground.

Before she got up, Ye Shikai's hand clasped her neck, like an iron pliers, and she couldn't move.

Just when Emily thought she would die, she suddenly felt relieved, and the powerful external force suddenly took off. Emily gasped heavily, fresh air was drawn into her lungs, and she instantly felt that the whole person was "live" again. come.


Emily calmed down and saw Ye Shikai lying on the ground as if unconscious and motionless.

"Hadis, are you okay?" Emily stepped forward cautiously, but she was still alive and well. How could she fall to the ground now? Emily reached out and put it in front of Ye Shikai's nose, but she didn't feel a little breath.

"No, isn't he dead?" Emily hurriedly bent down, put her ears against his chest, and could still feel the heartbeat.

"Great, you are not dead yet." Alimi put her hand on Ye Shikai's chest and put the internal force into his body.

"What's the situation just now, quickly check if there are anyone around." At this time, a scream came suddenly from the distance, Emily turned her head, and saw Aphrodite and Doris leading people Come over here.

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