Personal Wife of the King

Chapter 1365: First victory

"Everyone follows the chief, we are desperately fighting with these wolves." The remaining sergeants were also infected by several people, and took up their weapons and rushed out. The number of wolves was not large. , Dead dead, wounded, crossbowmen's arrows shot in a row. Once the wolf cavalry fell off the horse, the spear would stab them, stabbing them into a blood cave.

"Set fire fast and burn the forages." One of the wolf cavalry secretly took out the lighter, pulled the lid, and wanted to burn the forages of the army.


When he threw it out, a long arrow hit his left arm with great accuracy. The arrow was very powerful and penetrated the whole arm. He also pulled the whole person off the horse. Ye Shikai turned his head and saw that the person who shot the arrow was Han Hao. With a distance of one hundred steps, he hit his arm with precision, and he could not be described as "exquisite".

The number of wolves is not large. Before, they just killed them by virtue of their excellent maneuverability and onslaught. However, the army formation of the Qin army has now responded, compressing the wolves' horses in a small area. Each break.

"Come on, retreat." The plan to assault the forages and grasses failed, and the wolf cavalry will certainly not fall asleep. They will definitely die if they stay here.

"Don't let them go, try your best to catch them." Han Hao shouted loudly, the crossbowman also lowered the crossbow and shot the horse without shooting, and the close cavalry was shot down to the ground and caught by the sergeant. However, it was precisely because the sergeants did not give up their dead hands that they gave some cavalry a chance to escape. When they saw the Qin Army not letting down their arrows, they swooped on the weak point of encirclement.

"Don't want to go." Mancang seemed like he was crazy. He jumped from the horse's back and jumped behind a wolf cavalry.

Ye Shikai took out a crossbow and shot it at a cavalry in front. The crossbow stabbed into his shoulder. With severe pain, he fell directly from the horse. Ye Shikai rode forward and lifted him up. Get up, put down on horseback, be regarded as a captive.

The battle lasted for only one pillar of incense, and ended with the annihilation of the wolf cavalry. They captured eleven and captured 139 corpses of wolf cavalry on the battlefield. However, the Qin army also lost nearly two hundred men, most of them All died from the charge of the wolf tribe. The infantry-to-cavalry ratio of 4 to 3 was very beautiful. The most important thing was that Qin Jun kept the safety of the forages.

"Brother Shangguan, Brother Ye, this time you did a really good job. If you weren't there, the sneak attack of the wolf tribe will succeed." After the war, Han Hao praised the two in front of the entire army. At that time, Han Hao was quite surprised by what he found. Perhaps just now, he also felt that the grain and grass could not be kept.

"The talents of Han University are hidden, and the effort of wearing Yang in hundreds of steps is really eye-opening." Ye Shikai was also pleasantly surprised. I thought that Han Hao had no skill and could not imagine that his arrowhead method was pure fire. Seeing this time, there is no ten years. I'm afraid it's difficult to practice to such a degree.

"The heroes don't mention the bravery of the year, these are things that happened before." Han Hao patted the shoulders of both of them. "This time, both of you are heroes. When I come back, I will definitely report to the county guard to improve your Military achievements. "

Han Ha glanced behind them, as if looking for something.

"Where was the strong man who was shirtless?"

"My lord is talking about Mancang, I'll let him come over now." Ye Shikai hasn't waited for him to call him. Mancang has already walked over. At this time, his whole body is covered with blood, which was all stained during the war just now. Respectful, even shuddering.

"Mencang has met Mr. Han."

"This strong man is really a hero and a hero who is brave and daring. I saw it when you were fighting just now." Han Hao saw Dangcang with a dignified face, and he could see that the suffocation on Mancang's body and that on the battlefield. The stock was so fierce that it made Han Hao awe of three points.

"Who is your Majesty, and where is your military achievement?"

"The villain is under the command of Ye Tun, because he is a newly recruited criminal army and currently has no military skill," Mancang replied.

"It turned out to be the pioneer in Brother Ye's hands. No wonder it was heroic." Han Hao nodded and said, "You have killed so many wolves and thieves, rest assured, military skills are indispensable, and military service can be exempted."

"Thank you very much," Mancang replied again and again. Because of the prisoner's identity, he also suffered cold eyes and unfair treatment in the army. Therefore, his first goal in the army was to eliminate the bondage.

"My lord, I have a few brothers. They all killed the wolf just now ..."

"Rest assured, I'm talking about merit rewards. Anyone who has killed and killed the thief army will be rewarded, no matter who is in the army, he will be exempted." Han Hao waved his hand, and everyone was very happy to hear the reward. For them, these are tangible benefits.


"Shangguanjian, we haven't left Hanoi County yet, how could we provoke so many wolf cavalry, so many of them sneaked in, haven't anyone found it in the county?" After the battle, Ye Shikai also asked the doubts in his heart, one hundred Fifty wolf cavalry is not a small number. So many cavalry are enough to destroy several villages, but there is no news in the county, indicating that these cavalry have been hiding for a long time, ran long distances, and flew straight to the troop carrying the grass.

"The army is so strong ~ ~ It's so dynamic, I think if anyone else has a mind, we can guess our journey."

"You mean the meticulous works of the wolves." Ye Shikai asked, indeed, remembering the night when the robbers attacked the granary in Shangshui Village, they caught a wolves detailed work. Obviously, he is not the only meticulous work, I am afraid at this time At this moment, hundreds of elaborate works have infiltrated the Qin realm. They spied on the military situation and instigated the joint robbers to rob the pirates in order to destroy the territory of the Qin State and let the army "fire in the backyard" during the frontline war.

If it can destroy the warehouses that store grain and ordnance, it can even affect the success or failure of the frontline battles.

"I think that these wolves can find us with such precision, and it is indispensable for these elaborate information." Shang Guanjian said faintly.

"We should be able to get some information from these captives. If the wolf cavalry wants to gather thousands of miles, if they want to assemble, it won't take them a long time. We can be guarded today, but the wolf can't help but maybe just tonight, They will come over again to attack, "Shang Guanjian reminded.

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