Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1358: Heroes

The management of prisoners is indeed a problem for Ye Shikai. Frankly speaking, these prisoners are not weak, at least they are still brave people, and even some of them have previously killed people, or the former six The sergeant of the country has kung fu in his hands. As long as he is trained, he can exert his combat power on the battlefield.

However, if these people are not “tamed”, they will not be effective, but will be attacked by them. These are closely related to the situation on the battlefield. If the battle is won, then the prisoners will be released and the court will be released. It can also be relieved, but if the battle is lost, if the Qin army is defeated, these criminals will probably "rob the fire" and continue to do things that fall into the grass.

Therefore, Ye Shikai is no different than picking up a "hot potato".

"Master Tun, what should we do now? These robbers were our enemies yesterday." A sergeant asked anxiously. It seemed that this anxiety was not only for Ye Shikai, but also for a few of his sergeants. Perhaps this situation is ridiculous at present, but in the Qin Dynasty, these all required Ye Shikai to have a "long view". In current words, these criminals are "stabbing heads."

After an hour.

"These are the prisoners."

"Yes, these are the people who will come to attack the granary yesterday. I think there are still a few who seem to have been arrested and killed."

"Yeah, these are all people who are going to fill the army."

Several rows of prisoners were chained together in shackles and taken to the side of the field. The crowd on the side gave them pointers and continued discussion.

"Release their shackles." Ye Shikai said lightly, the sergeant on one side immediately stepped forward to untie the shackles, and the villagers on the other side hurriedly backed out, afraid that these desperate people would come over.

Ye Shikai glanced at the forty or fifty criminals. Although he did not know the soldiers of the Qin Dynasty, he could see the character of each person from the eyes of these people, and even see which ones were not afraid of death. Desperates, who are not determined enough.

Quite simply, these desperate people have a murderous look in their eyes, and the robbers of last night are more of a fluke. They want to rely on the number of people to attack the granary, and to a large extent Instigated by the subtle work of the infiltrating wolf tribe, most of them were timid and brave. If they were wrong, they would immediately arrest them. Look at the hands of those "ruthless people". Many of them have cocoons. If they do not usually do farm work, they are Those who often hold swords and swords are most likely to be sergeants of the six nations who served in the military after defeat.

"The matter of last night was verified and it was the work of the wolf tribe. He sneaked into the cottage and asked you to attack the forage, so the government can give you a chance ..."

"Isn't it for you, it's so nice." Before Ye Shikai finished speaking, one of them said impatiently. After everyone heard it, they also gave a disdainful laugh to Ye Shikai.

"I'm tired, right, dare to be rude to the governor, believe it or not, I'll kill you now." A sergeant took out his sharp sword and reached the man's neck.

"Put down the sword." Ye Shikai was not annoyed at all, and walked slowly to the person. Even if he was in the throat with a sharp sword, his face had no fear at all. This is not what ordinary people can do. Ye Shikai clearly saw The other prisoners around this person had begun to frown, as if they were afraid of blood splashing on them, but this person was not afraid of life and death.

"You have many calluses on your hands, and they are all concentrated in a few positions. You were a sergeant before," Ye Shikai said lightly, but the man turned his back and did not answer.

"What is your name."


"It's a good name. It's full. If the granary is full, the world will be peaceful." Ye Shikai murmured.

"You seem very unconvinced, is there any reason."

"I used to be a sergeant. It was a heavenly duty to defend the country. I was originally a Weishi. After Wei Guo was destroyed by Qin, I was arrested and jailed. I just do n’t understand. What I do is clearly a matter of justice. Will end in this end, this is not yet thanks to the Qin Kingdom. "Mancang shouted.

"You were originally from the Wei Kingdom, so to speak, you are a local here."


"If the wolf tribe would break the Great Wall tomorrow and kill Hanoi County, what would you choose?" Ye Shikai asked in return.

"Of course it is to take up arms to protect the folks."

"That being the case, then you follow me to the Great Wall front now, dare."

"Well, I will never die for Qin. You are righteous now, but it's just a rhetoric. You want to trick us into working for you." Mancang said coldly.

"The Wei Kingdom is gone, and the Wei people are also Qin's people. If I let you go now, would you kill your folks?"

"Huh, fancy words, don't talk too much. If you let me go, I will immediately raise my knife and go to the front line, but I will never join the army." Mancang retorted, "Why, if you have the courage, let me go."

"I can let you go, but with your appearance, going to the front line is nothing more than death. It has no effect." Ye Shikai said coldly and turned to leave.

"You stand still." Suddenly, Mancang roared, shocking the other prisoners to the ground. Several sergeants held their spears, worried that Mancang would suddenly rush over to attack Ye Shikai.

"Why do you say I have no strength ~ ~ Just bet on me, you and I will be singled out, and they will fall to the ground within ten strokes, do you believe it?" Ye Shikai turned around sharply, using Shouted, pointing at Mancang's face.

"What if I win."

"I let the sergeant let you go. Where you want to go is your freedom. I can even provide you with silver and weapons, but if you lose, you must obey me. Will you bet?"

"Okay, I agreed." Mancang agreed without hesitation.

"Come, give him a weapon."

"Master Tun, this person is a serious murderer. If he is injured, we cannot explain." The sergeant on the side was worried and hurriedly advised.

"Anyway, if he really has the ability, even if I beheaded and killed in situ today, he is not guilty." Ye Shikai waved his hand, took out the bronze sword and walked to the center of the open space.

"Let him pick the weapon." Ye Shikai motioned to the sergeant to take out the weapon, including a spear, a sword, and a bronze sword.

"Well." Although a few sergeants hesitated, they did not dare not execute Ye Shikai's orders.

"If you take the sword, I won't take advantage of you, and I also hold the sword." Mancang's expression eased slightly, it seemed to admire Ye Shikai's refreshing courage, who dare to raise a heads-up, no matter what country Sergeant, at least he is a warrior.

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