Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1351: Take care of each other

"Is the situation so serious already?" He Linghan heard the words, his face changed greatly. As a common people in the last year of Qin Dynasty, not only He Linghan or Old Man He, so the people feared war and feared the war. The battle is heavy. If there is no war, the people can still live, but if there is a war, then a lot of food will be sent to the front line. If one cannot eat enough food, war means death, and many young people will be killed. Sent to the front line, a battle continues, I don't know how many people will lose their wives and their families will be destroyed.

"Well, the battle is urgent. The order of Junshoufu will be issued soon. I can't think of it for a few days, everyone in Shangshui Village will know it." Ye Shikai nodded.

He Linghan pursed his lips. It seems that he wants to say to Ye Shikai that although the two have n’t met each other for a long time, their feelings for each other are not ordinary. Otherwise, it is impossible for He Linghan to run to Ye Shikai ’s house alone at night. It was found that there would be gossip about He Linghan in the village the next day.

"Linger, do you have anything to say, just say it."

"Ye son, you ... you should leave here quickly. You are not from this era. This is our war. You shouldn't be involved." He Linghan said with courage, she was right, Ye Shikai is a modern person and should not be mixed in. He Linghan is simply worried about Ye Shikai's safety. When he is on the front line, who can guarantee to come back alive. Even the young adults in Shangshui Village may die there without alive.

"Linger, I thank you for caring for me, but that day I rescued you and the elders in the village from the robbers. You also helped me settle down here. From that moment, I will not be able to get out of this relationship with this era. And if I really leave now, I'm afraid I will be treated as a deserter. "Ye Shikai smiled bitterly, not to mention that his current" resources "were not enough for him to leave Qin, even if he was entangled in the waist, carrying dry food with two carriages, then Hiring some people to protect his safety, it is impossible to pass through so many Qin Army's guards, he could not leave Qin country at all, and in the end he would be caught and beheaded.

"Linger, I'm worried about you, and your grandpa and folks in Shangshui Village, so you should take more care." Ye Shikai nodded and said, Old Man He is relatively old and it is impossible to go to the battlefield. He Linghan is a woman and naturally impossible Go, as long as you have enough food in your home, it should not be a problem. Ye Shikai took out a small bag and stuffed it into He Linghan's hands.

"Ye son, what is this?" He Linghan opened the bag. The heavy stuff inside was so gold that He Linghan let his hands loose, and the bag fell to the ground.

"This is the twelve bounty given by Han. You can take it home and use it to buy some food and store it. I don't know when the war will end. Take care."

"This ... it's absolutely impossible, Ye Gongzi, this is your bounty, how can I accept it." He Linghan stretched out her shaking hands and wanted to put it back into Ye Shikai's hands, but how could her strength be comparable A man, Ye Shikai refused to answer, and He Linghan had to accept it.

"Take it away. If I really got on the battlefield, the gold is on my body. It's not as good as the bag of dry food you gave. Take it down and wait for me to come back from the front. Be sure to watch you and your grandpa safe. At home. "Ye Shikai looked at the half-burning candle, and unknowingly passed half an hour.

"Linger, you go home first, and I will go to your house in person tomorrow morning." Ye Shikai said quickly, all the villagers living next to him, if he was found, he and He Linghan could not explain.

"Well then, the little girl retired first, Ye Gongzi take a good rest."


The next day.

In ancient times without an accurate clock, chicken chanting was indeed the best "time mark". The chicken chanting sounded, and villagers continued to live in the farmland in front of them one after another. Ye Shikai wore armor, brought a bronze sword, and went first as agreed. A trip to Mr. He's home.

"It's Ye Gongzi, have you eaten breakfast, please come in." Uncle He saw the officer in armor in front of him, and he said enthusiastically, and said while holding Ye Shikai's hand into the house. .

"Mr. He, I will go to the training ground at the meeting. This time I want to talk to you and Linger."

"Actually, Linger told me something last night. The war is coming. Naturally, my man in Shangshui Village will inevitably go to the battlefield, but my son, Linger's father, has already served in the military. Now he is at home. Only two of us, Ye Gongzi generously helped each other last night, it's rotten me, oh no, the whole family is grateful to you. "

"Uncle He is right. I came here this time to persuade you to use this money to buy some grain in the county as a grain storage."

"Ye Gongzi is here." At this time, He Linghan also came out of the room.

"Linger, I'm going to the training ground soon. Take good care of your grandpa at home."

"My son also takes care."

"Well, you are here." Suddenly, there was a shout from outside, and the three turned their heads. There were soldiers standing outside the fence, waving their hands.

"OK, I'll go first."

"Well, what is the relationship between you and the girl of the Ho family?" On the way to the training ground, several soldiers under the command of Ye Shikai were curious and asked, speaking, He Linghan is a well-known beauty in the village, and his reputation is even in Everyone in the county heard about it. Just now the two looked like each other, but everyone saw it.

"Not long after I first came to Sheung Shui Village, you all know that Uncle He accepted me that night, and the girl of the He family naturally knew me." Ye Shikai explained.

"It turned out to be like this ~ ~ Speaking of it, the girl of the He family hasn't married yet. Since she is near the water platform, why not marry her, and a beautiful woman is a hero and a perfect match." One of the chiefs joked. .

"Yeah, what a long time, your martial arts is so high that you will surely get a reward in the future, no matter what girl you marry."

"Yes, Zhao Wuchang is right."

"Yeah, yeah." The crowd echoed.

"So much, is it enough to eat enough energy? Well, I'll run ten more laps on the training ground." Ye Shikai's words just came out, and everyone was quiet immediately. They were kind, and it seems that the ancients also like Click on the spectrum.

"Well, after a while, do we really want to go to the battlefield?" At this time, a weak-looking soldier asked.

"Yes, it is true." Ye Shikai didn't lie. Sooner or later, they had to know the news. Since he couldn't change the fact, he could only let them have a mental preparation.

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