Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1362: deterrence

Hurrying to assemble and embarrassingly enter the battle. This was originally a taboo for the soldiers. These 5,000 people were made up of hundreds of generals in dozens of villages and villages, and "small troops" brought by the chief of the village. And weapons, but some villages are relatively poor, and many sergeants do n’t even have cloth armor, so they have rushed into an army without undergoing retraining. I ’m afraid it ’s difficult to fight. Is n’t Han Hao aware of this? .

Is it really like Shang Guanjian said that the fighting has reached such an urgent situation.

But at least one thing is good. Their first task this time was to **** these grains and ordnance to Yandu. At least there was food to eat and there was ordnance to use. The way to Yanjing was also in the territory of Daqin. There may be the courage and strength to sneak attack on the forage team escorted by five thousand Qin soldiers, so they are still safe on the way.

Ye Shikai found a place, fed some forages to the horses, and replenished the water. The next road was not so comfortable.

"Brother Shangguan, Brother Ye, I haven't seen you for a while." While all the troops were resting, Han Hao came towards them.

"Mr. Han, my subordinates were telling the sergeant just now, I haven't had time to find you yet." Shang Guanjian dismounted, Zuo said.

"It's okay, it's normal to be busy at the moment of departure, and so is I. I didn't sleep all night for the preparations for the army." Han Hao rubbed his head and said wryly.

"Mr. Han, are you so anxious for this battle, don't you even have half a month of training time?" Ye Shikai asked.

"Hey, Brother Ye is saying this to my heart. If it's not urgent, why should I be so busy these days? It's because of the urgent situation that I will do the best thing. If I don't assemble the troops in time, If you miss the front line, I ca n’t protect my head. ”

After hearing this from Han Hao, Ye Shikai understood that Han Hao did not understand the taboos of the soldiers, but was forced by orders.

"The rushed troops were not trained and coordinated, and the actual combat was inadequate. Everything requires the help of two younger brothers."

"Okay, I'm going to leave in the afternoon. I still have a lot of things in my hands. I usually have a few hundred of you. Now it's okay. A team of 5,000 people is really enough for me." Han Hao With a bitter smile, he turned and left the camp.

"It's not good for Chief Tun, Mancang fights with people at the ordnance department." At this time, a sergeant trot over and gasped to report to the two.

"What's going on." Shang Guanjian's face changed, and he asked immediately.

"Go, let's hurry up and see." Ye Shikai's heart was panicking, but the warehouse was full of anger, but don't make any trouble.

Ordnance Division.

"Good fight."

"Hurry up."

Hundreds of sergeants had already surrounded the area. Fortunately, Shang Guanjian let Chief Li Jitun clear the way and let the surrounded sergeants spread.

Ye Shikai hurried up. Mancang was holding a knife and wearing a breastplate. His arms and back were injured. A dozen sergeants were lying on the ground mourning.

"Come, catch him." At this time, a group of soldiers ran from a distance, holding a copper lance and surrounding the warehouse.

"Stop it." Ye Shikai rushed forward with his sergeant, and the two sides confronted each other at once. Shang Guanjian also rushed with his men and surrounded the soldiers.

"Shangguan hundred generals, you happened to be here. This person trespassed into the ordnance department and wounded the sergeant here. It was done according to law." An officer of the ordnance department seemed to recognize Shangguanjian and stepped forward and said sharply. .

"Asshole, obviously they don't give us armor or arms, and they call us prisoners." Mancang shouted.

"What the **** is going on." Ye Shikai pulled Man Cang's arm and motioned him not to be impulsive.

"The chief of the colony, the Shangguan hundred generals, was ordered to come and receive the weapon armor, but this person not only did not give, let us abuse, I do not leave, they also want to drive me out." Man Cang quickly explained to Ye Shikai.

"Why don't you hand out ordnance?" Ye Shikai, holding a sword, walked slowly to the soldiers in the ordnance department, cold eyes swept across the crowd, and a murderous chill shuddered, even Shang Jian felt that Ye Shikai seemed to want use force.

"The number of ordnance is not enough for other people to take, but the criminals are ignored. They were originally a group of innocent people." An officer of the Ordnance Division did not seem to know Ye Shikai, and came over quite arrogantly.

"Boy, who are you? The armor on your body is pretty good ..." Then, the man reached out his hand.

Ye Shikai kicked her foot sharply, hitting her chest directly, the whole person flew out three or four meters like a disconnected kite, and hit the stone threshold before stopping.

Before the man stood up, Ye Shikai's long sword had fallen, but of course he did not directly kill the man. The long sword penetrated the stone threshold on his left, only a few inches away from his head, and the sword stabbed into the stone. In the meantime, it was neat.

"Don't, don't kill me."

Ye Shikai shot very quickly, and no one even saw his movement clearly, and saw that the man on the ground was almost instinctively begging for mercy.

"What is the use of these armors on your counselors? ~ Ye Shikai gave a cold sigh and pulled out his sword, and the man was scared to death.

"Hurry up, give them the armor."

"喏 ... 喏."

Seeing that person's acquaintance, Ye Shikai turned around and planned to leave.

"Abominable, Chief Tun, these guys look down on people and let me train them well." Mancang still seemed angry.

"Don't you think it's not big enough? Hurry back."


"How about, have all the armored weapons been delivered?" In the afternoon, Ye Shikai sat in the tent and looked at the documents. After making such a noise at the ordnance department at noon, they should also be honest. In fact, those six of the prisoners were actually Soldiers, the fighting force is still very strong, and just saw it. When a Wei Wu died in a warehouse, he knocked down a dozen Qin soldiers and mastered them. It was a sharp sword in his hand. If he couldn't master them, he was hanging on his head. Knife.

"Of course, these people were so frightened by the governor. They immediately sent our arms over, and the number was quite large. The governor, now you are a celebrity. Today, many people saw it and praised you. Mighty. "

"Do you think this is a good thing? If it wasn't for the ordnance, I wouldn't bother to fight with them, but this time, it would be a lesson for them. When we are promoted, we will definitely deal with the people in the ordnance department. I think, They dare not presumptuously next time. "

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