Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1349: Pre-war mission

Once the war has begun, the three senior men and nine secretaries from the imperial court and the three old pavilion leaders down to the countryside will become a war machine, and a large amount of civil and material resources will be mobilized on the front line. With Chido, it takes at least a month to get from here to Jixian County, Guangyang County. Although there are cavalry, it is only a small part, not to mention, even if the army arrives in Guangyang County, there are still waiting for the rear Grain equipment delivered.

If the fighting breaks out suddenly, there will be a deadline for the escorting of grain and equipment in the rear. If it is not delivered on time, the entire delivery team will be beheaded. Later, many leaders of the uprising chose to fight desperately for this reason. Or else waiting for them is beheading.

Ye Yekai thinks that this system is a bit too cruel, but from the perspective of war, if the grain is not delivered, hundreds of thousands of troops will fall apart. If it is defeated, the wolf tribe will go straight to the Central Plains.

"Okay, let's go quickly." After the two finished eating the barbecue, they took their weapons and went to the camp.

"Master Shangguan, Mr. Ye Shi, Master Han is waiting for you, hurry in."


After the two entered the camp, Ye Shikai was still just a long man after all, naturally he stood back.

"Brother Ye, come here quickly." What did not expect was that Han Hao stood up and walked in front of Ye Shikai in front of everyone, holding his hand forward, and let Ye Shikai and a few hundred generals stand in front. . Starting

"Okay, everyone is here, my official will announce the news." Han Hao sat back on the main seat and looked at the general in the audience.

"Everyone should know that the northern wolf tribe looked at me as a big Qin tiger. According to the news of the county guard, the wolf tribe has assembled 200,000 troops and distributed along the Great Wall. They may invade at any time, and most of them are light cavalry. , Maneuver quickly, so ... "

"Sir, do you want us to fight on the front line?" Before Han Hao finished speaking, a hundred generals eagerly asked. Everyone was flexing their muscles, as if they were very interested in the front line. They belonged to the county and county defense forces. The usual task is to prevent some robbers and pirates from attacking them. Compared with the frontier frontier guards, they have fewer opportunities to make achievements. In this way, they have fewer opportunities to appreciate, so when they hear of a war, Yes, they are all eager to try. First https: // https: //

咳 "Cough, it seems that you all want to show your skills on the battlefield. This is a good idea, but our mission is not to fight on the front line." Han Hao coughed twice, and the crowd immediately calmed down.

"After all, we belong to the county and county defense forces. The main purpose is to maintain law and order. Compared to everyone knows, although the news came from the county guard house, the folk has already spread it, and even some rumors have appeared to win people's hearts. Alas, the talk has changed, and even Liu Kou's activities have become increasingly rampant. "

"Master, our task is to annihilate the bandits." Shang Guanjian asked.

"Brother Shangguan is asking for an idea. It is our duty to destroy the gangsters and maintain law and order, but this time the task is more than that." Han Hao saw everyone's discussions and was full of doubts, so he turned his attention to Ye Shikai.

"Brother Ye has just arrived. Can you guess this task?"

"Subordinates are dull, please adults." Although Ye Shikai already had the answer in his mind, he did not say it directly. One of them didn't want to be too high-profile. Both, the guessed task, he didn't want to do it in his heart. .

既然 "That being the case, I will ask myself and answer." Han Hao took out a bamboo slip from the table and slowly opened it.

"The northern wolves are eager to move, disturbing the border between the Qin and Qin dynasties. There are many troops in the army, and they intend to start a war. His Majesty has made a decree. All counties and counties have stepped up to collect military rations, build ordnance, and send them to the front line. Delaying the date and delaying the fighter plane. "Han Hao put down the bamboo slip in his hand." You all heard, this is the order just sent by the county guard today, I believe everyone understands our task. "

"My lord, is it that we are to escorted the grain with those pavilion leaders, ranks, and widowers?" After hearing this order, everyone was obviously dissatisfied. Although they are county defense troops, their combat strength is not weak, only However, Hanoi County is located in the Central Plains, thousands of miles away, so it seems relatively peaceful, but they are by no means sergeants who are eager to live comfortably and fear death.

"Ahem, it's not for you to **** the hay and grass, but for you to supervise the **** team. If the hay and grass is not in place in time, the front line will lose fighters and even fall apart." Han Hao kept calming everyone and failed to go to the front line. It is indeed uncomfortable for them to send food and grass.

If Ye Shikai has not participated in Longya before, maybe they do n’t understand why they are so active on the battlefield, but Wei Guobao ’s family is part of the reason, and the background of that era is different. It is also a big reason. Many of the sergeants before joining the army were slaves, or It is people of low background who join the army to kill enemies and obtain military merit is the only way for them to advance ~ ~ If they can survive the battlefield, they can "turn over".

"What's more, who said that you don't have a chance to go to the battlefield, the battle is changing rapidly, and when you escorted the grain to the front line, if you are in a tight situation, aren't you the reserve army?" Han Hao continued to explain, and everyone calmed down. If there is a war, it is equally important to add soldiers. If these trained sergeants are there, they are likely to go directly to fill up. This kind of thing was not the same when the six countries were attacked before, but if they encountered This situation shows that it is really a big battle, a **** battle.


"What are you thinking about?" After leaving the camp, Shang Guanjian saw Ye Shikai's mind and couldn't help wondering "is he lost because he can't kill the enemy."

没有 "No, I am just thinking that starting a war is not good for both sides, and once the two are of equal strength and the stalemate, the war does not know when it will end."

"Your mind is not bad, if there is no battle, you are still just a slender man. You ca n’t get military merit. What's the point of your coming to the army?" Shang Guanjian seemed to have heard something very funny, turned and pointed to the officer behind him. "You Looking at them, they can't wait to go to the front line immediately. If they are lucky and become the captain or general, the old and young will be rich and rich. "

"Okay, don't say so much, let's go back to the camp." Ye Shikai didn't want to continue to argue with Shang Guanjian. He is not a person of this era and has no right to comment on this era. Today's training has ended, and they should also Back to Sheung Shui Village.


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