Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1334: Giant Beast

Emily carried Ye Shikai on her back, Doris blocked the road in front, and Aphrodite cut off the road in the back. There were more than twenty men in black surrounding her, enclosing the two.

In the face of the current situation, Emily's face is as dead as possible, her hands can't stop trembling. If there is only one Aphrodite, she is not worried, but Doris is here, and she can't be any way. It was Doris's opponent, and her bows and arrows could only be used unless the distance was widened.

"Emily, leave people alone. I'll write off this matter. My agreement with you still counts. What?" Aphrodite said lightly, although Emily wanted to live, but she was not Fool, she has betrayed once. With Aphrodite's personality, she will never believe Alimi anymore. If she really delivers Ye Shikai, she will be killed by Doris.

"If I surrender someone, will you really let me go, Aphrodite, do you think I'm a fool?" Emily opened her bow and took an arrow. She is a strong archer. But now that she was surrounded by so many people, she couldn't do anything.

"It seems you are not stupid yet, but if you don't cooperate, you will die even worse." Aphrodite sneered, she did not continue to deceive, maybe she thought it was no longer necessary, anyway, Both Emily and Ye Shikai will die here. In this case, it is better to tear this hypocritical mask.

"You better think about it. You should have seen it just now. Volgan died in the hand of Hades. I advise you to think clearly, otherwise you will regret it if you lose your life." Emily was anxious to be alive, and suddenly yelled at everyone, pointing to Ye Shikai on her back.

Aphrodite was suspicious, she knew that there were many secrets in Ye Shikai's body, including ecstasy. She had never heard of it before, but the power of the attack was difficult even for Zeus. The secret of the dagger is hidden in Ye Shikai. Maybe this is the secret that can dominate the entire underground world. To be honest, if it is not an urgent desire to kill Ye Shikai, Aphrodite really wants to "explore" it. Secret.

However, Emily's words are somewhat credible. First of all, if it wasn't for Ye Shikai's outbreak, how could Volgan die, and his men, maybe it was Ye Shikai's ecstasy, so if he recurs Once, I am afraid that even Doris may not be his opponent. Aphrodite does not want to follow in the footsteps of Apollo, Hephaestus and Poseidon.

But now Ye Shikai is in a coma. It doesn't look like she can easily kill people, otherwise why should she rely on Emily's back.

Based on Emily's words, Aphrodite naturally couldn't believe it. She turned and secretly gave Doris a glance. The two men understood, Doris rushed up immediately, took out the trident and stabbed directly.

Emily opened her bow and fired an arrow.



Arrowhead and Halberd collided, and Trident lost his focus and was not stabbed. Doris was so angry and angry that Emily took advantage of this vacancy and quickly pulled away.

"Everyone goes."

Emily took three arrows out of the quiver, took the bowstrings with her head, and shot straight out, all of a sudden shooting down the three.

"The arrow is good." Doris sneered and rushed again. Emily turned to her side. The trident was not stabbed, but she scratched Ye Shikai behind her.

"Hadis, are you okay." Emily panicked, and distanced from Doris first, then quickly checked his injury, scratched his arm, but did not hurt the bone, but he must quickly bandage.

"Emily, you are not my opponent, let alone fight with a man carrying me, give up, you are not my goal, I will not target you." Doris said coldly.

Emily's heart trembled, she had a faint impulse, and simply gave Ye Shikai to them. Even if they promised, Emily had a chance to escape, but if she carried a man, she would not be able to run.

"How's it going?" Doris threatened.

"Okay ... okay, I promise you, I'll give him to you." Emily nodded, and then slowly laid Ye Shikai on the grass. Emily really didn't want to do this, but she didn't want to die. , Can only silently pray in his heart that Ye Shikai don't remember to hate her.

"Hadis, you are finally going to die. This time, I will kill you with my own hands." Aphrodite slowly walked over, pulled out his dagger, and reached his neck with a crazy look on his face.


"What a voice." Suddenly, there was a chilling roar in the bush, listening to what sounded like a beast roaring, and everyone turned their heads violently, bursting out of the bush, a giant that had never been seen before. The beast has a body like a tiger, with a pair of dragon horns on its head, and flames burning on its four legs. The key is that the beast is particularly large, even larger than an elephant.

If Ye Shikai is awake at this time, she must be able to recognize it ~ ~ This is the beast that the Three Temples met after entering the sacred mountain. However, after only being touched by Ye Shikai, he left "behaviorally".

"What kind of monster is this?" Everyone was taken aback. No one has seen this creature, but here is the holy mountain. Some creatures that have not been seen are also normal. Although I do n’t know what it is, it looks like the monster has a grin. It was fierce, with a roar, and the sound penetrated the clouds, making people unable to stop shaking.

Everyone raised their vigilance, and for a while no one was in charge of Ye Shikai on the ground, and Emily took the opportunity to memorize Ye Shikai, trying to leave here in a mess.

"Don't want to leave." Doris saw this, and quickly stopped Emily, and before she stabbed the trident, a watermelon-sized slap was filmed.

The beast shot.

The huge body and the burning limbs seemed to make people dare not approach. Doris instinctively made a gesture of avoidance. The beast of the giant stepped on the ground and stepped on a very deep footprint. As you can imagine, If you are trampled on such a foot, even the most powerful practitioners will lose their internal organs.

Although the monster is huge, it moves very fast. In addition to the fear of everyone, no one dares to stop it, and the monster is also in the middle of the crowd and Emily, as if to intentionally block Aphrodite. Yun et al., Although Emily didn't understand, but it was too late to figure it out, she ran straight behind Ye Shikai.

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